
Elden Ring DLC Golden Tree Phantom Spiral Tower Phantom Tree Fragments Collection Strategy

author:Entertainment Kankan Club

Phantom Tree Fragments are an important prop in the game "Elden Ring" Golden Tree Phantom Shadow, which can increase the Phantom Tree protection level, thereby increasing the character's attack power and damage reduction rate.

Elden Ring DLC Golden Tree Phantom Spiral Tower Phantom Tree Fragments Collection Strategy

Let's come to the Spiral Tower Blessing Point first, and those who haven't unlocked it can go to some blessing points on the side and go to unlock it

Elden Ring DLC Golden Tree Phantom Spiral Tower Phantom Tree Fragments Collection Strategy

When we reach the Blessing Point, we can see a glowing item next to it, which can be picked up to obtain the Shadow Tree Fragment

Elden Ring DLC Golden Tree Phantom Spiral Tower Phantom Tree Fragments Collection Strategy

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