
With 40,000 pink flowers, this is a must-see for the summer shoot! The subway bus goes directly to →

author:SOHO Guangzhou
With 40,000 pink flowers, this is a must-see for the summer shoot! The subway bus goes directly to →

It's only when you see this that you really appreciate it

Yang Wanli said

"The lotus leaves are infinitely green, and the lotus flowers are different red"

What a beautiful view

The pink lotus flowers that bloom all over the garden are graceful and colorful

It's as beautiful as a painting when you take a picture

With 40,000 pink flowers, this is a must-see for the summer shoot! The subway bus goes directly to →

Where is the best lotus in Guangzhou?

The strategy is ready

It is said that wearing Hanfu and lotus flowers is the easiest way to take pictures

Take advantage of the recent good weather and go!


More than 40,000 lotus plants amazed the whole summer

📍 Luochong Park

40,000 lotus trees in Luoyong Park in Baiyun District

The second is in full bloom 🪷

As far as the eye can see, there is an endless lotus pond

I saw layers of lotus leaves

Red, pink, purple, yellow


The lotus flowers are beautiful and beautiful

With 40,000 pink flowers, this is a must-see for the summer shoot! The subway bus goes directly to →
With 40,000 pink flowers, this is a must-see for the summer shoot! The subway bus goes directly to →

The park covers an area of about 33,000 square meters, and the water area accounts for two-thirds.

With 40,000 pink flowers, this is a must-see for the summer shoot! The subway bus goes directly to →

⛳ Address: Luoyong North Street, Luoyong Village, Songzhou Street, Baiyun District

🚌 Transportation: Take bus No. 198, No. 212, No. 259 to Songnan Jiekou Station, get off and walk to it

The top stream of the lotus world reflects the sun, and the lotus flowers bloom all over the lake

📍 Liwan Lake Park

Summer is coming

The lotus flowers in Liwan Lake Park are in full bloom as promised

A pond of lotus flowers stands tall

The breeze blows the willows, and the rain hits the lotus pond

It adds a touch of coolness to the hot summer day

With 40,000 pink flowers, this is a must-see for the summer shoot! The subway bus goes directly to →
With 40,000 pink flowers, this is a must-see for the summer shoot! The subway bus goes directly to →

A pool of lotus leaves, full of emerald green

The breeze blows through the "green waves"

Pink lotus flowers dance

With 40,000 pink flowers, this is a must-see for the summer shoot! The subway bus goes directly to →

⛳ Address: Liwan Lake Park, No. 155, Longjin West Road, Liwan District

🚌 Transportation: Exit A of Zhongshan 8th Station of Metro Line 5

The beautiful ancient courtyard strayed into the depths of lotus flowers

📍 Baomo Garden

Baomo Garden uses garden lotus flowers as the carrier

A number of lotus viewing landscapes have been carefully created

The "lotus scenery" with an area of about 1,000 square meters

It is dominated by pink thousand-petal lotus varieties

With 40,000 pink flowers, this is a must-see for the summer shoot! The subway bus goes directly to →

There are also carefully arranged antique lotus photography check-in points

Immersive experience

The pleasure of "straying into the depths of lotus flowers".

With 40,000 pink flowers, this is a must-see for the summer shoot! The subway bus goes directly to →
With 40,000 pink flowers, this is a must-see for the summer shoot! The subway bus goes directly to →

Photo/Baomo Garden

⛳ Address: South Road, Zini Village, Shawan Town, Panyu District

🚌 Transportation: You can take 314, 349, 12, 67 and other buses to Baomoyuan Bus Terminal

The sea of dreamy flowers broke into the world of lotus flowers

📍 Liuhua Lake Park

Liuhua Lake Park

It is one of the best places to enjoy the lotus in Guangzhou

A water and a sky, lotus leaf fields

Summer seems to be immersed in the fragrance of lotus

With 40,000 pink flowers, this is a must-see for the summer shoot! The subway bus goes directly to →
With 40,000 pink flowers, this is a must-see for the summer shoot! The subway bus goes directly to →

Liuhua Lake Park

There are three varieties of lotus

The lotus pond was built in a staggered manner

A platform and wooden boardwalk to see lotus flowers

You can see it from afar, and you can see it up close

The lotus flowers from different angles have their own characteristics and compete with each other

With 40,000 pink flowers, this is a must-see for the summer shoot! The subway bus goes directly to →

⛳ Address: Liuhua Lake Park, No. 100, Liuhua Road, Yuexiu District

🚌 Transportation: Exit C of Yuexiu Park Station of Metro Line 2

Delicate as silk 200 acres of lotus blooming

📍 East Shinghe Garden

Dongchenghe Garden in Fishing Carp Village, Conghua Jiangpu Street

200 acres of lotus flowers are in full bloom

The petals of the lotus flower are layered on top of each other

Like a delicate satin, delicate and silky

With 40,000 pink flowers, this is a must-see for the summer shoot! The subway bus goes directly to →
With 40,000 pink flowers, this is a must-see for the summer shoot! The subway bus goes directly to →

At the same time, the second Fishing Carp Village Lotus Festival has been launched recently, and the series of activities will last until August.

With 40,000 pink flowers, this is a must-see for the summer shoot! The subway bus goes directly to →

⛳ Address: Conghua District, Jiangpu Street, Fishing Carp Village, East Chenghe Garden

🚌 Transportation: Metro Line 14 to Conghua Bus Station, then transfer to bus and get off at Diaoli Station

There are also these super beautiful lotus check-in spots

Each one is worth visiting!

With 40,000 pink flowers, this is a must-see for the summer shoot! The subway bus goes directly to →

🪷 The ancient ancestral hall is fragrant, and the pink lotus jade stands

⛳ Lianxi Village, Huangge Town, Nansha District

🪷 A touch of lotus fragrance next to the ancient building

⛳ Huadu District Senior Doctor Ancestral Hall

🪷 The beautiful scenery of the lotus pond full of fireworks

⛳ Panyu District, Shiqi Town, Longbian Village, Xiyue Street

🪷The lotus flower of the ancient village with a history of more than 900 years

⛳ Daling Village, Panyu District

With 40,000 pink flowers, this is a must-see for the summer shoot! The subway bus goes directly to →
With 40,000 pink flowers, this is a must-see for the summer shoot! The subway bus goes directly to →
With 40,000 pink flowers, this is a must-see for the summer shoot! The subway bus goes directly to →

👉 Tips: Tourists should take care of the lotus flowers when watching, and do not pick them at will.


Source: Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism, Guangzhou Daily, Guangzhou Yuexiu Release, Yangcheng Evening News, Nanfang +, Guangzhou Liwan Release, Guangzhou Panyu Release, Guangzhou Nansha Release, Liuhuahu Park, Guangzhou Radio and Television Station, Huangge Xinsheng, Baomo Garden, Guangzhou Conghua Release, Guangzhou Release Comprehensive


With 40,000 pink flowers, this is a must-see for the summer shoot! The subway bus goes directly to →

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With 40,000 pink flowers, this is a must-see for the summer shoot! The subway bus goes directly to →

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