
Beichen No. 1 Kindergarten launched the "Night of the Brave" of the Graduation Ceremony of the Kindergarten

author:Hunan newspaper culture

On June 28th, Beichen No. 1 Kindergarten of Kaifu District Education Bureau of Changsha City carefully planned the "Night of the Brave" for the graduating kindergarten children.

Beichen No. 1 Kindergarten launched the "Night of the Brave" of the Graduation Ceremony of the Kindergarten

After entering the kindergarten in the morning, the children hugged each other and participated in the affectionate confession session "I want to say to you" and the creative "T-shirt graffiti" activity. At the same time, the children also watched the video of the graduation show together to relive the good times in the kindergarten. In addition, the Kindergarten children also presented handmade greeting cards to the younger siblings of the Kindergarten and Kindergarten classes, conveying their blessings and good wishes.

Beichen No. 1 Kindergarten launched the "Night of the Brave" of the Graduation Ceremony of the Kindergarten

After school, a warm and sumptuous buffet dinner officially kicked off. Children sit around the table, savor delicious food, and have fun with their peers. After the dinner, they excitedly got into the tent and played with their friends, sharing the special joy of the evening. After the break, the wonderful individual talent show began to be staged in the multi-purpose hall, street dance, Latin dance, piano solo, chorus and other turns, the children shined on the stage, won the warm applause and cheers of the audience. At the end of the performance, the children followed the teacher back to the classroom, and after washing, they lay on their small beds, listened to the bedtime stories told by the teacher, and gradually fell asleep with the joy and beauty of the day.

Beichen No. 1 Kindergarten launched the "Night of the Brave" of the Graduation Ceremony of the Kindergarten
Beichen No. 1 Kindergarten launched the "Night of the Brave" of the Graduation Ceremony of the Kindergarten

The "Night of the Brave" of the Beichen No. 1 Kindergarten of the Education Bureau of Kaifu District, Changsha City, carried out the series of activities of the graduation ceremony of the large class, which not only exercised the children's courage and self-confidence, learned independence and autonomy, but also allowed them to learn to be grateful and cherish, and grow up in happiness and challenges.

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