
Fang Jing, a famous CCTV female anchor: She has never been married in her life, and her early death from cancer hurts her parents' hearts!

author:Billy says history

On November 18, 2015, a piece of news shocked the entire media circle: Fang Jing, a famous CCTV female anchor, died in a hospital in Beijing at the age of 44. This familiar face, who was once active in well-known columns such as "News Network" and "Economic Half Hour", left her beloved career and relatives forever.

Fang Jing's parents sat at home, grief-stricken. Their eyes kept falling on the photos on the wall, and the ever-bright smiling face was particularly dazzling at the moment. The mother shook her hands and stroked her daughter's relics, tears streaming down her face.

The father sat on the sidelines, his eyes red and his expression dazed. They couldn't accept that their only daughter had left this world before them. "We're quietly gone, she's only 44 years old," the mother choked up, "she has been fighting for her career all her life, and she hasn't even made a family."

Now that the people are gone, there is not even one to think about her..."The father was silent, just shaking his head incessantly, as if to deny the cruel truth. The news quickly spread on the Internet, and countless viewers expressed their remembrance and nostalgia for Fang Jing.

Fang Jing, a famous CCTV female anchor: She has never been married in her life, and her early death from cancer hurts her parents' hearts!

Someone wrote: "Fang Jing's voice has accompanied us for many years, and her departure makes people feel an indescribable sense of loss. Another person recalled: "I remember her professionalism and dedication when she hosted "Economic Half Hour", and she was always able to explain complex economic phenomena in a simple and understandable way.

However, in the midst of these voices of mourning, there are also people who begin to reflect. A comment pointed out: "Fang Jing has never been married all her life and has devoted all her energy to her work. Her passing should perhaps make us think about whether we should take into account the happiness of our personal life while pursuing career success? Fang Jing's departure is not only the fall of an excellent journalist, but also another reminder of the fragility of life.

Her story makes people think about the meaning of life and how to live their own wonderful life in a limited time. In the midst of grief and remembrance, people began to re-examine Fang Jing's life.

Her career success is indisputable, but the path she chose in life has sparked a lot of discussion. In any case, Fang Jing has used her life to interpret what is the persistent pursuit of career, and her spirit will always inspire those who come after her.

Fang Jing, a famous CCTV female anchor: She has never been married in her life, and her early death from cancer hurts her parents' hearts!

2001 was an important turning point for 30-year-old Fang Jing. This year, she was successfully promoted to the anchor of "News Network", opening her most glorious chapter on CCTV.

Standing in the much-anticipated "News Network" studio, Fang Jing's heart was both excited and apprehensive. She knows that this stage not only means greater exposure, but also shoulders the responsibility of delivering important information to audiences across the country.

Before each broadcast, Fang Jing would carefully check her appearance and appearance, and repeatedly practice the broadcast content to strive for perfection. Her calm and powerful voice quickly won the love and recognition of the audience.

A viewer who has been following "News Network" for a long time recalled: "Fang Jing's broadcast always gives people a sense of steadfastness and reliability, and her voice seems to be able to penetrate the screen and reach people's hearts."

Fang Jing, a famous CCTV female anchor: She has never been married in her life, and her early death from cancer hurts her parents' hearts!

In addition to "News Network", Fang Jing also hosted many well-known columns such as "Economic Half Hour". At the recording site of "Economic Half Hour", Fang Jing often delved into economic knowledge without sleep or food, in order to better interpret complex economic phenomena.

Her colleague recalled: "Fang Jing was always the first to arrive at the scene and the last to leave. Her passion and dedication to her work made us all ashamed. Fang Jing's rigor and pursuit of perfection in her work left a deep impression on her colleagues.

Once, during an important live broadcast, Fang Jing found a small error in the manuscript. Despite the tight schedule, she insisted on revising and refamiliarizing herself with the revised content.

This extreme attention to detail has earned her an excellent reputation in the industry. However, what few people know is that under the glamorous appearance, Fang Jing has put in unimaginable efforts.

Fang Jing, a famous CCTV female anchor: She has never been married in her life, and her early death from cancer hurts her parents' hearts!

