
Steamed eggplant with chrysanthemums: The fresh choice on the table in Xia is delicious and beautiful

author:Forever love to be funny

On a hot summer day, our taste buds often crave a refreshing yet delicious dish. At this point, a chrysanthemum-steamed eggplant is the ideal choice. With its unique taste and healthy cooking, it has become a refreshing star on the summer table.

Eggplant, as summer

Steamed eggplant with chrysanthemums: The fresh choice on the table in Xia is delicious and beautiful

One of the vegetables, its soft and glutinous taste is loved by people. However, traditional cooking methods tend to allow eggplants to absorb too much oil, resulting in a greasy taste. To solve this problem, Connie Chen skillfully chose the steaming method, combining eggplant with chrysanthemums to create a dish that is both healthy and delicious.

Steamed eggplant with chrysanthemums: The fresh choice on the table in Xia is delicious and beautiful

Steaming is a healthy way to cook the ingredients to preserve their original flavor and nutrients to the greatest extent. During the steaming process, the eggplant and chrysanthemum are put into a steamer or oven together, and the freshness and nutrition of the ingredients are perfectly integrated through the action of steam. When the lid of the steamer is gently opened, a fresh aroma comes to the nose, and people can't help but want to find out.

Steamed eggplant with chrysanthemums: The fresh choice on the table in Xia is delicious and beautiful

The addition of chrysanthemums adds a unique fresh aroma to the dish. Chrysanthemums not only have the effect of brightening the eyes and nourishing the mind, but also can bring a hint of coolness to the eggplant. During the steaming process, the aroma of chrysanthemums gradually penetrates into the eggplant, giving the whole dish a unique aroma. The aroma is fresh and pleasant, allowing you to taste it while feeling the coolness of summer.

Steamed eggplant with chrysanthemums: The fresh choice on the table in Xia is delicious and beautiful

In addition to the fresh aroma, the taste of chrysanthemum-steamed eggplant is also outstanding. The steamed eggplant is soft and delicious, while the fragrance of chrysanthemum adds a hint of freshness. Drizzled with light soy sauce and minced garlic makes the whole dish richer. The aroma of minced garlic and the softness of the eggplant are perfectly combined, making people have an endless aftertaste. At the same time, the addition of sesame oil also adds a hint of aroma and layering to the dish.

Steamed eggplant with chrysanthemums: The fresh choice on the table in Xia is delicious and beautiful

Of course, in order to make the dish more in line with personal taste, we can also adjust it according to personal preferences. For example, you can add some rice vinegar or aged vinegar in moderation to make the whole dish more appetizing and refreshing. At the same time, the amount of minced garlic and sesame oil can also be adjusted according to personal taste to achieve the best taste effect.

Steamed eggplant with chrysanthemums: The fresh choice on the table in Xia is delicious and beautiful

Overall, steamed eggplant with chrysanthemums is a delicious and healthy dish. With its unique taste and fresh aroma, it is a must-have on the summer table. Whether it is a home-cooked dish or a feasting delicacy, it can win people's affection. Let's enjoy the refreshment and pleasure of this delicious dish this summer!

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