
Affected by Zhang Xueliang's abandonment of the Northeast, his daughter is now 104 years old, but his three sons have not died well

author:A thousand cups are not drunk

In modern Chinese history, Zhang Xueliang is a controversial figure. His "policy of non-resistance" led to the fall of the Northeast, which sparked numerous controversies and criticisms. However, what is less known is that the family life of this "young marshal" is also full of ups and downs, full of joys and sorrows. His five children, with their different destinies, are like a family epic that spans centuries. Among them, the lives of the three sons were short-lived, and they died one after another; And his only daughter has become a centenarian who has witnessed the vicissitudes of nearly a century. What kind of family environment has created such a disparate life trajectory? How did Zhang Xueliang's choice affect the fate of his children? Let's unravel the mystery of this family and explore that little-known history.

Everyone in the world knows that Zhang Xueliang is the son of the Northeast warlord Zhang Zuolin, but they don't know that the rise of this family is a legend

Zhang Zuolin was originally a child of an ordinary peasant family in Liaoyang, and when he was a teenager, his family was poor, so he had to sell horses for a living. Who would have thought that this young man would become the "King of the Northeast" in the future.

In 1875, Zhang Zuolin was born in Haicheng County, Liaoning Province, and his family was poor since he was a child, and he began to explore the rivers and lakes at the age of 15. With his extraordinary courage and wisdom, he gradually grew from a horse dealer to a well-known local armed leader. In 1900, when the Eight-Nation Alliance invaded China, Zhang Zuolin organized the township to fight against foreign enemies and showed its edge. When the Xinhai Revolution broke out in 1911, he took the opportunity to expand his power and gradually became the de facto ruler of the northeast region.

Just when Zhang Zuolin's career was in full swing, in 1901, Zhang Xueliang was born. As Zhang Zuolin's eldest son, Zhang Xueliang received a good education since he was a child. He not only received a traditional private school education, but also studied in the Army Lecture Hall of the Three Eastern Provinces. In 1919, Zhang Xueliang, who was only 18 years old, was sent by his father to study in Japan to broaden his horizons.

However, fate tricked people. In 1928, Zhang Zuolin was killed by the Japanese in Huanggutun, and Zhang Xueliang, who was only 27 years old, inherited his father's military and political power and became a "young marshal". The young commander faced unprecedented challenges: on the one hand, he wanted to consolidate his rule; On the other hand, he had to deal with the increasingly rampant Japanese aggression.

On September 18, 1931, the Japanese Kwantung Army suddenly launched the "918 Incident". In the face of the menacing Japanese army, Zhang Xueliang made a decision that shocked China and foreign countries: to implement a "non-resistance policy" and order the Northeast Army to take the initiative to retreat. This decision led to the rapid fall of the three northeastern provinces, which triggered strong dissatisfaction and criticism from all over the country.

Zhang Xueliang's decision not only changed the course of Chinese history, but also completely changed the fate of the Zhang family. After the Northeast changed hands, the Zhang family lost the foundation on which they depended. The "Northeast King" family, which once called for wind and rain, became an exile overnight.

This decision also had a profound impact on Zhang Xueliang's personal life. He began to frequent the dance halls in Shanghai and got acquainted with the famous singer Miss Zhao Si. The two fell in love, but this relationship was strongly opposed by Zhang Xueliang's wife Yu Fengzhi. Family conflicts are intensifying, and the relationship between Zhang Xueliang and Yu Fengzhi is gradually estranged.

At the same time, Zhang Xueliang began to actively participate in the national anti-Japanese salvation movement

In 1936, he and Yang Hucheng launched a "military admonition" in Xi'an, detained Chiang Kai-shek, and forced the Kuomintang to stop the civil war and unite with the outside world. Although this action led to the second KMT-CCP cooperation, it also led to Zhang Xueliang's house arrest for more than half a century.

The rise and fall of the Zhang family is like a mirror, reflecting the turmoil and changes in modern China. From the rise of Zhang Zuolin to the fall of Zhang Xueliang, in just a few decades, this family has experienced a huge gap from the peak to the bottom. And this great change in the fate of the family has also deeply affected the life trajectory of Zhang Xueliang's children.