Every morning, when most people are still asleep, she already starts her day's work. Late at night, when the city fell into a deep sleep, she was still studying hard at her desk, preparing for the next day's broadcast.

Fang Jing once said in an interview: "The profession of anchor seems glamorous, but in fact it is under great pressure. Every time you stand in front of the camera, it means being responsible to a national audience. It takes 100 percent dedication and hard work.

This sentence shows her understanding and persistence in her profession. On June 9, 2009, Fang Jing's career ushered in an important turning point. She published an article on her blog titled "We as Announcers and Hosts", in which she talked about her experience over the years.

As soon as this article was published, it immediately attracted widespread attention and heated discussions. However, the article also sparked some controversy. Some people questioned that some of the content in the article was not accurate enough.

Fang Jing, a famous CCTV female anchor: She has never been married in her life, and her early death from cancer hurts her parents' hearts!

In the face of doubts, Fang Jing did not evade, but faced them bravely. She responded immediately, admitting that there were indeed some inaccurate expressions in the article, and sincerely apologizing to the public.

Although this incident brought some trouble to Fang Jing, it also showed her honest and frank character. Her honesty and willingness to take responsibility have won more people's respect and understanding.

Fang Jing's career is not only a success story of one person, but also a microcosm of an era. She has witnessed the development of journalism in China and devoted her life to it.

She used her professionalism and dedication to interpret the responsibilities and responsibilities that journalists should have. Although Fang Jing's life came to an abrupt end, her shine on the CCTV stage will always shine in people's memories.

Fang Jing, a famous CCTV female anchor: She has never been married in her life, and her early death from cancer hurts her parents' hearts!

Her story is not only an inspiration to journalists, but also an inspiration to all people: no matter what position you are in, you should treat your work with the utmost enthusiasm and responsibility.

Fang Jing's story dates back to June 1971. That year, she was born in Beijing to a family of intellectuals. Since childhood, Fang Jing has shown unusual talent and love for the stage.

At the age of five, Fang Jing began learning English to act. At a kindergarten debriefing performance, little Fang Jing wore a cute princess dress, stood confidently in the center of the stage, and performed fairy tales in fluent English.

The audience was deeply attracted by the little girl's performance, and the applause lasted for a long time. This experience planted a love for the stage in Fang Jing's young heart. Fang Jing's parents saw their daughter's talent and decided to let her learn English and acting systematically.

Fang Jing, a famous CCTV female anchor: She has never been married in her life, and her early death from cancer hurts her parents' hearts!

In the following years, Fang Jing participated in many performances and even appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala. Her superb acting skills and smart temperament have won the appreciation of many people.

For a time, "Little Talented Woman Fang Jing" became a topic of conversation among everyone. On stage, Fang Jing is always so radiant. Her eyes flashed with love for acting, and every movement, every line, was infectious.

Someone recalled: "When Fang Jing was a child, she was like an elf, and her performances always made people forget that she was just a child. However, just when Fang Jing's acting career was booming, the 9-year-old made a decision that surprised many: stop acting and focus on her studies.

Behind this decision is the thoughtfulness of the parents and Fang Jing's own thinking. In the face of this decision, although Xiao Fangjing was reluctant, she understood her parents' good intentions.

Fang Jing, a famous CCTV female anchor: She has never been married in her life, and her early death from cancer hurts her parents' hearts!

She said goodbye to the familiar stage and began to devote herself to learning. This decision seems to give up a bright prospect, but in fact it lays a solid foundation for her future development.

Many years later, when Fang Jing stood in the CCTV studio, she often remembered the small stage in her childhood. She is grateful to her parents for their decision back then, and it was those years of hard work that shaped her rigorous and hard-working character and laid the foundation for her later career achievements.

Fang Jing once said in an interview: "My childhood acting experience gave me the confidence to face the camera, and my later studies gave me the courage to face life." Everyone's growth path is unique, and it's important to cherish every opportunity and keep enriching yourself.

From the small stage of childhood to the big stage of CCTV, Fang Jing's life has undergone a huge change. However, the little girl who is full of love for acting has always lived in her heart, inspiring her to continue to strive for excellence on the new stage of life.

