
Expert: It is not recommended that you wash your clothes at night, you will get sick after washing, and now you know that it is not too late

author:Bijia Minami

In this era of image-first, everyone wants to look their best.

Therefore, the daily household chore of washing clothes is also particularly important. However, did you know that laundry is not as simple as throwing your dirty laundry in the washing machine, adding laundry detergent, and waiting for it to be done?

In fact, there are many details behind this that we may have overlooked.

Expert: It is not recommended that you wash your clothes at night, you will get sick after washing, and now you know that it is not too late

When we notice a stain or a slight smell on our clothes, we can't wait to clean them.

But there are some key caveats in the process, and if neglected, they can lead to poor laundry and even affect our health.

Expert: It is not recommended that you wash your clothes at night, you will get sick after washing, and now you know that it is not too late

Especially in the busy life, many people choose to do laundry at night, but experts call it: this is not a wise move.

1. Why don't you do laundry at night?

In the fast-paced modern life, people are often busy with work and study during the day, and only when night falls, do they have some leisure time to deal with household chores, and laundry is one of them.

However, evening laundry is not a wise choice for several reasons:

Expert: It is not recommended that you wash your clothes at night, you will get sick after washing, and now you know that it is not too late

First of all, dim lighting can affect our observation and judgment of clothing.

In low-light environments, it is difficult to accurately identify stains on clothing, which can lead to incomplete washing.

This problem is even more pronounced for families living in small apartments.

Expert: It is not recommended that you wash your clothes at night, you will get sick after washing, and now you know that it is not too late

Secondly, the evening is the peak time for water use.

During this time, activities such as bathing, washing dishes, and washing clothes may all be done at the same time.

If you live on a higher floor, you may experience a lack of water pressure. This will not only prolong the washing time, but may also affect the washing results.

Expert: It is not recommended that you wash your clothes at night, you will get sick after washing, and now you know that it is not too late

In addition, washing laundry at night often means that laundry needs to be spent overnight in a washing machine or laundry basket to dry or dry the next day. However, doing so increases the risk of mold and bacteria growing in your clothing.

Expert: It is not recommended that you wash your clothes at night, you will get sick after washing, and now you know that it is not too late

In a closed and humid environment, bacteria multiply rapidly, which can cause odors that are difficult to remove from clothing, and even pose a threat to human health.

Expert: It is not recommended that you wash your clothes at night, you will get sick after washing, and now you know that it is not too late

2. Common misunderstandings of laundry

In addition to the choice of laundry time, we are also prone to fall into some misunderstandings in the laundry process. Here are some common laundry myths and answers:

1. Newly bought clothes, wear them directly without washing?

Myth: Many people think that newly bought clothes are clean and can be worn directly. However, new clothes can be contaminated during production, transportation, and storage.

Do: Newly bought clothes should be washed before wearing to ensure hygiene.

Expert: It is not recommended that you wash your clothes at night, you will get sick after washing, and now you know that it is not too late

2. Can brighteners and disinfectants make clothes cleaner?

Myth: Some people think that using brighteners and disinfectants can make clothes whiter and more hygienic. However, excessive use of these chemicals can cause damage to clothing and skin.

Do: Use detergent in moderation and choose the right way to wash the garment according to the material and color.

Expert: It is not recommended that you wash your clothes at night, you will get sick after washing, and now you know that it is not too late

3. The more detergent is used, the better the cleaning effect?

Myth: Many people think that the more detergents you use, the better the cleaning results. However, excessive detergent is not only difficult to clean, but can also remain on clothing and cause skin irritation.

Correct practice: Add an appropriate amount according to the instructions for use of detergent to avoid excessive use.

Expert: It is not recommended that you wash your clothes at night, you will get sick after washing, and now you know that it is not too late

4. There is no foam and the clothes have been cleaned?

Myth: Some people think that as long as there is no foam when washing, it means that the clothes are clean. However, in reality, the amount of foam does not fully reflect the cleaning effect.