Zhang Xueliang's three sons, Zhang Luxun, Zhang Luyu and Zhang Luqi, their life trajectories seem to be shrouded in a shadow, and they have not escaped the tricks of fate. The short lives of these three brothers are like a tragic elegy, singing the helplessness and vicissitudes of the children of famous families in troubled times.

The eldest son, Zhang Luxun, was born in 1917 and was the first child born to Zhang Xueliang and his wife Yu Fengzhi. As the eldest grandson of the Zhang family, he has been in the spotlight since he was a child. Zhang Luxun has been intelligent since childhood, and under the careful cultivation of his family, he has shown extraordinary talent. However, fate does not seem to favor the heir of the Zhang family.

Affected by Zhang Xueliang's abandonment of the Northeast, his daughter is now 104 years old, but his three sons have not died well

After the "918 Incident" in 1931, the Zhang family lost its foundation in the northeast, and Zhang Luxun had to go south with his family. In the turbulent times, he traveled from place to place, and his road to study was bumpy. Despite this, Zhang Luxun still maintained his thirst for knowledge and studied hard in the midst of displacement.

However, in 1954, a sudden illness took the young man's life. 37-year-old Zhang Luxun died of sepsis, leaving behind endless regrets. His death is not only a huge loss for the Zhang family, but also makes people sigh at the impermanence of fate.

The second son, Zhang Luyu, was born in 1918, one year younger than his brother. Unlike his eldest brother, Zhang seems to prefer sports. He once played badminton with his father Zhang Xueliang and established a deep bond between father and son. Zhang Luyu inherited Zhang Xueliang's athletic talent and made great achievements in sports.

However, the haze of war has always shrouded the Zhang family. After the Xi'an Incident in 1936, Zhang Xueliang was placed under house arrest, and the breadwinner of his family suddenly collapsed. Zhang Luyu had to take care of his family at a young age. In such an environment, he still strives to pursue his ideals and hopes to contribute to the country.

It's a pity that fate once again played a cruel joke on the Zhang family. In 1958, 40-year-old Zhang Luyu was in a car accident in the United States and unfortunately passed away. This young man, who was once in his prime, passed away forever, leaving behind endless regrets.

The third son, Zhang Luqi, was born in 1930 and is the youngest of the three brothers

His birth coincided with a critical period when the Zhang family was turning from prosperity to decline. Zhang Luqi has shown extraordinary intelligence since he was a child, and is considered the smartest of the three brothers. His appearance resembles his father Zhang Xueliang, as if he is a copy of Zhang Xueliang when he was young.

However, Zhang Luqi's life is the shortest of the three brothers. In those days when medical care was limited, tuberculosis was tantamount to a death notice. Zhang Luqi, who was only 12 years old, unfortunately contracted this terrible disease and eventually died. A life full of hope is so withering in the flowering season, which is embarrassing.

There are also some conspiracy theories circulating about the cause of Zhang Luqi's death. It is believed that he may have died at the hands of the Japanese. Although this statement lacks conclusive evidence, it also reflects the turmoil of that era and the unrest of people's hearts.

The fate of these three brothers seems to be a condensed history of modern China. The trajectories of their lives reflect the characteristics of that era: frequent wars, rampant diseases, and frequent accidents. As a famous family, they should have enjoyed a good life, but they could not escape the torrent of the times.

The tragedy of Zhang Xueliang's three sons also makes people think about the relationship between family fate and personal choices. Although Zhang Xueliang's "policy of non-resistance" avoided bloodshed at that time, it also indirectly led to the shaking of the family's status. This change in family status has undoubtedly had a profound impact on the environment in which children grow up.

At the same time, Zhang Xueliang's long-term experience of house arrest also made it impossible for him to personally take care of and protect his children. In that turbulent era, the children who had lost their father's protection had to face the harsh reality alone. This may also be an important reason for the ill-fated fate of the three sons.

Among Zhang Xueliang's children, only his daughter Zhang Lulin has become a centenarian and has witnessed the changes of nearly a century. The trajectory of her life seems to be a living history of modern China, recording the tortuous journey of a large family from glory to decline and then to re-emergence.

