
Miserable! The end of the animals: the Elan antelope is pierced by an arrow, and the blind old hyena dies in the lion's mouth

author:Foreign French

01. A poor Elan antelope was impaled through the body by hunters. In order to save it, the rescue team had to give it another injection of anesthetized javelin. How pathetic!

Miserable! The end of the animals: the Elan antelope is pierced by an arrow, and the blind old hyena dies in the lion's mouth

02, ah, there's a baby oka badger here.

Miserable! The end of the animals: the Elan antelope is pierced by an arrow, and the blind old hyena dies in the lion's mouth

03, "Dobby" cat

Miserable! The end of the animals: the Elan antelope is pierced by an arrow, and the blind old hyena dies in the lion's mouth

04, take a look at this mysterious underwater creature, its whole body is transparent, it seems to expose its bones, in fact, it has no bones, it is just the pattern of his body, its name is Panda Skull Sea Squirt.

Miserable! The end of the animals: the Elan antelope is pierced by an arrow, and the blind old hyena dies in the lion's mouth

05. For a simple cat, this trap couldn't be simpler.

Miserable! The end of the animals: the Elan antelope is pierced by an arrow, and the blind old hyena dies in the lion's mouth

06. Storks resting in the park

Miserable! The end of the animals: the Elan antelope is pierced by an arrow, and the blind old hyena dies in the lion's mouth

07. How to use three to prove where you come from, and the place name cannot appear

Miserable! The end of the animals: the Elan antelope is pierced by an arrow, and the blind old hyena dies in the lion's mouth

08, no matter how powerful you are, you can't stand me too many ants

Miserable! The end of the animals: the Elan antelope is pierced by an arrow, and the blind old hyena dies in the lion's mouth

09. South American giant queen bees, they have extra-long ovipositors, and the long needle behind the buttocks can be inserted into the trunk of the tree to find some caterpillars, and then they will lay eggs into the caterpillar's body

Miserable! The end of the animals: the Elan antelope is pierced by an arrow, and the blind old hyena dies in the lion's mouth

10. The dreaded vulture has a problem, it always likes to raise its wings to show its pectoral muscles, and it looks very stupid.

Miserable! The end of the animals: the Elan antelope is pierced by an arrow, and the blind old hyena dies in the lion's mouth

11. In the Wabsk National Park in Canada, a photographer captured an interesting scene: a cute baby polar bear grabbed the hair on its mother's buttocks tightly and hung it on her mother for a ride.

Miserable! The end of the animals: the Elan antelope is pierced by an arrow, and the blind old hyena dies in the lion's mouth

12. It's exactly like human teeth.

Miserable! The end of the animals: the Elan antelope is pierced by an arrow, and the blind old hyena dies in the lion's mouth

13. The Malayan tapir is indeed very cute

Miserable! The end of the animals: the Elan antelope is pierced by an arrow, and the blind old hyena dies in the lion's mouth

14, it's too brain-burning, it's too brain-burning, who will help me

Miserable! The end of the animals: the Elan antelope is pierced by an arrow, and the blind old hyena dies in the lion's mouth

15. It's amazing, about the ghostly hell squid

Miserable! The end of the animals: the Elan antelope is pierced by an arrow, and the blind old hyena dies in the lion's mouth

16. An unhygienic spoonbill flies all the way and pulls all the way, and the bird poop floats in the air in a ribbon-like shape...... Pooping is not a good habit!

Miserable! The end of the animals: the Elan antelope is pierced by an arrow, and the blind old hyena dies in the lion's mouth

17. Your tongue.

Miserable! The end of the animals: the Elan antelope is pierced by an arrow, and the blind old hyena dies in the lion's mouth

18. The head of the yellow butterfly moth.

Miserable! The end of the animals: the Elan antelope is pierced by an arrow, and the blind old hyena dies in the lion's mouth

19. A herd of buffalo rushed out viciously, and after seeing the disparity in strength between the enemy and us, the lion immediately grabbed its tail and ran for its life

Miserable! The end of the animals: the Elan antelope is pierced by an arrow, and the blind old hyena dies in the lion's mouth

20. Evolution has made insects amazingly adaptable. You might not think that there are praying mantis in the desert, and that's right, it's the desert mantis. They live in the deserts of the Middle East, and their bodies have evolved to be very adapted to desert life. Look at this disguise!

Miserable! The end of the animals: the Elan antelope is pierced by an arrow, and the blind old hyena dies in the lion's mouth

21. Slow loris.

Miserable! The end of the animals: the Elan antelope is pierced by an arrow, and the blind old hyena dies in the lion's mouth

22. Beautiful beetles, although they are all green, but each one is different green, it is simply a work of art of the Creator.

