
has been uneventful for many years since her debut, and her wife has been eating a song for nearly 30 years, and now she often goes to the Spring Festival Gala

author:Haha Academy
has been uneventful for many years since her debut, and her wife has been eating a song for nearly 30 years, and now she often goes to the Spring Festival Gala
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
has been uneventful for many years since her debut, and her wife has been eating a song for nearly 30 years, and now she often goes to the Spring Festival Gala

In 1986, the Chinese pop music scene ushered in a new sound. Hu Yue, a young singer from Beijing, instantly became the focus of attention with a song "Loess High Slope".

Her unique voice and soulful interpretation seem to perfectly integrate the vicissitudes and heroism of the Loess Plateau, touching the hearts of countless listeners.

With the popularity of the song, Hu Yue was named "Teresa Teng's successor", and her career was in full swing. That's when a Japanese music company offered her an olive branch, offering her a 15-year contract promising to make her an international superstar.

Faced with this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Hu Yue fell into a deep entanglement. Is it to follow your dreams and step onto the international stage? Or stay in your homeland and be with your loved ones? This choice will completely change the trajectory of her life.

has been uneventful for many years since her debut, and her wife has been eating a song for nearly 30 years, and now she often goes to the Spring Festival Gala

When Hu Yue's star journey was shining, another dream-chasing soul was struggling to explore his own path. Lu Jianmin, a teenager from Shanghai, experienced a major blow in his life when he was a child.

When he was 12 years old, his parents' divorce was like a hammer, knocking him to pieces. Since then, Lu Jianmin has become more and more withdrawn and introverted.

However, the gears of fate did not stop spinning. When he was in high school, the dream of being an actor in Lu Jianmin's heart began to sprout. Despite having a steady job as a rolling mill at the Fifth Metallurgical Plant, his heart was always restless and eager to follow his inner calling.

While this job satisfies his material needs, it does not satisfy his desire to perform.

has been uneventful for many years since her debut, and her wife has been eating a song for nearly 30 years, and now she often goes to the Spring Festival Gala

In 1984, the opportunity finally came. The enrollment plan of Beijing Film Academy ignited a fire of hope in Lu Jianmin's heart. However, the obstacles of reality stood like a high wall in front of him.

In order to gain time for revision, he did not hesitate to burn his legs with a red-hot steel plate, in exchange for the opportunity to take the exam. This determination shows his dedication and love for acting.

After arduous preparation, Lu Jianmin finally got his wish and was admitted to Beijing Film Academy. However, the challenge is far from over. His Shanghainese accent seemed out of place in the north, and to overcome this obstacle, he practiced Mandarin day and night with television and radio.

Every pronunciation, every intonation, embodies his dedication and sweat to his dreams.

has been uneventful for many years since her debut, and her wife has been eating a song for nearly 30 years, and now she often goes to the Spring Festival Gala

During his time at the Academy, Lu Jianmin showed extraordinary talent and hard work. In 1986, he co-wrote and starred with his friends in the film "Gongs and Drums in the Mountain Village".

Although this work did not cause a huge response, it accumulated valuable practical experience for Lu Jianmin and strengthened his belief in his acting career.

After graduation, Lu Jianmin entered the Beijing Film Studio and officially started his career as an actor. Although the start was not smooth and his career development was slow, he always stuck to his dream and continued to hone his acting skills in various roles.

Lu Jianmin's experience is like a grass growing tenaciously on barren land, although it faces many difficulties, it is still tenacious and continues to move forward towards the dream in his heart.

has been uneventful for many years since her debut, and her wife has been eating a song for nearly 30 years, and now she often goes to the Spring Festival Gala

His story illustrates the hardships and perseverance on the road to chasing dreams, and also shows a young man's persistence and love for ideals.

In 1990, the red thread of fate connected two seemingly unrelated souls. In the crew of "Contemporary Soldiers", Lu Jianmin, who plays the role of a young soldier, and Hu Yue, who sang the theme song for the TV series, are like two comets meeting in the bright Milky Way.

Director Jin Hong was keenly aware of the subtle chemistry between the two and decided to match the bridge himself. However, Hu Yue had no intention of falling in love at that time, and politely refused the director's kindness.

Lu Jianmin was deeply attracted by Hu Yue's talent and temperament, and he cautiously asked Jin Hong for Hu Yue's contact information, and his heart was full of expectations and apprehensions.

has been uneventful for many years since her debut, and her wife has been eating a song for nearly 30 years, and now she often goes to the Spring Festival Gala

Under the pretext of sending a letter, Lu Jianmin plucked up the courage to come to Hu Yue's house. At that moment, time seemed to stand still. Hu Yue frowned slightly nervously, and Lu Jianmin's heart was beating so fast that it almost jumped out of his chest.

