
The women's volleyball Olympic list was released, Zheng Yixin and Ding Xia were selected, and Zhuang Yushan was substituted

author:CC says sports

On June 29, the Chinese Volleyball Association announced the list of women's volleyball (12+1) and sand volleyball players participating in the Paris Olympics, as follows:

Female volleyball:

Main attack: Li Yingying, Zhu Ting, Zhang Changning, Wu Mengjie

Secondary attack: Yuan Xinyue, Gao Yi, Wang Yuanyuan

Second setter: Diao Linyu, Ding Xia

Answer: Gong Xiangyu, Zheng Yixin

Free man: Wang Mengjie

Subs: Chong Yushan

The women's volleyball Olympic list was released, Zheng Yixin and Ding Xia were selected, and Zhuang Yushan was substituted

Among the selected personnel, 8 are the team lineup left over from the Lang Ping period.

4 people are participating in the Olympic Games for the first time, namely: Diao Linyu, Gao Yi, Zheng Yixin, and Wu Mengjie.

3 players who participated in the Olympic Games for the second time: Wang Yuanyuan, Li Yingying, Wang Mengjie.

5 veterans of the Three Dynasties: Yuan Xinyue, Zhu Ting, Gong Xiangyu, Zhang Changning, Ding Xia.

The women's volleyball Olympic list was released, Zheng Yixin and Ding Xia were selected, and Zhuang Yushan was substituted
The women's volleyball Olympic list was released, Zheng Yixin and Ding Xia were selected, and Zhuang Yushan was substituted

Many netizens expressed their opinions on the selection of Zheng Yixin and Ding Xia. Most people think Zheng Yixin should not be selected.

The women's volleyball Olympic list was released, Zheng Yixin and Ding Xia were selected, and Zhuang Yushan was substituted

Offensively: Zheng Yixin does not have the ability to adjust the offense at a fixed point and cannot help the Chinese women's volleyball ferry. In the finals, the Japanese team played only 2 smashes and 2 mistakes in 3 games.

The women's volleyball Olympic list was released, Zheng Yixin and Ding Xia were selected, and Zhuang Yushan was substituted
The women's volleyball Olympic list was released, Zheng Yixin and Ding Xia were selected, and Zhuang Yushan was substituted

On the first pass: Zheng Yixin was born in a secondary attack, and she doesn't have a solid foundation in the first pass, do you want Li Yingying and Zhu Ting to protect her?

The women's volleyball Olympic list was released, Zheng Yixin and Ding Xia were selected, and Zhuang Yushan was substituted

Blocking the net: As a two-for-three substitute, he must not be able to avoid the blocking link in the front row, with a height of only 1.83 meters, the bounce is average, and it is a loophole in the blocking.

The women's volleyball Olympic list was released, Zheng Yixin and Ding Xia were selected, and Zhuang Yushan was substituted

The Paris Olympics are less than a month away, and since the results have already been so, I wish the girls good luck and leave no regrets.

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