
Cross Passage this afternoon: A Ferrari burns down

Cross Passage this afternoon: A Ferrari burns down

Xinmin Evening News

2024-06-29 18:35Xinmin Evening News official account

Xinmin Evening News (Reporter Chen Hao) At about 1:20 p.m. today, a vehicle fire and burning accident occurred in the Beiheng Passage, and a Ferrari sports car was burned down.

Cross Passage this afternoon: A Ferrari burns down

Ferrari caught fire, courtesy of netizens (the same below)

The reporter learned that the accident occurred about 200 meters from the exit of Zhejiang North Road from the west to the east of the Beiheng Passage.

Witnesses said the fire started in a yellow Shanghai Ferrari. At the time, there was smoke coming out of the back of the sports car. Soon, an open flame burst out from the smoke, and the fire spread quickly. "In a relatively short period of time, the rear of the car was engulfed in open flames."

Due to the sound barrier at the scene, a large amount of smoke was filled with the road where the incident occurred, and someone opened the small window above the sound barrier to exhaust the smoke.

Cross Passage this afternoon: A Ferrari burns down

After receiving the alarm, traffic police, fire fighting, medical, and road administration rescue personnel arrived at the scene one after another.

The fire truck drove from the off-ramp of Zhejiang North Road to the elevated section of the Beiheng Passage in the opposite direction, and then the firefighters went out of the water to extinguish the fire, and the open fire at the scene was quickly extinguished. In order to cooperate with the on-site rescue, the rear traffic was blocked for a while, and the police diverted vehicles from the Tianmu Road overpass turntable.

Cross Passage this afternoon: A Ferrari burns down

It is reported that the accident caused the rear of the Ferrari sports car that caught fire to burn, and the rear of the car was unrecognizable. There were no casualties.

At around 2:40 p.m., the accident was dealt with and vehicle traffic returned to normal. Currently, the cause of the vehicle fire is under investigation.

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  • Cross Passage this afternoon: A Ferrari burns down
  • Cross Passage this afternoon: A Ferrari burns down
  • Cross Passage this afternoon: A Ferrari burns down

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