Fang Jing, a famous CCTV female anchor: She has never been married in her life, and her early death from cancer hurts her parents' hearts!

Fang Jing's story tells us that childhood dreams may change, but the spirit of pursuing dreams will never disappear. In 1990, 19-year-old Fang Jing stood at the crossroads of life.

After the college entrance examination, she was admitted to the Broadcasting Department of Beijing Broadcasting Institute (now Communication University of China) with excellent results. This result was not only expected, but also a little surprising to Fang Jing.

Recalling the scene at that time, the corners of Fang Jing's mouth unconsciously rose. She remembers the moment she got her admission letter, and she was both excited and apprehensive. I am excited that I can finally follow my childhood dream and move towards the direction of broadcasting and hosting; Worriedly, she knows that this road is not easy, and it requires more effort than ordinary people.

Stepping onto the university campus, Fang Jing quickly showed that she was different. While other students were still adjusting to university life, Fang Jing had already formulated a strict study plan.

Fang Jing, a famous CCTV female anchor: She has never been married in her life, and her early death from cancer hurts her parents' hearts!

She is often the first person to open the library and the last to leave when it closes. Her classmates jokingly called her a "library regular." In addition to studying, Fang Jing actively participates in various practical activities.

In March 1994, Fang Jing, who was about to graduate, was selected to intern at CCTV. This internship experience laid the groundwork for her to become a CCTV anchor later. During her internship, Fang Jing demonstrated extraordinary professionalism and learning ability.

She not only completes every task conscientiously, but also takes the initiative to learn from the experience of her predecessors. Once, in preparation for an important interview, Fang Jing worked 36 hours straight, just to make sure every detail was perfect.

Her professionalism left a deep impression on the leaders of Taili. In 1996, Fang Jing ushered in another important turning point in her life - she was admitted to the English Department of Peking University as a graduate student.

Fang Jing, a famous CCTV female anchor: She has never been married in her life, and her early death from cancer hurts her parents' hearts!

In the face of the new learning environment and higher requirements, Fang Jing did not slack off. She said: "It is a blessing and a responsibility to be able to study at Peking University. I want to cherish this opportunity and make myself better.

During her time at Peking University, Fang Jing not only made great progress in her professional knowledge, but more importantly, her vision was greatly expanded. She often participates in various academic lectures and cultural activities, and absorbs knowledge from different fields.

This experience laid a solid foundation for her to become an excellent journalist in the future. In 2000, Fang Jing received her master's degree from Peking University. Subsequently, she joined CCTV and began her career.

Although she has left the campus, Fang Jing has never stopped studying. She often said: "Journalists must maintain a strong desire for knowledge, and only by constantly learning can they keep up with the pace of the times."

Fang Jing, a famous CCTV female anchor: She has never been married in her life, and her early death from cancer hurts her parents' hearts!

Looking back on the road to study, Fang Jing often sighed: "Those years of hard study in the cold window seem boring, but in fact, they are accumulating strength for the future." It was this experience that shaped my values and attitude towards work.

Fang Jing's study experience is not only a microcosm of her personal growth, but also a reflection of the thirst for knowledge of young people in that era. She proved with her own practical actions that only by constantly learning and enriching herself can she stand out in the fierce competition and realize the value of her life.

In the eyes of many people, Fang Jing's life seems to be missing some "should" elements. She never married, had no children, and devoted herself to her work. This choice is often seen as an "incomplete" life in the traditional concept.

However, for Fang Jing, this was her decision after careful consideration. Fang Jing once said in a private conversation: "Marriage is not a necessary choice in life. I enjoy my life right now, and my job is my companion.

Fang Jing, a famous CCTV female anchor: She has never been married in her life, and her early death from cancer hurts her parents' hearts!

This sentence expresses her unique understanding of life. She chose an unusual path and devoted all her passion and energy to a cause she loved so much.

In terms of material life, Fang Jing has always maintained a simple style. Even after becoming a household name anchor, she still lives in the collective dormitory of the unit. Colleagues recalled that Fang Jing's room was only 30 square meters, with simple furnishings, but always neat and orderly.

