
Kind and intelligent people understand: silence, silence

author:Ya Yi Caprice

Humans can be said to be animals with superior and rich verbal communication skills, but they may also be the only animals that can cause trouble because of their words. Language is neutral, and as for the negative or positive that makes language good, evil, good, and bad, it is all because of the "heart" of man! Words are only the externalization of a certain idea in our inner heart, and the external speech is the reflection of a certain idea in our heart! Therefore, if we want to express good words, our first obligation is to start by purifying our hearts, and when we have a purified mind, we will have a purified mind, and if we have a purified mind, we will be able to speak good and beautiful words. The language of good and bad, good and evil, is spoken by the mouth, and as for human beings, what kind of language do they choose to speak?

Kind and intelligent people understand: silence, silence

As long as a human being, as long as he is a person who has the ability to speak normally, he has to say many words every day, and among these many words, there are always some words that are enough to make others resentful and make oneself regretful. It can be said that most of what a person says is a reaction to a certain emotion, a certain attitude, or a certain outlook on life and values in his heart, so it can be said that our "words" are the "externalization" of a certain "idea" in our heart, and the external speech is the reflection of a certain "idea" in our heart.

If the face is the "mirror" of a person's heart, reflecting our inner qualities, then words are the "messenger" of a person's heart, conveying our inner thoughts! However, many people, because of the lack of inner purification, are always filled with negative emotions such as jealousy, arrogance, prejudice, and hatred, so they often say some unconstructive negative words. Among these negative words, those that are most often overlooked, but which should not be ignored the least, are those that are belittling, ridiculing, slandering, provocative, and slanderous. These negative words are like poisonous arrows fired in both directions, once spoken, although one end is shot at others, the other end is also directed at the speaker, and although these negative emotional words temporarily and briefly refresh the narrow mind, in the end it is the soul of the speaker and the innocent and poor people who are hurt by the speaker. And the hurtful power of these vicious words that "belittle, ridicule, slander, provoke, and slander" eventually returned to the speaker!

Kind and intelligent people understand: silence, silence

Silence is a kind of practice,

Silence is a realm.

When it comes to the world, prudence comes first,

Self-cultivation is based on a pure heart.

There is a story in the Buddhist scriptures that a long time ago, a young monk had maliciously mocked another old monk that he had jumped over a stream like an ape, and as a result, after creating such a malicious karma, the young monk finally degenerated into an ape after 500 lifetimes.

Kind and intelligent people understand: silence, silence

The story of once laughing at others like an ape, and not thinking that he himself would become the object of ridicule, shows not only a kind of irony, but also a kind of sadness, a deep sadness. It is no wonder that there is a good saying: "A bodhisattva fears causes, and sentient beings fear consequences." Generally speaking, this story of ridiculing others as apes and degenerating into apes is very much in line with the "justice" of the law of cause and effect; if it is a cause, if it is an effect, what kind of cause will produce what kind of effect, and the cause created by A will bear the result by A himself, and will not fall on B, and the causal relationship between A and B will not become the causal relationship between A and C.

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