
Another restless country in Southeast Asia, which wants to challenge the world's bottom line, welcomes the entry of the US military with open arms

author:Historical riddles

As everyone knows, the United States is the hegemon of the world today, and in order to obtain more benefits, it often suppresses the development of other countries. For some small countries that are disobedient, they are even more directly shouted, such as Libya and Iraq. Just because Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi were anti-American, the United States had its oil interests in the Middle East. Not only were the two overthrown, but they also died tragically.

During the Cold War, the Soviet Union dared to compete with the United States for hegemony, and eventually disintegrated into 15 countries. In fact, in Southeast Asia, there are many countries with hegemonic ambitions. For example, we are familiar with Japan and India. There is another country that many people have overlooked, and it is Vietnam, which has become more and more restless in recent years and wants to challenge the world's bottom line.

Another restless country in Southeast Asia, which wants to challenge the world's bottom line, welcomes the entry of the US military with open arms

After Vietnam gained independence and reunification in 1975, it had ambitions to dominate Southeast Asia. At that time, Vietnam repelled the invasion of the U.S. military for 14 years, ignoring China's help, believing that it had dragged down the U.S. military on its own, so it considered itself to be the third largest military in the world.

Then, in order to curry favor with the Soviet Union, get more military support, and become the first brother in Southeast Asia. Brazen invasion of the borders of Laos, Cambodia and China. Fortunately, a self-defense counterattack against Vietnam brought Vietnam back to its original form and made it understand how many pounds and taels it had.

Another restless country in Southeast Asia, which wants to challenge the world's bottom line, welcomes the entry of the US military with open arms

But this does not mean that Vietnam has been honest since then, and with the restoration of strength, Vietnam has been restless again in recent years. It has been actively seeking the support of major powers to enhance its influence in the region. In order to strengthen its military strength and bring the major powers closer together, Vietnam has not only purchased advanced weapons from the United States, Russia, and other major powers, but has also purchased many warships from Japan.

Another restless country in Southeast Asia, which wants to challenge the world's bottom line, welcomes the entry of the US military with open arms

Vietnam's massive arms purchases are not just aimed at strengthening its own military capabilities. More importantly, in this way, it seeks to build closer relations with major powers in order to exert greater influence and seek more benefits in the region.

Some relevant people believe that Vietnam's behavior is very dangerous, which will make the situation in Southeast Asia tense and cause conflict. If Vietnam succeeds in entering the US sphere of influence, its Asia-Pacific strategy will achieve twice the result with half the effort, and this will undoubtedly pose a threat to Southeast Asian countries.

Another restless country in Southeast Asia, which wants to challenge the world's bottom line, welcomes the entry of the US military with open arms

Even more worrying is the fact that Vietnam has openly invited US warships into Cam Ranh Bay and has even leased the military base to the US. Cam Ranh Bay is located on the southern coast of Khanh Hoa Province in southeast Vietnam, about 600 kilometers away from the Spratly Islands, about 850 nautical miles away from the Bass Strait in the northeast, and about 740 nautical miles away from the Strait of Malacca in the southwest, an important waterway connecting the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean.

The military base consists of two bays, the inner and the outer bays. The inner harbor is named Cam Ranh, with a water depth of about 16 meters and a width of 1,300 meters at the mouth of the bay; The outer harbor is Pingba Bay, with a water depth of about 30 meters and a width of about 4,000 meters. It can berth hundreds of large warships, including aircraft carriers. Therefore, it is called the first military port in Asia.

Another restless country in Southeast Asia, which wants to challenge the world's bottom line, welcomes the entry of the US military with open arms

The leasing of such an important military port to the United States undoubtedly exposed Vietnam's ambitions. It is conceivable that the arrival of the US military will further aggravate the situation in the South China Sea. It poses a great threat to the stability of the entire region. Vietnam, on the other hand, took advantage of the United States to raise the whip in front of it and hid behind itself to seek profits.

Many analysts believe that Vietnam has already regained its ambition of hegemony, and it is undesirable to try to pull the support of major powers and create tension for profit. For Vietnam, it is also a battle in the fire. Don't forget, the Vietnam War has only been over for decades, and if you don't do it, it's to lure the wolf into the house.

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