
Ouyang Nini was successfully proposed by her 8-year-old boyfriend! Ouyang Nana and Di Di appeared to wish happiness

author:Discourse entertainment

Ouyang Nini was successfully proposed by her 8-year-old boyfriend! Ouyang Nana and Di Di appeared to wish happiness

Ouyang Nini was successfully proposed by her 8-year-old boyfriend! Ouyang Nana and Di Di appeared to wish happiness

Today, Taiwanese artists Zhang Shuhao and Ouyang Nini both announced their successful marriage proposal on their respective social accounts! The two also jointly posted "Yes, we do", and released a photo of Zhang Shuhao kneeling down to give the engagement ring, Ouyang Nini wearing a small white dress, and the scene was very romantic.

Ouyang Nini was successfully proposed by her 8-year-old boyfriend! Ouyang Nana and Di Di appeared to wish happiness
Ouyang Nini was successfully proposed by her 8-year-old boyfriend! Ouyang Nana and Di Di appeared to wish happiness

Those who are familiar with Ouyang Nini must know that her father Ouyang Long and mother Fu Juan are famous Taiwanese actors, Ouyang Nini also has 2 younger sisters Ouyang Nana and Ouyang Didi, and her parents have spent ten years to make the three golds in the family popular stars.

Ouyang Nini was successfully proposed by her 8-year-old boyfriend! Ouyang Nana and Di Di appeared to wish happiness

The 36-year-old Zhang Shuhao debuted at a young age, and has participated in many Taiwanese film and television works such as "The Girl Across the Side", "Find Love Here", "Miss Brainwave", among which the love movie "Girlfriend and Boyfriend", Zhang Shuhao was nominated for Best Supporting Actor at the 49th Taiwan Film Golden Horse Awards.

Ouyang Nini was successfully proposed by her 8-year-old boyfriend! Ouyang Nana and Di Di appeared to wish happiness

Zhang Shuhao and Ouyang Nini, the lovers fell in love because of their cooperation in the drama "Miss Brainwave", and they have been in a stable relationship since 2019. Zhang Shuhao also has a very good relationship with Ouyang Nini's father, Ouyang Long, and the two have been photographed interacting intimately many times.

During this time, their relationship has been very stable, and they have finally come to the step of getting married.

Ouyang Nini was successfully proposed by her 8-year-old boyfriend! Ouyang Nana and Di Di appeared to wish happiness
Ouyang Nini was successfully proposed by her 8-year-old boyfriend! Ouyang Nana and Di Di appeared to wish happiness

Ouyang Nini wrote "Yes, we do" on her social account this morning, and posted a photo of the proposal scene. In the photo, Zhang Shuhao is wearing a striped shirt, kneeling on one knee, holding a wedding ring on Ouyang Nini's hand.

Ouyang Nini was successfully proposed by her 8-year-old boyfriend! Ouyang Nana and Di Di appeared to wish happiness

The proposal location is an outdoor garden, in front of the bouquet arch, Ouyang Nini has long hair pinned to a veil, wearing a small dress, holding a white bouquet in her hand, and looking at Zhang Shuhao with a smile. After the successful marriage proposal, Zhang Shuhao excitedly raised his hands high, and the scene was full of sweet and happy atmosphere.

Friends and fans in the circle sent their blessings, calling "What a beautiful little princess", "Congratulations", "Congratulations Nini Congratulations to Shuhao".

Ouyang Nini was successfully proposed by her 8-year-old boyfriend! Ouyang Nana and Di Di appeared to wish happiness

Interestingly, Ouyang Nana wanted to surprise her sister Ouyang Nini, and posted an article on Xiaohongshu early, exposing the secret plan of the marriage proposal.

She also discussed that relatives and friends were tight-lipped before proposing, but she didn't expect that the message she sent was known by her sister, because she and her sister shared the delivery platform APP, and her sister Ouyang Nini found out that she was "positioned" in the hotel before proposing.

Ouyang Nini was successfully proposed by her 8-year-old boyfriend! Ouyang Nana and Di Di appeared to wish happiness

In the video, Ouyang Nana and Ouyang Didi made a surprise appearance, although they did not achieve the effect they wanted, but Ouyang Nana still posted: "Fortunately, everything was completed smoothly, congratulations to my sister on entering a new stage in her life, and being able to witness their happiness is also a kind of happiness for me." ”

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