There was a faint embarrassment and anticipation in the air, and it was not until Hu Yue's mother pushed open the door and warmly invited Lu Jianmin to dinner that this delicate atmosphere was broken.

As time passed, the relationship between the two slowly bloomed like a spring flower. Lu Jianmin would carefully prepare a bouquet of flowers every time they met and arrange a romantic date for Hu Yue.

They strolled the streets of Beijing, sharing each other's dreams and worries. Hu Yue was moved by Lu Jianmin's gentleness and thoughtfulness, and Lu Jianmin was overwhelmed by Hu Yue's talent and strength.

has been uneventful for many years since her debut, and her wife has been eating a song for nearly 30 years, and now she often goes to the Spring Festival Gala

In 1990, in Beijing, a city that has witnessed countless love stories, Lu Jianmin and Hu Yue walked into the palace of marriage hand in hand. Their wedding is low-key and warm, as if cherishing this hard-won relationship.

However, married life is not a fairytale of happiness. Lu Jianmin's acting career developed slowly, but Hu Yue became famous because of the song "Loess High Slope". In the face of the imbalance in career development, Lu Jianmin inevitably felt lost and inferior.

But Hu Yue always stood firmly by her husband's side, warming Lu Jianmin's heart with her understanding and support.

During that challenging period, Hu Yue was faced with a major choice. A Japanese music company offered her an olive branch with a 15-year contract promising to make her an international superstar.

has been uneventful for many years since her debut, and her wife has been eating a song for nearly 30 years, and now she often goes to the Spring Festival Gala

This opportunity means great prospects for development, but it also means that she may need to be away from her family and husband for a long time.

Faced with this difficult choice, Hu Yue fell into a deep entanglement. She looked at her husband's tired but still gentle eyes, and thought of the ups and downs that the two had experienced together over the years.

In the end, she made a decision that surprised many people - to give up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and choose to stay in China, be by her husband's side, and face the challenges of the future together.

This decision deeply moved Lu Jianmin. He secretly made up his mind that he must make a difference in his acting career and live up to his wife's sacrifices and expectations. Since then, Lu Jianmin has studied his acting skills even harder and has not missed any possible opportunities.

has been uneventful for many years since her debut, and her wife has been eating a song for nearly 30 years, and now she often goes to the Spring Festival Gala

This relationship has withstood the test of reality and witnessed the growth of the two. Their love is like an old tree on the high slope of the loess, which has gone through wind and frost, but it has become more and more vigorous.

Lu Jianmin and Hu Yue interpreted what sincere love is in their own way, and their story has also become a good story in the entertainment industry.

In the days after marriage, Lu Jianmin and Hu Yue faced the challenge of unbalanced career development. Hu Yue became famous with the song "Loess High Slope", her singing voice is like the evening breeze on the Loess Plateau, gentle and powerful, soothing the hearts of countless listeners.

However, Lu Jianmin's acting career seems to be full of thorns, slow development, and it is difficult to make breakthroughs.

has been uneventful for many years since her debut, and her wife has been eating a song for nearly 30 years, and now she often goes to the Spring Festival Gala

Facing his wife's dazzling light, Lu Jianmin inevitably felt lost and inferiority in his heart. However, it is in this situation that the relationship between the two grows deeper. Hu Yue knew her husband's inner torment, and she always cheered for Lu Jianmin with gentle eyes and words of encouragement.

Whenever Lu Jianmin was depressed due to a failed audition, Hu Yue would carefully prepare a sumptuous dinner for him and chat with him. She firmly believed that her husband's talent would eventually be recognized, and never doubted his choice.

With the support of his wife, Lu Jianmin continued to work hard. He has participated in many works, and although the characters are not the main characters, he is fully committed to them, striving to interpret each role to the extreme.

His professionalism and outstanding performance have gradually won the recognition of industry insiders.

has been uneventful for many years since her debut, and her wife has been eating a song for nearly 30 years, and now she often goes to the Spring Festival Gala

At the same time, Hu Yue did not stop pursuing music. She is constantly experimenting with new musical styles and has released a series of excellent works. Her singing voice is still warm and moving, and songs such as "The Hometown of Love" have become classics for a new generation.

However, fate once again presented the couple with a dilemma. A Japanese music company threw an olive branch to Hu Yue, hoping to make her another international superstar after Teresa Teng.

The 15-year contract represents a huge opportunity for development, but it also means a long-term separation between the two places.

