
3 common conditions of cloudy urine, are you damp and hot, spleen deficiency or kidney deficiency?

author:Shandong Geriatrics Society

There are 3 common conditions of cloudy urine, damp heat, spleen deficiency and kidney deficiency, which one do you belong to?

3 common conditions of cloudy urine, are you damp and hot, spleen deficiency or kidney deficiency?

The first damp heat, turbid urine, most of them will be accompanied by frequent urination and urgency, damp itching at the root of the thighs, sticky stool, dry mouth and bad breath, physical exhaustion and other symptoms, mostly eating sweet and greasy, spicy and stimulating food, hurting the spleen and stomach, producing dampness, accumulating heat, and then combining dampness and heat, resulting in the spleen and stomach lifting and the kidney's ability to regulate water and fluid. What to do? It can warm the kidneys and dispel dampness, distinguish and dispel turbidity.

3 common conditions of cloudy urine, are you damp and hot, spleen deficiency or kidney deficiency?

Second, kidney qi deficiency, often accompanied by malaise, body emaciation, upset, waist and knee soreness, dizziness and tinnitus and other symptoms, kidney main water, including the work on urine production, kidney qi weakness, no strength to fix urine, resulting in subtle substances excreted with urine, resulting in turbidity in urine, this situation only needs to nourish kidney qi.

3 common conditions of cloudy urine, are you damp and hot, spleen deficiency or kidney deficiency?

The third, spleen deficiency, turbidity in urine repeatedly, not thoroughly, lower abdomen distended and uncomfortable, mental sleepiness, no strength, this is mostly the further development of dampness and heat, the urine turbidity time is too long, the body loses too much subtle substances, in turn aggravates the spleen deficiency, you need to strengthen the spleen and replenish the spleen, distinguish and dissolve turbidity, have you learned?

3 common conditions of cloudy urine, are you damp and hot, spleen deficiency or kidney deficiency?