
Jiang Ping's incident reversed, and the official confirmed that he failed the monthly exam with a score of 83, and the mathematician of Peking University questioned it

author:Elegant stream s8ZVs

Recently, a storm about Jiang Ping, a 17-year-old mathematics "prodigy", swept the Internet, triggering a heated discussion among the public about educational fairness and academic integrity. The junior high school student from Lianshui County, Jiangsu Province, who became famous overnight with his amazing results in the Alibaba Global Mathematics Competition, was also caught in a wave of skepticism.

Jiang Ping's incident reversed, and the official confirmed that he failed the monthly exam with a score of 83, and the mathematician of Peking University questioned it

Jiang Ping's legendary story is indeed jaw-dropping at first glance: a young girl who has just graduated from junior high school has mastered high school and university mathematics knowledge in just two years, and has also stood out in international mathematics competitions. It's even better than a novel! However, as the saying goes, when things go wrong, there must be demons. Many netizens and experts questioned Jiang Ping's achievements, believing that this learning speed and achievements were too incredible.

Jiang Ping's incident reversed, and the official confirmed that he failed the monthly exam with a score of 83, and the mathematician of Peking University questioned it

Professor Yuan Xinyi pointed out in "Analysis of the Doubts in the Jiang Ping Incident" that Jiang Ping's board book mistakes in the promotional video exposed the inadequacy of her mathematical foundation. This makes one wonder, is she really so math-professed? Or is there something else behind this?

As the incident unfolded, an even more sensational speculation surfaced: Jiang Ping's grades may have been impersonated by her teacher. Although this speculation lacks direct evidence, it explains many of the doubts to some extent. If this is the case, then it is not just a matter of academic misconduct, but a matter of fraud and lawlessness.

Jiang Ping's incident reversed, and the official confirmed that he failed the monthly exam with a score of 83, and the mathematician of Peking University questioned it

In the face of overwhelming doubts, the response of the Lianshui county government and the education department can be said to be quite weak. They only vaguely stated that they were "investigating", but were slow to give a clear statement. This ambiguity undoubtedly exacerbated public discontent and cast a deeper shadow over the whole affair.

Jiang Ping's incident reversed, and the official confirmed that he failed the monthly exam with a score of 83, and the mathematician of Peking University questioned it

The Jiang Ping case has attracted so much attention not only because it involves a potential case of academic fraud, but also because it has touched a sensitive nerve among the public about educational fairness and social integrity. In an age where everyone is looking for success, have we reached the point where we will not hesitate to take risks in order to get ahead?

What is the final truth of the Jiang Ping incident, we still need to wait for the results of the official investigation. But regardless of the outcome, this incident is a wake-up call for us: while pursuing excellence, we must also adhere to the bottom line of integrity and fairness. Only in this way can we truly cultivate talents who can promote social progress. Let us hope that this "mathematical unsolved case" can be revealed as soon as possible and an explanation will be given to all those who care about this matter.

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