Faced with this difficult choice, Hu Yue fell into a deep entanglement. She looked at her husband's tired but still gentle eyes, and thought of the ups and downs that the two had experienced together over the years.

has been uneventful for many years since her debut, and her wife has been eating a song for nearly 30 years, and now she often goes to the Spring Festival Gala

In the end, she made a decision that surprised many people - to give up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and choose to stay in China, be by her husband's side, and face the challenges of the future together.

This decision deeply moved Lu Jianmin. He secretly made up his mind that he must make a difference in his acting career and live up to his wife's sacrifices and expectations. Since then, Lu Jianmin has studied his acting skills even harder and has not missed any possible opportunities.

This experience not only tested their relationship, but also made the relationship between the two closer. They learned to support each other in difficult situations, grow together, and compose a moving concerto of life with love.

The story of Lu Jianmin and Hu Yue shows the power of sincere love, and also interprets the true meaning of husband and wife working together together.

has been uneventful for many years since her debut, and her wife has been eating a song for nearly 30 years, and now she often goes to the Spring Festival Gala

With the passage of time, the unremitting efforts of Lu Jianmin and Hu Yue finally ushered in fruitful results. With her unique voice and soulful interpretation, Hu Yue continues to shine in the domestic music industry.

Her singing voice is like a clear spring on the high slope of the loess, nourishing the hearts of countless listeners. New works such as "Hometown of Love" once again proved her musical talent and became classics for a new generation.

At the same time, Lu Jianmin's acting career also ushered in a turning point. Years of tempering and perseverance finally came to fruition, and he successively starred in important roles in film and television works such as "The Emperor of Han Wu" and "Qiao's Courtyard".

In "The Emperor of the Han Dynasty", Wei Qing played by Lu Jianmin is majestic and magnificent. He showed Wei Qing's loyalty, bravery and wisdom to the fullest, and won unanimous praise from the audience and industry insiders.

has been uneventful for many years since her debut, and her wife has been eating a song for nearly 30 years, and now she often goes to the Spring Festival Gala

This role has become an important milestone in Lu Jianmin's acting career.

In "Qiao's Courtyard", Qiao Zhiyong, played by Lu Jianmin, is calm and introverted, showing the wisdom and mind of Shanxi businessmen. His delicate performance portrays the inner world of the characters vividly, allowing the audience to deeply feel the charm of the characters.

These wonderful performances not only proved Lu Jianmin's strength, but also made him gradually become a powerful actor loved by the audience.

2013 was a milestone year for Lu Jianmin and Hu Yue. At this year's Spring Festival Gala, the couple performed on the same stage for the first time.

has been uneventful for many years since her debut, and her wife has been eating a song for nearly 30 years, and now she often goes to the Spring Festival Gala

The moment they took the stage hand in hand, the audience was amazed.

Their performances are full of tacit understanding, Lu Jianmin's gentle gaze and Hu Yue's sweet smile all reveal the deep feelings between them. This performance not only showcased their respective talents, but also showed the world the beautiful stories of their years of working together and growing together.

Since then, Lu Jianmin and Hu Yue have become frequent guests of the Spring Festival Gala. Their appearance can always surprise and move the audience. Whether it is Lu Jianmin's calm and powerful performance, or Hu Yuewan's moving singing, it has become an indispensable scenery on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala.

In their own way, the couple interprets the true meaning of art and love. Their stories are not only examples of personal struggle, but also a vivid portrayal of husbands and wives working together and working together.

has been uneventful for many years since her debut, and her wife has been eating a song for nearly 30 years, and now she often goes to the Spring Festival Gala

From obscurity to domestic fame, from the ups and downs of their careers to the warmth and happiness of their families, Lu Jianmin and Hu Yue have proved with their experiences that as long as they stick to their dreams and support each other, they will eventually usher in their own starry moments.

Time flies, and the love story of Lu Jianmin and Hu Yue has been written for more than 30 years. The baptism of the years did not kill the feelings between them, but made them cherish each other more.

Now, Lu Jianmin has gradually faded out of the hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry and chooses to dedicate more time to a warm family life.

Their daily life, like a melodious old song, is no longer vigorous, but full of warmth and happiness. Looking back on the past, from obscurity to domestic fame, from the ups and downs of their careers to the happiness of their families, Lu Jianmin and Hu Yue used their experiences to interpret the true meaning of "seeing truth in adversity".

has been uneventful for many years since her debut, and her wife has been eating a song for nearly 30 years, and now she often goes to the Spring Festival Gala

Their story is not only a persistence in their dreams, but also a loyalty to each other's commitments. In their way, the couple showed the most beautiful scenery of life and continue to inspire countless people who pursue their dreams.

In their world, there is no more touching melody than the companionship of each other.

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