
#头条创作挑战赛#夏至养生知多少! From the summer solstice to the dog days after the beginning of autumn, it is the hottest stage of the year, and it is also the best time for the human body to adjust to the old disease, the summer solstice, is

author:Li Aiqin, nutritionist


From the summer solstice to the dog days after the beginning of autumn, it is the hottest stage of the year, and it is also the best time for the human body to adjust and replenish the old diseases. In summer, it is necessary to supplement the body's yang qi and conform to the changes of the summer solstice's yang energy. This is especially important for patients who are susceptible to yin and cold qi and yang deficiency.

Therefore, the summer solstice health should do the following:

First, protect the yang energy, avoid eating and drinking, the environment is cold, and sweating profusely;

Second, clear away heat and relieve heat, avoid traveling during high temperature periods, and take measures to avoid the heat, such as wearing a sun hat when going out, making reasonable use of air-conditioning equipment indoors, eating a light and less greasy diet, and eating some foods that clear away heat and relieve heat, such as fresh vegetables and fruits, water-rich, cool and antipyretic soups, porridge drinks, such as mung bean porridge, lotus leaf porridge, chrysanthemum tea, etc.;

Third, calm the nerves and nourish the heart, the heart fire in summer is in order, and the heart is too hot to be golden, so there is a saying in the "Golden Kui Yaolu" that "the summer does not eat the heart", according to the five flavors into the five internal organs, bitter things can also help the heart and control the lungs. You can eat a little bit of hardship, but not too much. In addition, summer is the season of sweating, and there is a lot of salt loss, so it is appropriate to supplement inorganic salts to nourish the heart.

In addition, it is necessary to maintain a peaceful mind, the summer weather is hot and people's hearts are dry, so it is important to maintain a stable mood and an optimistic attitude.

#头条创作挑战赛#夏至养生知多少! From the summer solstice to the dog days after the beginning of autumn, it is the hottest stage of the year, and it is also the best time for the human body to adjust to the old disease, the summer solstice, is
#头条创作挑战赛#夏至养生知多少! From the summer solstice to the dog days after the beginning of autumn, it is the hottest stage of the year, and it is also the best time for the human body to adjust to the old disease, the summer solstice, is
#头条创作挑战赛#夏至养生知多少! From the summer solstice to the dog days after the beginning of autumn, it is the hottest stage of the year, and it is also the best time for the human body to adjust to the old disease, the summer solstice, is

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