
Unleash the big signal! Ambassador Lu Shaye: China's civil war is not over yet, and Taiwan can be closed at any time

author:Wisdom Focus Circle

Recently, Ambassador Lu Shaye, who is known for his hard-line diplomatic style, clearly stated China's position in an unquestionable tone on international occasions: China's civil war has not yet ended, and it has the right to recover Taiwan at any time.

These remarks undoubtedly sent a clear and strong signal to the outside world, and can even be regarded as the most resolute "final announcement".

Unleash the big signal! Ambassador Lu Shaye: China's civil war is not over yet, and Taiwan can be closed at any time

This statement deeply shocked those international forces that intend to undermine China's reunification, as well as Lai Qingde and other "Taiwan independence" elements on the island, and felt unprecedented pressure.

According to reports, Ambassador Lu Shaye expressed his in-depth and direct views on the Taiwan issue at the symposium on the 60 th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France.

He stressed that in a certain sense, China's civil war has not really ended, and the current Taiwan authorities are a rebel regime, their existence is illegal, and the mainland has the right to expel it at any time and recover the right to govern the island.

This statement not only reflects the Chinese Government's firm stand on the Taiwan issue, but also sends a clear message to the international community: China will unswervingly safeguard its national unity and territorial integrity.

Ambassador Lu Shaye's tough remarks, although in line with his usual diplomatic style, still exceeded many people's expectations.

In fact, his speech this time has made clear the basis for the mainland to recover Taiwan at any time, and this undoubtedly carries a certain "signal of action."

His words revealed an unquestionable resoluteness and resoluteness, and people profoundly felt the importance and determination of the Chinese Government to the Taiwan issue.

Unleash the big signal! Ambassador Lu Shaye: China's civil war is not over yet, and Taiwan can be closed at any time

At the same time, this is also a stern warning to Lai Qingde and other "Taiwan independence" elements, and it can even be regarded as a final announcement.

Tell them that if they continue to challenge China's bottom line, they will face serious consequences.

In fact, we are clearly telling these people that if they continue to insist on going their own way and adhere to the "Taiwan independence" stance, then our action to recover Taiwan will be completely reasonable, reasonable, and legal.

We will exercise our rights in accordance with the law to recover the territories occupied by the rebel regime.

After the recovery of Taiwan, we will severely punish all "Taiwan independence" elements who undermine national reunification in accordance with the law, and we can completely sentence the most evil elements to death in accordance with the law.

This is our firm commitment to national reunification, and it is also a stern warning to "Taiwan independence" elements.

In the face of Ambassador Lu Shaye's tough remarks, although Lai Qingde and other "Taiwan independence" elements tried to display "self-confidence" and "great strength" on the surface, they began to feel fear and worry in their hearts.

They know that if China acts, they will face catastrophe.

Therefore, they began to intensify various military preparations in an attempt to frighten the continent with this.

According to reports, shortly after Ambassador Lu Shaye's remarks, the Taiwan authorities announced that their two new warships would be commissioned in July, and that they planned to carry out combat readiness cruise missions loaded with anti-ship missiles to counter the ships of the Continental Army.

However, such military preparations were only futile in the eyes of the mainland.

There is a huge disparity between the military strength of the Taiwan authorities and that of the mainland, and their warships, missiles, and other weapons and equipment are simply unable to compete with the mainland's advanced warships.

Therefore, it is only futile for the Taiwan authorities to try to show their "strength" by "flexing their muscles" and trying to frighten the mainland with this.

Unleash the big signal! Ambassador Lu Shaye: China's civil war is not over yet, and Taiwan can be closed at any time

On the contrary, this practice is even more proof of their inner tension and worry.

They are well aware that their strength cannot compete with that of the mainland, so they can only try to defend their "Taiwan independence" stance through this kind of bluff.

As a matter of fact, the series of actions taken by the Taiwan authorities have shown their inner fear and uneasiness.

They tried in every way to demonstrate their "strength" and "determination", but in vain.

In terms of the navy, the mainland's various advanced warships are not at all on the same level as the patrol ships in the hands of the Taiwan authorities.

It is undoubtedly a fool's dream that the Taiwan military wants to use these patrol ships to counter the Continental Army ships.

Not to mention, we also have an absolute advantage in the Air Force and long-range units.

Therefore, no matter how much the Taiwan authorities make military preparations and how many cruel words they unleash, they will not be able to frighten us, still less stop us from moving forward with reunification.

Lai Qingde's clamoring for "controlling the sea by land" some time ago is even more an unrealistic fantasy.

They tried to counterbalance the mainland's naval superiority by developing land-based anti-ship missiles, but this was done in vain.

In terms of missiles, the Taiwan military's "Hsiung-2" and "Hsiung-3" missile vehicles may not be enough to deal with the firepower of several of our warships.

Not to mention, our Navy also has advanced air defense and anti-missile systems, which are capable of effectively countering missile attacks by the Taiwanese military.

Unleash the big signal! Ambassador Lu Shaye: China's civil war is not over yet, and Taiwan can be closed at any time

Therefore, "dominating the sea by land" is just an unrealistic fantasy that fails to achieve its so-called goal of "checks and balances".

In short, with the support and encouragement of the United States in recent times, Lai Qingde and other "Taiwan independence" elements have become more and more inflated, and they have even begun to dream of "seeking independence by force."

They are trying to counter the mainland by developing military strength to achieve their goal of "Taiwan independence."

However, this practice is futile.

China's great cause of reunification is unstoppable, and Taiwan's future will inevitably be its return to China!

This is the general trend of history and the common aspiration of 1.4 billion Chinese.

Any person or force that tries to stop it will be completely crushed under the wheel of this historical trend!

Ambassador Lu Shaye's tough remarks are undoubtedly a severe blow to Lai Qingde and his ilk, as well as to the United States and the West.

There was an unquestionable resoluteness and decisiveness in his words that brought them to their senses of soberness.

They should realize that the great cause of China's reunification is unstoppable and that any attempt to undermine China's reunification will be futile.

Unleash the big signal! Ambassador Lu Shaye: China's civil war is not over yet, and Taiwan can be closed at any time

At the same time, we should also realize that Taiwan's future will inevitably return to China, which is the general trend of history and the common aspiration of the 1.4 billion Chinese.

On this issue, we should keep a clear head and a firm stand.

We should resolutely safeguard the unity and territorial integrity of the country and not tolerate any act of splitting the country.

At the same time, we should also actively promote the peaceful development of cross-strait relations and enhance mutual understanding and trust between compatriots on both sides of the strait.

Only in this way can we realize the complete reunification of the motherland and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Finally, we would like to stress that any person and force that tries to block China's reunification will be completely crushed under the general trend of history.

No matter how much they make military preparations and how many harsh words they unleash, they will not be able to stop the pace of our reunification.

We should firmly believe that the great cause of China's reunification is bound to be realized, and Taiwan's future will inevitably return to China!

This is the mighty historical trend and the aspirations of the 1.4 billion Chinese!

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