
Ouyang Nini was proposed! Zhang Shuhao made a touching promise in a romantic scene, and Ouyang Nana recorded


Ouyang Nana and Zhang Shuhao's carefully planned marriage proposal


In today's era of social media, celebrities' lives are no longer private, but have become the talk of fans after dinner. On the 29th, Ouyang Nana shared a video of her sister Ouyang Nini being proposed to on Weibo. This video not only caused a heated discussion among fans, but also showed the efforts of Zhang Shuhao and Ouyang Nana for this marriage proposal. The two planned the entire proposal process, from the venue layout to every detail, which was simply perfect. Zhang Shuhao's words when he proposed moved countless netizens, and he said to Ouyang Nini's mother: "You don't have to hurt me very much, but I hope you can love her very much, because she is happy, I am happy." This sentence not only shows his deep affection for Ouyang Nini, but also reflects his responsibility as a future husband.

Ouyang Nini was proposed! Zhang Shuhao made a touching promise in a romantic scene, and Ouyang Nana recorded

The process of planning a marriage proposal is undoubtedly challenging and testing. Ouyang Nana and Zhang have to think about every detail to make sure everything is perfect when proposing. First of all, they need to choose a suitable venue, a place that is both romantic and warm. Next, the layout of the venue is even more important, from the lighting to the flowers, from the placement of tables and chairs to the choice of background music, every detail needs to be carefully designed. In order to make Ouyang Nini feel this special heart, they even spent hours choosing the most suitable music to match the whole atmosphere of the proposal. And Zhang Shuhao's touching confession was the climax of the whole marriage proposal, which made everyone present feel a strong sense of love.

Ouyang Nini was proposed! Zhang Shuhao made a touching promise in a romantic scene, and Ouyang Nana recorded

In the process of planning the marriage proposal, Ouyang Nana and Zhang Shuhao also encountered some interesting episodes. For example, when choosing flowers, they once argued because of their different understandings of the language of flowers. Ouyang Nana felt that roses could best represent love, while Zhang Shuhao believed that lilies symbolized purity and eternity, and finally they reached a consensus and decided to use a mixture of roses and lilies to symbolize both love and purity. This compromise not only solves the problem, but also makes the arrangement more colorful.

Ouyang Nini was proposed! Zhang Shuhao made a touching promise in a romantic scene, and Ouyang Nana recorded

Ouyang Nana's Vlog records the marriage proposal process

In Ouyang Nana's Vlog, she recorded in detail the whole process of her sister Ouyang Nini being proposed. The content of this Vlog is very special, not only showing every detail of the proposal, but also recording the whole process from planning to implementation. Ouyang Nana said that this was one of the most important moments in her sister's life, and she was happy to witness and participate in it. In order to give the audience a better understanding of the proposal, she also deliberately edited many behind-the-scenes footage, including the discussion between her and Jeremy Cheung during the planning process, the vignettes in the preparation process, and the touching moments on the day of the proposal.

Ouyang Nini was proposed! Zhang Shuhao made a touching promise in a romantic scene, and Ouyang Nana recorded

In the Vlog, viewers can see the efforts made by Ouyang Nana and Zhang Shuhao for this marriage proposal. Not only do they have to deal with the pressure of preparation, but they also have to deal with unexpected situations. For example, the day before the proposal, there were some problems with the layout of the venue, and the flower vendor was unable to deliver on time due to traffic jams. In order not to affect the marriage proposal process, Ouyang Nana and Zhang Shuhao decided to go to pick the flowers in person, but they also encountered a traffic jam on the road, which made them feel anxious. However, it is this spirit of not giving up in the face of difficulties that makes everything on the day of the proposal seem extra precious and unforgettable.

Ouyang Nini was proposed! Zhang Shuhao made a touching promise in a romantic scene, and Ouyang Nana recorded

Ouyang Nana also shared some interesting stories on the day of the proposal in the Vlog. For example, a few minutes before the proposal, Zhang Shuhao was so nervous that he forgot the prepared proposal, but fortunately, Ouyang Nana reminded him in time, and he was able to successfully complete the proposal. These behind-the-scenes footage not only add to the fun of the vlog, but also make the audience feel the truth and touching of this proposal.

Ouyang Nini was proposed! Zhang Shuhao made a touching promise in a romantic scene, and Ouyang Nana recorded

At the moment when the proposal was successful, Ouyang Nini's expression was so surprised and moved. She had no idea that Jeremy Cheung would propose to her at this special moment, and she was even more touched by the blessings of friends and family around her. At the moment when she agreed to Zhang Shuhao, everyone at the scene broke out into warm applause and cheers, and the happiness and joy of this moment infected everyone.

