
How do you pronounce "prison" in "in prison"? What does this word mean?

author:A guest history said

Yo, friends, have you ever heard the idiom "behind bars"? At first glance, does it sound like you've fallen into some mysterious labyrinth?

Haha, don't worry, today let's unveil the mystery of this idiom and let you understand what "behind bars" really is!

How do you pronounce "prison" in "in prison"? What does this word mean?

First of all, we have to figure out how to pronounce the word "prison".

Come, read with me: 囹 (líng) 圄 (yǔ). That's right, it's such a mouth-wrenching combination.

In ancient times, "prison" actually means prison, so "being in prison" means that a person has lost his freedom, is put in prison, and suffers. Imagine a day when there were high walls on all sides and only a small patch of sky overhead, was it despairing?

This idiom comes from "Han Feizi Sanshou" and talks about the issue of power and punishment. In ancient times, if a minister guarded the prison without authorization and abused the punishment, it was like using the punishment to hijack the people, which was a very serious crime.

Did you know? The word "prison" looks a lot like a prison. You see, does the "ling" in the word "prison" look like a villain waiting in a prison cell? The "I" in the word "圄" is like a person pondering alone in a prison cell. Thinking about it this way, do you think this idiom is more vivid?

How do you pronounce "prison" in "in prison"? What does this word mean?

Interestingly, "囹圄" can sometimes be written as "囹圉", and the pronunciation is still líng yǔ, but the meaning is the same.

However, some people will mistakenly write this idiom as "in a prison", which is a big oolong! "囫囵" means whole and complete, such as what we often say "囫囵 swallowing dates", which is to describe eating without chewing and swallowing slowly, swallowing whole.

Therefore, the statement "in a state of embarrassment" is inaccurate, everyone must remember it!

Now, let's talk about the story behind this idiom.

How do you pronounce "prison" in "in prison"? What does this word mean?

In ancient times, if a person broke the law, he would be imprisoned. The environment there is harsh and life is hard, so it can be said that it is a hell on earth.

However, it is precisely because of this extreme predicament that a person's tenacity and perseverance can be more highlighted.

Some people still insist on studying, thinking, and even writing masterpieces that have been passed down through the ages. For example, Feng Menglong, a literary scholar in the Ming Dynasty, wrote popular works such as "Warning the World" while in prison.

Of course, the idiom "behind bars" is not limited to describing real prison life.

It can also be used as a metaphor for a person who is stuck or in bondage.

For example, if we encounter a problem at work or a setback in life, we can all say that we are "behind bars".

But the important thing is that no matter what difficulties we encounter, we have the confidence and courage to overcome them!

How do you pronounce "prison" in "in prison"? What does this word mean?

Finally, I would like to say that although "in prison" is a somewhat heavy idiom, it also contains a profound philosophy of life.

It reminds us of the value of freedom and the testing of adversity.

Therefore, no matter what kind of environment we are in, we must cherish freedom and face difficulties bravely, so that life will be more exciting!

Okay, okay, that's all for today's discussion of "being in prison"!

Remember, "being in prison" is not terrible, what is terrible is losing the courage and confidence to face difficulties! Come on, friends!