Someone persuaded her to buy a house, but she smiled and said, "I don't want to spend ahead of time, I have to do what I can." However, Fang Jing's choice also caused a lot of trouble for her parents. In the traditional concept, the fact that the daughter is single when she reaches the marriageable age is a major concern in the hearts of parents.

Fang Jing's mother once said to her with tears in her eyes: "Mom only hopes that you can find a confidant and form a small family." Facing her mother's expectations, Fang Jing was distressed and helpless.

Fang Jing, a famous CCTV female anchor: She has never been married in her life, and her early death from cancer hurts her parents' hearts!

In the Spring Festival of 2007, 36-year-old Fang Jing accompanied her parents to celebrate the New Year. While talking and laughing, the mother suddenly turned her head, looked into Fang Jing's eyes and said, "Daughter, you are not young anymore, being alone is not a long-term solution."

Only when a family is started can my mother rest assured. Fang Jing was silent for a moment and replied softly, "Mom, I know your intentions. But now life is what I want.

I hope you will understand and support my choice. In her career, Fang Jing has achieved great success. The shows she hosts are well received by the audience, and her professionalism and professionalism have earned her the respect of her peers.

However, in her personal life, she chose an unusual approach. Fang Jing's story has triggered people's thinking about lifestyle and the value of life. Although her choice is not understood by everyone, she interprets in her own way what a fulfilling and meaningful life is.

Fang Jing, a famous CCTV female anchor: She has never been married in her life, and her early death from cancer hurts her parents' hearts!

Her experience teaches us that everyone has the right to choose their own lifestyle, as long as that choice makes them happy and satisfied. In 2014, Fang Jing's life ushered in its biggest challenge.

This year, she was diagnosed with cancer. Faced with this bad news, Fang Jing did not choose to retreat, but began to fight against the disease with a positive and optimistic attitude. The moment she learned the diagnosis, Fang Jing's heart was undoubtedly broken.

However, she quickly adjusted her mindset. She said to the people around her: "Life is a gift from God, no matter how long or short, I must cherish it." This sentence not only inspired herself, but also touched everyone around her.

In the days that followed, Fang Jing faced the treatment with amazing perseverance. The pain of chemotherapy is unimaginable to ordinary people, but she has never shown the slightest weakness in front of the public.

Fang Jing, a famous CCTV female anchor: She has never been married in her life, and her early death from cancer hurts her parents' hearts!

Even during her serious illness, she continued to work as long as her physical condition allowed. Sometimes, as soon as she finished chemotherapy, she rushed to the studio to record the show. Fang Jing's strength deeply touched her colleagues and friends.

A colleague who has worked with her for many years recalls: "Even in the toughest of times, Fang Jing never complained. She always smiled and said, 'It's okay, I'm fine.' This optimistic and strong attitude has become a force that inspires everyone around me.

However, fate is cruel after all. On November 18, 2015, Fang Jing left this world forever at the age of 44. Her departure is not only a huge blow to her parents, but also makes countless viewers feel deeply regretful.

Fang Jing's life, although short, bloomed with brilliant light. She used her actions to interpret what it means to cherish life and what it means to have the courage to face difficulties.

Fang Jing, a famous CCTV female anchor: She has never been married in her life, and her early death from cancer hurts her parents' hearts!

Her story allows people to see the fragility of life and the resilience of human nature. After Fang Jing's death, her parents were devastated. My mother once cried and said, "Our quiet is gone, she is only 44 years old... She has been fighting for her career all her life, and she has not even made a family.

Now that the person is gone, there is no one who can even think about her...", this sentence expresses the endless pain and regret in the hearts of parents. Fang Jing's departure has triggered people's deep thinking about the meaning of life.

Her story teaches us that the value of life is not about how long it is, but how it is spent. She used her life to interpret what is the persistent pursuit of career and what is the brave attitude towards life.

Her spirit will always inspire those who come after her.

Fang Jing, a famous CCTV female anchor: She has never been married in her life, and her early death from cancer hurts her parents' hearts!