Miserable! The end of the animals: the Elan antelope is pierced by an arrow, and the blind old hyena dies in the lion's mouth

23. This damselfly is crystal green all over, especially the two huge green eyes, like the gems on the jade ring, which makes people feel very happy after seeing it.

Miserable! The end of the animals: the Elan antelope is pierced by an arrow, and the blind old hyena dies in the lion's mouth

24. A mole came to the surface through an underground tunnel, stretched a little, and yawned into the sun.

Miserable! The end of the animals: the Elan antelope is pierced by an arrow, and the blind old hyena dies in the lion's mouth

25. There are more and more people raising Sphynx cats, and many people like this kind of cat without cat hair, especially for people who are allergic to cat hair, but Sphynx cats look a bit like aliens, and after being fattened, if you don't look at its head, whether it is a body or a tail, it is a bit like a pig, do you say it looks like it?

Miserable! The end of the animals: the Elan antelope is pierced by an arrow, and the blind old hyena dies in the lion's mouth

26. In the face of a sudden attack, even if the bird has wings, it is difficult to fly.

Miserable! The end of the animals: the Elan antelope is pierced by an arrow, and the blind old hyena dies in the lion's mouth

27. I don't know why, the wasp actually chose to build its hive on a cicada.

Miserable! The end of the animals: the Elan antelope is pierced by an arrow, and the blind old hyena dies in the lion's mouth

28. Not all sharks are as domineering and intimidating as the protagonist in the movie Jaws. Come and see a naturally timid shark that spends most of its time hiding in the reef to hide from other sharks. This timid shark is the reef shark.

Miserable! The end of the animals: the Elan antelope is pierced by an arrow, and the blind old hyena dies in the lion's mouth

29. The most striking feature of the Arabian sand python is its small eyes. It's this pair of painting style that doesn't make it look stupid and cute.,Completely lost its domineering as a snake.,Even when eating, it looks full of joy.。

Miserable! The end of the animals: the Elan antelope is pierced by an arrow, and the blind old hyena dies in the lion's mouth

30. Astronomically speaking, the Moon does have a huge influence on the Earth. It is no coincidence that many of humanity's religious ceremonies always coincide with the timing of the full moon and the waning moon. When the moon's energy peaks during a full moon, and when it loses its power during a new moon and lunar eclipse, something unusual happens quietly......

Miserable! The end of the animals: the Elan antelope is pierced by an arrow, and the blind old hyena dies in the lion's mouth

31. Ants that can reproduce without a queen

Miserable! The end of the animals: the Elan antelope is pierced by an arrow, and the blind old hyena dies in the lion's mouth

32. Although there is only a little more than two months between the two photos, it gives people the feeling that a long time has passed

Miserable! The end of the animals: the Elan antelope is pierced by an arrow, and the blind old hyena dies in the lion's mouth

33. And a drop of blood dripping from the vulture's beak is a reminder of the pressures and survival challenges faced by these scavenging birds.

Miserable! The end of the animals: the Elan antelope is pierced by an arrow, and the blind old hyena dies in the lion's mouth

34. The crocodile washed ashore and dragged it into the water......

Miserable! The end of the animals: the Elan antelope is pierced by an arrow, and the blind old hyena dies in the lion's mouth

35. Monkeys with strong reproductive ability.

Miserable! The end of the animals: the Elan antelope is pierced by an arrow, and the blind old hyena dies in the lion's mouth

36. Look at the picture and guess the idiom?!!?

Miserable! The end of the animals: the Elan antelope is pierced by an arrow, and the blind old hyena dies in the lion's mouth

37, baby, you have been wronged outside

Miserable! The end of the animals: the Elan antelope is pierced by an arrow, and the blind old hyena dies in the lion's mouth

38. In ancient times, a woman's status was underground, and it was a shortcut to enter the palace if she wanted to soar and become a phoenix

Miserable! The end of the animals: the Elan antelope is pierced by an arrow, and the blind old hyena dies in the lion's mouth

39. Two monitor lizards were reproducing, and one bit the other with its mouth wide open, which at first glance was a little scary.

Miserable! The end of the animals: the Elan antelope is pierced by an arrow, and the blind old hyena dies in the lion's mouth

40. Get to know that this is Trump's canary, which is so named because the bird's hairstyle is very similar to Trump's.

Miserable! The end of the animals: the Elan antelope is pierced by an arrow, and the blind old hyena dies in the lion's mouth

41. At sunset, two kangaroos are fighting hand-to-hand on the beach, and the scene is very intense.

Miserable! The end of the animals: the Elan antelope is pierced by an arrow, and the blind old hyena dies in the lion's mouth

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Miserable! The end of the animals: the Elan antelope is pierced by an arrow, and the blind old hyena dies in the lion's mouth

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