Do: In addition to observing the foam, check the garment for stains and rinse it several times to ensure it is clean.

Expert: It is not recommended that you wash your clothes at night, you will get sick after washing, and now you know that it is not too late

5. Can adults and babies wash their clothes together?

Myth: For convenience, some people wash adult and baby clothes together. However, adult clothing can carry more bacteria and dirt, posing a threat to your baby's health.

Do: Adult and baby's clothes should be washed separately to ensure that baby's clothes are cleaner and more hygienic.

Expert: It is not recommended that you wash your clothes at night, you will get sick after washing, and now you know that it is not too late

6. Frequent use of washing machines saves time and effort?

Myth: The washing machine does save us a lot of time, but frequent use may also lead to the growth of bacteria inside the washing machine, affecting the washing effect.

Do: Clean the inside of the washing machine regularly to avoid the growth of bacteria. For baby clothes or underwear, it is recommended that hand washing is safer.

Expert: It is not recommended that you wash your clothes at night, you will get sick after washing, and now you know that it is not too late

7. Do you need to wash your underwear and outer clothes separately?

Myth: Some people think that underwear and outer clothing do not need to be washed separately, but outer clothing is exposed to more bacteria and dirt, and washing them together may contaminate underwear.

Correct practice: The underwear and outer clothes should be washed separately, and the underwear should be washed first and then the outer clothes to ensure the cleanliness and hygiene of the underwear.

Expert: It is not recommended that you wash your clothes at night, you will get sick after washing, and now you know that it is not too late

8. If the clothes are not dirty, can I wear them all the time?

Myth: Some people think that clothes can be worn all the time without being dirty, without frequent washing. But in fact, clothes will be contaminated with sweat, dust and other dirt during wearing, and long-term failure to wash will affect the service life and wearing comfort of clothes.

Correct approach: Arrange the washing time reasonably according to the frequency of wearing and the stain condition of the garment. Intimate clothing and clothing that is prone to stains should be washed more frequently.

Expert: It is not recommended that you wash your clothes at night, you will get sick after washing, and now you know that it is not too late

3. Correct laundry steps

In order to avoid the above mistakes, we should follow these correct laundry steps:

  • Fresh water soaking foam:

Soak the garment in warm water and choose the appropriate water temperature according to the fabric of the garment.

  • Sprinkle with salt:

Table salt has the effect of disinfection, sterilization and prevention of fading. Add a small amount of salt when soaking to improve the cleaning effect.

Expert: It is not recommended that you wash your clothes at night, you will get sick after washing, and now you know that it is not too late
  • Use detergent in moderation:

Follow the instructions for use of detergent and add the appropriate amount according to the amount of clothing and the degree of stains.

  • Soak and scrub gently:

Allow the garment to soak in the detergent solution for a while, then gently scrub the stain. Avoid excessive force to avoid damaging the fabric fibers.

Expert: It is not recommended that you wash your clothes at night, you will get sick after washing, and now you know that it is not too late
  • Rinse thoroughly:

Rinse laundry thoroughly with clean water and make sure all detergents are rinsed off.

  • Dry or tumble dry:

Dry your laundry naturally in a well-ventilated area or use a dryer. Be careful not to dry at high temperatures to prevent shrinkage or deformation.

Expert: It is not recommended that you wash your clothes at night, you will get sick after washing, and now you know that it is not too late

Write at the end:

Laundry may seem simple, but it actually involves a lot of details and skills.

Choosing the right time to do laundry, avoiding common pitfalls, and following the right laundry steps are all key to ensuring cleanliness and our health.

Expert: It is not recommended that you wash your clothes at night, you will get sick after washing, and now you know that it is not too late

Therefore, it is recommended that you avoid washing your clothes at night as much as possible, and instead choose to wash them during a time period with sufficient light and stable water pressure.