
Chen Chusheng, you look back at Yu Wenwen, it's almost broken!

author:Babies watch the sports world
Chen Chusheng, you look back at Yu Wenwen, it's almost broken!

In the latest issue of "The Voice of God", Chen Chusheng and Yu Wenwen sang "Empty", which became the focus of the audience's attention. This song was originally the work of Chen Li, and for some viewers, Chen Li's name may not be unfamiliar, but there are also people like me who are not familiar with her music before. However, the melody of "Empty" is indeed refreshing, enough to make people feel the unique musical charm of Chen Li.

At the scene of "The Voice of God", the audience was deeply moved by the tacit cooperation and humorous interaction between Yu Wenwen and Chen Chusheng. This performance is not only a collision of music, but also an exchange of feelings and fun.

Chen Chusheng, you look back at Yu Wenwen, it's almost broken!

"These two people simply have such a tacit understanding!" Some netizens joked, "It can be seen that they must have practiced in normal times, and when they sing, they seem to have a heart." This kind of interaction made the whole atmosphere of the scene relaxed and pleasant, "Especially in that scene, Yu Wenwen asked Chen Chusheng to look back at her, but when he saw the teleprompter, his eyes lit up, and he almost laughed!" The fans outside the venue also laughed, "Brother Sheng is so cute, looking at the teleprompter so seriously, I'm really afraid of laughing!" The audience commented that the interaction brought them closer together.

In terms of singing skills, Yu Wenwen's performance was full of praise, "Her mid-bass is simply ethereal to the extreme, and every note is as soft as silk." One fan sighed, "And her harmony skills are too powerful, it's just a natural sound!" And Chen Chusheng's voice is called "Qi Qin's reincarnation", "His clean and delicate bass is really rare." The audience was amazed by their singing skills, "Listening to them sing is like bathing in the warmth of music." ”

Chen Chusheng, you look back at Yu Wenwen, it's almost broken!

The emotional expression in the lyrics touched the hearts of many audiences, "'Brother Sheng, why did growing up really become an estrangement between me and me', this lyric speaks to my heart." One listener commented with deep feeling, "It's not just a song, it's more like a reflection on everyone's upbringing." "Through the emotional resonance in the lyrics, the audience has established a deep emotional connection with the singers.

In the end, their tacit cooperation was described as "the white pair is really amazing", which is not only a compliment to their singing, but also the best interpretation of their tacit cooperation on stage. Their cooperation not only brings the audience musical enjoyment, but also a perfect fusion of emotion and music. "Hopefully we can see them again in the future!" The audience is looking forward to more musical surprises in the future.

Chen Chusheng, you look back at Yu Wenwen, it's almost broken!

The singing of "The Voice of God" is not only a musical exchange, but also an expression of emotion, which makes the audience feel sincere and warm between the notes. Their singing allows us to see the story behind the music and feel the power and resonance brought by music.

The song "Empty" is not only a musical performance, but also an emotional exchange and resonance. The lyrics of "Brother Sheng, why did I really grow up and become an estrangement between me and me", which deeply touched the hearts of many audiences. This lyric makes people can't help but fall into deep thought about growing up, as if returning to the old days and feeling the complex emotions brought about by the passage of time.

At the scene, the audience not only listened to the song, but also experienced the emotional resonance through the performance of the song. Each note is like a key, opening the door of sealed emotions in the hearts of the audience. An audience member said: "When I heard this lyrics, I suddenly felt as if I had returned to my childhood, and those dreams and current reality have unconsciously become a kind of estrangement." This deep emotional expression allows the audience to feel the real and profound connotation behind the song.

Chen Chusheng, you look back at Yu Wenwen, it's almost broken!

In the end, their collaboration was called "The White Couple is Really Amazing", and this praise is not only because of their excellent singing, but also because of their tacit cooperation on stage. Chen Chusheng and Yu Wenwen's singing goes beyond simple musical performances and becomes a wonderful encounter where music and emotions are intertwined. In their singing, the audience felt the emotions hidden in their hearts, which made this performance an unforgettable spiritual journey.

Chen Chusheng and Yu Wenwen's "Emptiness" is not only a song, but also an emotional expression and resonance. They use music to open the floodgates in the hearts of the audience, allowing people to re-examine their own growth experiences and inner world in singing. The power of this kind of music goes beyond the expression of words and becomes a silent emotional exchange, allowing the audience to find emotional sustenance and resonance in the notes.

Chen Chusheng, you look back at Yu Wenwen, it's almost broken!

Chen Chusheng and Yu Wenwen's "Emptiness" is not only a musical performance, but also a journey of intertwined emotions and music. They used music to interpret the complexity and beauty of life, so that the audience felt real and deep emotions in the singing. This wonderful encounter across the boundaries of music not only leaves a beautiful memory, but also gives people a new experience and understanding of the power of music.

In June 2022, Yu Wenwen participated in the "Light Up Action" public welfare project and was selected as the "Starlight Messenger". She posted a photo of herself and several autistic children on social media, with the caption: "Let's light up the stars together and give these children a warm future." Many netizens left messages after seeing it, and some said: "Yu Wenwen is really a good star with a heart, this kind of activity is really meaningful." Another person said: "I have an autistic child in my family, I see hope, thank you Yu Wenwen." ”

This event not only let more people understand the situation of children with autism, but also made many netizens start to pay attention to this group. A netizen left a message: "I didn't know much about autism before, but after reading Yu Wenwen's sharing, I realized that these children need our attention and help." Another person commented: "It is really not easy for autistic families, and they need more people's support and help, thanks to Yu Wenwen's appeal." ”

Chen Chusheng, you look back at Yu Wenwen, it's almost broken!

On April 22, 2022, Yu Wenwen has a new public welfare identity. This time, she was officially announced as a PADI Ocean Ambassador. On this day, she wrote on a photo of the seaside: "Protecting the ocean starts with me." In the photo, she is wearing scuba gear and surrounded by a large bag of marine debris that has been cleaned up. This move has also been praised and supported by many netizens. A netizen commented: "Yu Wenwen is really an all-round artist, he is good at singing and acting, and he is also enthusiastic about public welfare, and his actions to protect the ocean are very meaningful." Another netizen said: "The problem of marine debris is really serious, and seeing Yu Wenwen's actions, I also want to join the team to protect the ocean." ”

This event was not just about taking a few photos, Yu Wenwen also actively participated in practical actions such as ocean cleanup and coral conservation. She shared some of her diving experiences and mentioned how heart-wrenching she was when she saw damaged corals and marine life trapped in plastic bags on the ocean floor. She called on everyone to reduce the use of plastic products and protect the marine ecology. Some netizens left a message: "After reading Yu Wenwen's sharing, I feel that protecting the ocean is really not a slogan, but requires everyone's practical actions." Another said, "From this day forward, I also want to minimize the use of plastic products and protect our oceans." ”

Chen Chusheng, you look back at Yu Wenwen, it's almost broken!

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