
Zhang Shuhao's romantic proposal to Ouyang Nini is successful! Ouyang Nana came to the scene to witness and offer blessings!

author:See the world in the middle

Dear gossip detectives, what are we talking about today? Just a few days ago, there was a small "marriage proposal storm" in the entertainment industry, and Zhang Shuhao, who we are familiar with, finally mustered up the courage to propose to Ouyang Nini, who has been in love for a long time! And ah, this proposal couldn't have been more successful! What's even more surprising is that Ouyang Nana, the "little reporter on the scene", also came to the scene, not only witnessing her sister's happy moment, but also sending the most sincere blessings in person.

Zhang Shuhao's romantic proposal to Ouyang Nini is successful! Ouyang Nana came to the scene to witness and offer blessings!

Speaking of which, this Shuhao is usually quite reliable when he looks at it, but he didn't expect that this time he was even more "starting" and ruthless, and won Ouyang Nini's heart in one fell swoop. The two of them have been running for five years, from the campus to the society, from youth to maturity, this relationship is not covered! But ah, having said that, in the past five years, Zhang Shuhao has worked hard, giving Ouyang Nini a little surprise from time to time, which makes her happy. This marriage proposal moved Ouyang Nini to tears, and she was so happy that she was bubbling!

Zhang Shuhao's romantic proposal to Ouyang Nini is successful! Ouyang Nana came to the scene to witness and offer blessings!

Ouyang Nini's father, Ouyang Long, is a person who has seen strong winds and waves, and he also appreciates Zhang Shuhao, a prospective son-in-law. It is said that he has long regarded Zhang Shuhao as his own son, and this marriage proposal was successful, he smiled from ear to ear, and praised Zhang Shuhao for being a good young man!

Zhang Shuhao's romantic proposal to Ouyang Nini is successful! Ouyang Nana came to the scene to witness and offer blessings!

, Ouyang Nana, the "little reporter on the scene" who proposed this time, also contributed a lot. She not only recorded her sister's marriage proposal process by hand, but also captured many wonderful moments. However, this is enough to see Ouyang Nana's care and love for her sister, what a caring little padded jacket!

Zhang Shuhao's careful arrangement and nervous expression, Ouyang Nini's surprise and touch, and Ouyang Nana's funny capture as a "little reporter on the scene" all added a lot of joy and warmth to this proposal.

Zhang Shuhao's romantic proposal to Ouyang Nini is successful! Ouyang Nana came to the scene to witness and offer blessings!

Zhang Shuhao's successful marriage proposal is not only a personal joy for him, but also the crystallization of the love of two families and two young people. It took them five years to prove that each other's choices were correct, and it also made us onlookers feel the beauty and power of love.

She not only recorded her sister's happy moments in her own way, but also passed on this joy to more people through social media.

Zhang Shuhao's romantic proposal to Ouyang Nini is successful! Ouyang Nana came to the scene to witness and offer blessings!

We can't help but look forward to the wedding of the couple. It will be a grander and more romantic feast. And Ouyang Nana, the "little reporter on the scene", may once again become a "wedding planner" to give advice and surprises to her sister's wedding.

Zhang Shuhao's romantic proposal to Ouyang Nini is successful! Ouyang Nana came to the scene to witness and offer blessings!

As fans and viewers, we will continue to pay attention to the dynamics of the newlyweds and send them our most sincere wishes. May their love be as sweet and happy as this proposal, and they will always be together and grow old together. We look forward to witnessing more beautiful love stories like this in the days to come!

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