Ouyang Nini was proposed! Zhang Shuhao made a touching promise in a romantic scene, and Ouyang Nana recorded

From the Taiwanese drama "Miss Brainwave" to the marriage proposal

The love story of Ouyang Nini and Zhang Shuhao began with the Taiwanese drama "Miss Brainwave". This drama is not only their first collaborative work, but also the starting point of their love. The tacit cooperation and emotional scenes between the two in the play made many viewers feel that they are a good match. During the filming process, they not only gradually cultivated a deep relationship at work, but also became each other's support in life. In the course of five years of dating, they have experienced many ups and downs together, and their feelings for each other have become deeper and deeper.

Ouyang Nini was proposed! Zhang Shuhao made a touching promise in a romantic scene, and Ouyang Nana recorded

During the filming of "Miss Brainwave", Ouyang Nini and Zhang Shuhao interacted frequently, and the chemistry between them gradually emerged. The crew also saw the special feelings between them, and often joked whether they were fake or not. Although the two had not made their relationship public at that time, the tacit understanding and concern for each other were already overflowing. After the filming, the two finally confirmed their relationship and announced the good news to fans on social media. Fans expressed their blessings, believing that they were a match made in heaven.

Ouyang Nini was proposed! Zhang Shuhao made a touching promise in a romantic scene, and Ouyang Nana recorded

In the course of five years of love, Ouyang Nini and Zhang Shuhao have been living a low-key and happy life. Although they are busy with their careers, they always find time to spend with each other. The interaction between the two on social media is also very sweet, and they often share some interesting stories and travel photos from their daily lives. Fans not only witnessed their love growth, but also their happiness to the heartfelt joy. Zhang Shuhao is 8 years older than Ouyang Nini, which caused some controversy in the early days of their relationship, but they proved with practical actions that age is not a problem, and true love can overcome all obstacles.

Ouyang Nini was proposed! Zhang Shuhao made a touching promise in a romantic scene, and Ouyang Nana recorded

Ouyang Nini's star journey

Ouyang Nini, as a young female star, has long emerged in the entertainment industry. Not only did she perform well in film and television dramas, but she also participated in talent shows such as the Asian Creation Camp and made a successful debut. Her temperament and appearance are highly praised, and many fans believe that she has every potential to become a top female star. Despite this, she did not let up because of this, but worked harder to improve herself, both in acting skills and stage performance, she is constantly improving.

Ouyang Nini was proposed! Zhang Shuhao made a touching promise in a romantic scene, and Ouyang Nana recorded

Ouyang Nini's performance at the Asia Creation Camp left a deep impression on the audience. Not only did she show her talent on stage, but she also won the recognition of the judges and the audience with her sincerity and hard work. The competition in the talent show is very fierce, and every contestant is trying their best to show themselves, but Ouyang Nini successfully stands out with her own strength and charm. Her stage presence isn't just about winning competitions, it's about proving herself and showing everyone what's possible.

Ouyang Nini was proposed! Zhang Shuhao made a touching promise in a romantic scene, and Ouyang Nana recorded

After her successful debut, Ouyang Nini's career ushered in a new peak. She has successively filmed a number of film and television works, each of which has received a warm response from the audience. Her acting skills are becoming more and more exquisite, and she has gradually transformed from a young person to a mature and confident actor. Her performance in the play has not only won the recognition of industry insiders, but also won the love of more fans. Fans have said that she is not only an actor with both appearance and strength, but also an admirable artist.

Ouyang Nini was proposed! Zhang Shuhao made a touching promise in a romantic scene, and Ouyang Nana recorded

Despite her thriving career, Ouyang Nini did not neglect family and love. She has always attached great importance to her family and lover, and she is serious and sincere in her feelings. Her relationship with Zhang Shuhao is the best proof of this. After five years of emotional long-distance running, they have consistently supported and accompanied each other to face various challenges in life together. This stable and happy relationship not only makes fans feel envious, but also sets an example for them.

Ouyang Nini was proposed! Zhang Shuhao made a touching promise in a romantic scene, and Ouyang Nana recorded

Zhang Shuhao's marriage proposal

Zhang Shuhao's words to Ouyang Nini's mother when he proposed became a classic moment of this marriage proposal. "You don't have to hurt me very much, but I hope you can hurt her very much, because she is happy, and I am happy." This sentence not only expresses his deep affection for Ouyang Nini, but also shows his sense of responsibility and responsibility as a future husband. Such words moved everyone present and won unanimous praise from netizens.

