
It took only a hundred years for humans to eat all the animals that went from 5 billion to not a single animal left

author:The sound of the wind is idle

Introduction: As a human being who protects animals on the earth, how can there be such a thing as eating an animal to extinction?

Between 30 and 50 percent of the animals are eaten.

It took only a hundred years for humans to eat all the animals that went from 5 billion to not a single animal left

These animals are all ingredients that used to be used on our tables.

And the number of these animals before they disappeared was also very large and should not be underestimated.

The biomass on the Himalayan side has plummeted, and some animals have even been eaten.

Nowadays, it is also full of life, with precious plants and animals of unique medical value.

Many people have a certain understanding of the distribution of animals here, but in the last century, this place was not a place for humans, but also a paradise for animals, and after the number of humans increased, almost all of them were eaten by humans.

It took only a hundred years for humans to eat all the animals that went from 5 billion to not a single animal left

In the last century, the species that lived here were nothing short of skyrocketing, with not only precious animals, but also rats.

And because of the large number of these animals, in winter, because they hide in caves to live, they will accidentally climb on themselves.

What's more, even the precious and precious trees such as the Tsubaki tree and the ginkgo tree that exist in nature have almost no water source left.

Many plants and animals have changed their habitats, and the species will soon disappear.

It took only a hundred years for humans to eat all the animals that went from 5 billion to not a single animal left

From small animals to large animals, humans eat almost everything, making it more difficult for living things to survive.

But there are also small creatures that have a more remote geographical location that humans have never reached at all.

And the number of these creatures has also plummeted due to the damage caused by humans.

If it hadn't been for the arrival of humans, nothing like this would have happened.

But that doesn't mean that these little creatures that are not affected by humans will always exist.

It took only a hundred years for humans to eat all the animals that went from 5 billion to not a single animal left

In the past, there were more than 300 different species of fish and shrimp in the sea, but at least 30 to 50 percent of these 300 animals were eaten.

Most animals were so large before they became extinct that no one thought that such a widespread animal would disappear in the future.

People simply satisfy their appetites, but they don't think that it will be very harmful to their future lives.

It took only a hundred years for humans to eat all the animals that went from 5 billion to not a single animal left

Ordinary animals were eaten.

These animals are all some of the ingredients that used to appear on our tables, because people like to eat fish, so it is easy to see some fish that are easy to catch in the past, often appear on our tables, and are sought after by everyone.

But people eat without realizing that the amount of these catches is only 1% of the total.

Compared to some fish, the number of fish is more than 10 times, so when the number of fish is small, it does not have much effect.

It took only a hundred years for humans to eat all the animals that went from 5 billion to not a single animal left

Internationally, this species of fish, called anchovies, migrates in numbers of 100,000 to 200,000 when they spawn.

In order to be able to migrate, he finally died on the obstacles set up by people.

In order to make this fish more delicious, people also farmed this fish separately, but in the process of breeding, people exchanged these fish for farming, so in the process of exchange, only one fish remained.

Again, for people, this fish is still a bit greasy to eat.

So most of these fish were complained about by people, but they didn't expect it, and finally gradually disappeared.

It took only a hundred years for humans to eat all the animals that went from 5 billion to not a single animal left

Shrimp are not forbidden to be eaten by people, so in order to make the meat of shrimp delicious, most of the shrimp live in burrows, and the females are eaten by males when they grow up.

So when the neutral grows up, there is no reproduction.

Then there is the giant sea worm population, which has plummeted by 75% in 30 years.

In the last 40 years, the number of squid living in Antarctica has also declined by 90%.

It took only a hundred years for humans to eat all the animals that went from 5 billion to not a single animal left

In the same 30 years, the bluetip shark population has plummeted to almost 10%.

After these fish were eaten by humans, people began to eat delicious seals again, and the number of seals plummeted to 10,000.

There are also penguins living in Antarctica, whose numbers have also decreased to less than 1,000 in 50 years.

But these numbers are relatively optimistic in 50 years.

In 50 years, the number of seals has plummeted to less than 800, from the original number described above.

It took only a hundred years for humans to eat all the animals that went from 5 billion to not a single animal left

The number of penguins, which also live in Antarctica, has plummeted to 300 in 50 years.

In the end, he died in the environment that humans came into contact with and died in the environment.

It took only a hundred years for humans to eat all the animals that went from 5 billion to not a single animal left

Have people ever thought about what they would get when they ate animals?

In addition to satisfying our gastronomic pursuits, these animals are also capable of making a positive impact on our human lives.

But people don't think much about satisfying their pursuits, and humans need these animals very much.

It took only a hundred years for humans to eat all the animals that went from 5 billion to not a single animal left

Because people love to eat, they directly control the number of fish at about 5%, but no matter how they control it, the final result is that there are no fish.

Therefore, people still studied large-scale fish breeding, but in the process of research, it was found that the number of fish still did not increase.

Finally, in the process of raising fish, people found that the life span of fish is very short, so the fish that are better to raise among them finally survived a handful.

It took only a hundred years for humans to eat all the animals that went from 5 billion to not a single animal left

When you eat animals, do you ever think about what will happen to you in the future?

When we gradually become an influence on the world, the world is gradually disappointed in us humans, so we will punish humans.

Thirty-six years ago, a variety called "Cordillo" appeared in human food, and its number has decreased to 160 million in 36 years.

It took only a hundred years for humans to eat all the animals that went from 5 billion to not a single animal left

If we continue to treat everything like this, the amount of human food will rise from 30% to 70%.

Even if there is a lot of food in the future, and we eat it to correspond, human beings themselves will still get sick.

Conclusion: Ever since humans appeared on Earth, there has hardly been a day that has not been done without killing.

Both for animals and plants, humans have paid a huge price.

It took only a hundred years for humans to eat all the animals that went from 5 billion to not a single animal left

We humans should learn from these animals, and being self-righteous will only end up making us unlucky.

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