
Atomic bombs can't kill them, and they are the most successful mammals, killing more humans than wars!

author:Momentary blankness


"What animals do humans hate? The first mouse, the ancestors of the rats were dinosaurs, so they are fearless, and atomic bombs can't kill them!"

As we all know, rats are a very annoying animal for humans, because rats bring great harm to people, such as destroying food, carrying infectious diseases and so on.

But rats are called "the most successful mammals" by scientists, so why are rats considered the most successful mammals?

Why are rats the most hated animals by humans? Rats reproduce very quickly, so how many baby mice can a mouse reproduce in a year?

Why do rats reproduce so fast?

In addition, the growth rate of mice is also very fast, how big can they grow in a year?

Atomic bombs can't kill them, and they are the most successful mammals, killing more humans than wars!

Rats are known as the most successful mammals.

Rats are called "the most successful mammals" because they are very adaptable and their intelligence is very high, which is why rats survive.

Rats are very adaptable, for example, the body of the mouse is very soft, which determines that the mouse is very flexible, so the mouse can pass through very small gaps, which makes the mouse everywhere and omnipotent.

For example, rats can penetrate the cracks in the granary, destroy the grain, and bring great losses to people;

There are also rats that can penetrate the cracks of furniture, destroy furniture, and cause great trouble to people.

Therefore, rats are also nicknamed "thieves";

Another example is that rats can penetrate the cracks of underground pipes, causing great trouble to people, because once rats enter the kitchen, bathroom and other places, they will excrete in these places, thus bringing unnecessary hygiene problems to people, and also causing harm to the human body, such as spreading diseases.

The rat's ability to adapt is not limited to these aspects, there are some more serious problems.

For example, the adaptability of rats is also reflected in their ability to resist viruses and bacteria, as well as their ability to withstand certain amounts of radiation.

For rats to be able to resist viruses and bacteria, this is mainly because the immune system of mice is more developed, so rats are able to resist the invasion of bacteria and viruses.

For mice, they can resist a certain amount of radiation, mainly because the mice have a relatively strong DNA repair ability, so mice can resist radiation.

Atomic bombs can't kill them, and they are the most successful mammals, killing more humans than wars!

In fact, not only rats can resist radiation, but also some other mammals, such as elephants, orangutans, dogs, etc., and the DNA repair ability of these mammals is also relatively strong.

In some past nuclear tests, scientists have found that whether it is an atomic bomb or a hydrogen bomb, as long as the explosion is less than 100 meters away from the ground, the surrounding mice can survive.

So rats are very adaptable;

In addition, the intelligence level of rats is also relatively high, so they can not only survive, but also thrive in the human environment.

Why are rats called the most hated animals by humans?

Why are rats called "the most successful mammals", but they are also known as the most hated animals by humans?

In fact, this is mainly because rats bring great harm to people, and the number of rats is still very large.

From ancient times to the present, rats have always been a very hated animal because rats bring too much harm to people.

For example, in ancient times, the biggest harm that rats brought to people was the destruction of food, and food is the basis of human survival, so the harm brought by rats to people is that a year's work is in vain.

Atomic bombs can't kill them, and they are the most successful mammals, killing more humans than wars!

In ancient times, people did not have the current technology and means, so ancient people could not effectively prevent rats from destroying food, so in ancient times, the harm caused by rats to people was immeasurable.

The number of rats is also very large, and if there are no effective measures to control the rat population, then the destruction of life is just around the corner.

Rats will also bring other hazards to humans, such as rats can bring infectious diseases to people, so ancient people hated rats very much, and they would use various ways to prevent rats from breeding.

But the current situation is still the same as in ancient times, and the harm brought by rats to people is immeasurable.

What people hate even more now is the financial loss that rats bring to them.

According to statistics, every year, because of the food eaten by rats and the facilities destroyed, people bring about billions to tens of billions of economic losses.

Rats can also bring some unnecessary dangers to people, such as rat excrement and carcasses will bring harm to people, such as spreading diseases, polluting the environment, and so on.

With the continuous improvement of people's living environment, the number of rats is also increasing, so the harm brought by rats to people is also increasing.

Therefore, the harm caused by rats to humans is immeasurable, so rats are also known as the most hated animals by humans.

Atomic bombs can't kill them, and they are the most successful mammals, killing more humans than wars!

Why are rats called the most successful mammals?

Although rats have brought great harm to humans, they have been called "the most successful mammals" by scientists, so why have rats become "the most successful mammals"?

The main reason is that rats reproduce at an astonishing rate, which is why rats become the "most successful mammals".

According to statistics, in a suitable environment, a female mouse can reproduce about 3,800 offspring a year, and the reproductive rate is still on the rise.

In other words, the reproduction rate of mice is very amazing, it only takes one year, a female mouse can produce thousands of offspring, while insects can only reproduce one generation a year.

Atomic bombs can't kill them, and they are the most successful mammals, killing more humans than wars!

So rats reproduce very quickly, and that's just the number of rats, if it's the population of the whole rat, then the number of rats they can reproduce in a year is very large.

Atomic bombs can't kill them, and they are the most successful mammals, killing more humans than wars!

Therefore, the reproduction speed of rats is very amazing, and it is precisely because of the reproduction speed of rats that it will bring great harm to humans.

So rats will not only bring economic losses to humans, but also bring harm to humans in other aspects.

That's why rats are called "the most successful mammals" by scientists.

Atomic bombs can't kill them, and they are the most successful mammals, killing more humans than wars!

In addition, the growth rate of mice is also very fast, because the growth rate of mice is fast, so mice can quickly reproduce a large number of offspring, so how big can a mouse grow in a year?

As we all know, a mouse is born with only a few grams of money, but they can grow to 70 grams in a year.

Therefore, it can be said that mice can grow several times or even dozens of times their body weight in a year, and this growth rate is also very amazing.

Atomic bombs can't kill them, and they are the most successful mammals, killing more humans than wars!

So the growth rate of mice is also very fast.

In addition, the rat reproduction rate is very fast, so the number of rats is also very large.

Atomic bombs can't kill them, and they are the most successful mammals, killing more humans than wars!


Although rats bring a lot of harm to humans, their adaptability and reproduction speed are also very amazing.

In fact, the reason why rats can survive is precisely because of their adaptability and reproductive speed, which is also a survival advantage of organisms in the process of evolution.

Therefore, the appearance of rats also reminds people that every creature in the ecosystem has its meaning of existence, so we should respect and protect biodiversity and jointly build a harmonious ecological environment.

Atomic bombs can't kill them, and they are the most successful mammals, killing more humans than wars!

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