
Joint development of the Advanced Digitized Platform

author:Autonomous vehicle network
  • Shanghai, May 20, 2024 – Following the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in July 2023 to deepen strategic cooperation, SAIC Motor and Audi Motor have signed a cooperation agreement to jointly develop the Advanced Digitized Platform. The two companies will jointly develop a number of new luxury intelligent electric vehicles for SAIC Audi, and jointly open a new chapter in Audi's high-end pure electric mobility.
Joint development of the Advanced Digitized Platform

SAIC and Audi have signed a cooperation agreement to further strengthen cooperation

Joint development of the Advanced Digitized Platform

Group photo of the launching ceremony

At the launch ceremony, Audi CEO Gernot Döllner said: "This deepening of the cooperation marks another important milestone in Audi's China strategy and further strengthening the local cooperation with SAIC. We have a clear and common goal: to combine the best of both worlds, Audi's luxury heritage and SAIC's local innovation speed to fully meet the needs of Chinese customers. Through the partnership with SAIC, we will further accelerate our electrification strategy in China. Audi's signature aesthetics and engineering are complemented by SAIC's innovation potential to bring intuitive, connected digital experiences and advanced autonomous driving features to Chinese consumers. ”

Joint development of the Advanced Digitized Platform

【Pictured】Chairman of the Board of Management and Director of Technology Research and Development of Audi AG Gaudnow delivered a speech

SAIC has been deeply engaged in the research and development of cutting-edge automotive technologies for many years, and has joined hands with many industry-leading technology companies to actively promote the construction of an intelligent vehicle ecosystem. The launch of the joint development of the Advanced Digitized Platform echoes Audi's brand ethos of "Breaking the Boundaries of Technology for Inspiring the Future".

Fermín Soneira, Head of Audi's A-to-C electric vehicle line, who will be CEO of the partnership, is confident about the partnership: "This joint project is a testament to the essence of the partnership. We will work together to promote development, procurement, production, and sales. "With both companies focusing on their core strengths, I am confident that Audi will continue to shape the future of high-end e-mobility by leveraging the 'speed of China' and the innovation dynamics of the market." ”

Joint development of the Advanced Digitized Platform

Song Feiming, CEO of the Audi-SAIC cooperation project, delivered a speech

At present, the global automotive industry is accelerating into a new era of electrification and intelligence, and both Chinese and foreign automotive companies are facing great challenges in innovation, transformation and sustainable development. SAIC's industry-leading intelligent electric innovation technology and Audi's luxury accumulation will help SAIC Audi deepen its positioning as a new luxury force, cultivate and develop new kinetic energy, and demonstrate new quality productivity in line with the future development direction of intelligent pure electric vehicles. Wang Xiaoqiu, President of SAIC, said: "Audi is one of SAIC's important strategic partners, with strong high-end model product definition, vehicle R&D and engineering technology capabilities, and SAIC Motor's industry-leading intelligent electric innovation technology. "As the joint venture and cooperation in China's automotive industry enters a new stage, China and Germany are expected to establish a broader and deeper mutually beneficial and win-win cooperative relationship in the future, jointly explore new business markets and jointly build new core capabilities.

Joint development of the Advanced Digitized Platform

Wang Xiaoqiu, President of SAIC, delivered a speech

Thanks to the new cooperation model, the two parties have integrated superior resources to improve R&D efficiency, optimize the development process, and accelerate R&D, shortening the launch time of Advanced Digitized Platform models by more than 30%. The first product is expected to be launched in 2025, providing Chinese consumers with better and faster access to Audi's next-generation luxury smart electric mobility products.

ZeroBeam Technology will provide industry-leading automotive intelligent technology for this cooperation project. Li Jun, CEO of ZeroBeam Technology, said: "The new car will be equipped with the industry's and the world's top hardware, software, and electric performance, as well as a smoother and more friendly intelligent interaction experience. Born from the Advanced Digitized Platform, the "New Species of Luxury" will combine Audi's unique aesthetic design, rigorous craftsmanship, world-renowned quattro driving pleasure and SAIC's leading intelligent pure electric technology, refreshing Chinese users' perception of luxury intelligent pure electric products.

Joint development of the Advanced Digitized Platform

Li Jun, CEO of Zerobeam Technology, delivered a speech

At the critical moment of the changing times, SAIC Audi not only accelerates on the track of electrification and intelligence of China's automobile industry, but also carries the heroic vision of influencing the world with China's intelligent manufacturing. The launch of the joint development of the Advanced Digitized Platform is an important milestone in Audi's "In China, For China" strategy and in the cooperation between SAIC and Audi. The further deepening of the cooperation between the two parties is a vivid interpretation of Audi's brand spirit of "Breakthrough Technology, Inspiring the Future", as well as a profound practice of the concepts of "new luxury technology" and "new luxury species". SAIC Audi is inheriting Audi's century-old luxury heritage through its unique dual advantages - while giving the brand leading intelligent electric innovation technology, SAIC Motor is building a new chapter in luxury intelligent pure electric mobility

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