Ouyang Nini was proposed! Zhang Shuhao made a touching promise in a romantic scene, and Ouyang Nana recorded

The reason why Zhang Shuhao's proposal speech is so touching is that it is not just a simple confession, but a promise for future life. He hopes that Ouyang Nini can get more love and care in the family, and he will use his life to protect her happiness. This affectionate and firm confession not only touched Ouyang Nini, but also made her family full of confidence in this marriage. Zhang Shuhao's words showed his sense of responsibility and responsibility as a man, and let everyone see his sincere feelings for Ouyang Nini.

Ouyang Nini was proposed! Zhang Shuhao made a touching promise in a romantic scene, and Ouyang Nana recorded

After the proposal was successful, Zhang shared his feelings on social media. He said that being able to spend the rest of his life with Ouyang Nini is the greatest happiness in his life, and he will spend his life guarding her and bringing her more joy and happiness. This sincere confession not only won the appreciation of fans, but also made more people look forward to their future. Fans have left messages to express their blessings, hoping that they can always be happy and create more beautiful memories together.

Ouyang Nini was proposed! Zhang Shuhao made a touching promise in a romantic scene, and Ouyang Nana recorded

The future of Ouyang Nini and Zhang Shuhao

The successful marriage proposal of Ouyang Nini and Zhang Shuhao is not only an important milestone in their love, but also a new starting point for their future life. The two have been dating for five years, and during this time they have supported each other, grown together, and faced many challenges and trials. Now, they are about to enter the palace of marriage and start a new chapter in their lives. Fans are full of anticipation for their future and hope that they can continue to be happy and create more wonderful memories together.

Ouyang Nini was proposed! Zhang Shuhao made a touching promise in a romantic scene, and Ouyang Nana recorded

In the future life, Ouyang Nini and Zhang Shuhao will continue to work hard in their respective careers, and at the same time, they will also pay more attention to family life. They say they want to be able to find a balance between career and family, to achieve success at work and happiness at home. Their attitude not only shows their planning and confidence in their future life, but also makes fans full of expectations for their future.

Ouyang Nini was proposed! Zhang Shuhao made a touching promise in a romantic scene, and Ouyang Nana recorded

The love story of Ouyang Nini and Zhang Shuhao has become a classic in the minds of many fans. Their encounters, acquaintances, love, and eventual marriage proposal are all full of romance and emotion. Such a love story not only makes people yearn for love, but also makes more people believe that sincere feelings can overcome all obstacles. Fans have expressed their hope that they can always be happy and face every challenge in the future together.

Ouyang Nini was proposed! Zhang Shuhao made a touching promise in a romantic scene, and Ouyang Nana recorded

Controversial summary

Although Ouyang Nini and Zhang Shuhao's marriage proposal has been widely blessed, some netizens have expressed concerns about their future. Some people believe that the two of them have a lot of pressure and a fast pace of life in the entertainment industry, and whether they can find balance in their marriage is a question worth thinking about. At the same time, Zhang Shuhao is 8 years older than Ouyang Nini, and whether this age gap will have an impact on their married life is also a point of controversy.

Ouyang Nini was proposed! Zhang Shuhao made a touching promise in a romantic scene, and Ouyang Nana recorded

However, true love can overcome all obstacles. Whether it's the age gap or work pressure, as long as the two truly love each other and understand and support each other, they can overcome all difficulties. Ouyang Nini and Zhang Shuhao have proved that their relationship is sincere and deep with practical actions, and I believe that they will continue to support each other in their future lives and face every challenge together.

Ouyang Nini was proposed! Zhang Shuhao made a touching promise in a romantic scene, and Ouyang Nana recorded

For fans, the most important thing is to see their idols happy. No matter how many challenges and tests there are on the road ahead, as long as Ouyang Nini and Zhang Shuhao can always love each other and support each other, their love story will continue to be written and become a good memory in the hearts of more people. Fans will always support and bless them, hoping that they can create more happiness and beauty in their future lives.

Ouyang Nini was proposed! Zhang Shuhao made a touching promise in a romantic scene, and Ouyang Nana recorded
Ouyang Nini was proposed! Zhang Shuhao made a touching promise in a romantic scene, and Ouyang Nana recorded
Ouyang Nini was proposed! Zhang Shuhao made a touching promise in a romantic scene, and Ouyang Nana recorded
Ouyang Nini was proposed! Zhang Shuhao made a touching promise in a romantic scene, and Ouyang Nana recorded

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