Zhang Lulin was born in 1920 and is the second child born to Zhang Xueliang and his wife Yu Fengzhi. As the pearl of the "young marshal", Zhang Lulin has attracted much attention since she was a child. She spent her childhood in the mansion of the great marshal in the northeast, enjoying a rich life of fine clothes and fine food. However, this comfortable life did not last long.

After the outbreak of the "918 Incident" in 1931, Zhang Lulin, who was only 11 years old, went south with his family in a hurry. Since then, the trajectory of her life has taken a huge turn. Leaving her familiar home and traveling around the world, Zhang Lulin has experienced unimaginable hardships for ordinary people. However, this experience also developed her strong character and laid the foundation for her later life.

Affected by Zhang Xueliang's abandonment of the Northeast, his daughter is now 104 years old, but his three sons have not died well

In 1936, the Xi'an Incident broke out. 16-year-old Zhang Lulin is in the prime of her cardamom years, but she has to face the great changes in her family. His father, Zhang Xueliang, was placed under house arrest, and the pillar of the family suddenly collapsed. Under such circumstances, Zhang Lulin had to take on the responsibility of taking care of her family in advance. Her strength and courage were on full display at this time.

During the war years, Zhang Lulin's road to study was also full of ups and downs

She studied at Nanjing Central University, Sichuan University and other schools, and traveled to various places to study. Despite the difficult living conditions, she always maintained her thirst for knowledge. This spirit of curiosity has become an important force to support her through difficulties.

In 1949, the People's Republic of China was founded. At this time, Zhang Lulin was 29 years old and was in the golden age of her life. However, due to her family background, she did not get the job offer she wanted. However, Zhang Lulin was not discouraged by this. She chose an ordinary but rewarding path – to become an ordinary teacher.

In the education position, Zhang Lulin has worked silently for decades. She has used her knowledge and wisdom to train generations of students. Although she is not rich, she has always maintained an optimistic attitude. This spirit has also influenced her students and has become a valuable asset on their life path.

In 1988, at the age of 68, Zhang Lulin retired. thought that he would spend his old age in peace, but unexpectedly ushered in another turning point in his life. In 1990, Zhang Xueliang ended his 54-year house arrest and moved his family to the United States. Zhang Lulin also left China, where she had lived for most of her life, and began to live overseas.

In the United States, Zhang Lulin started a new life. She is constantly learning new things, meeting new people, and actively integrating into the local society. At the same time, she also took on the responsibility of caring for her elderly parents. In Zhang Xueliang's later years, it was Zhang Lulin who was always by his side and provided him with meticulous care.

In 2001, Zhang Xueliang died in Hawaii, USA, at the age of 101. Zhang Lulin, who lost her father, was not knocked down by grief, but continued to live strongly. She often participates in various social activities, gathers with old friends, and maintains a positive and optimistic attitude towards life.

As she grew older, Zhang Lulin gradually became the living history of Zhang Xueliang's family. She is often interviewed by the media about her father and her family. Her memories restore a real Zhang Xueliang for us, and also provide valuable first-hand information for the study of modern Chinese history.

In 2024, Zhang Lulin will usher in her 104th birthday. As Zhang Xueliang's eldest daughter, she has become the oldest member of the family. Her longevity seems to be a kind of compensation from God for this family. Through her, the spirit of Zhang Xueliang has been continued, and the history of the Zhang family has been inherited.

Zhang Lulin's life experience can be called a condensed modern Chinese history. From the daughter of the Northeast Marshal's Mansion to the exile in the war years; From ordinary teachers in New China to centenarians overseas. The trajectory of her life reflects the great changes in Chinese society over the past century. And the optimistic attitude she has always maintained towards life is worth learning from each of us.

The marriage between Zhang Xueliang and Miss Zhao Si, although controversial, also brought new life to the Zhang family. The fate of the children born in this marriage is also full of drama, and it has become a non-negligible part of Zhang Xueliang's family history.

Zhang Luming, the eldest son of Zhang Xueliang and Zhao Si, was born in 1941. His birth coincided with the most difficult period of the Anti-Japanese War, and Zhang Xueliang had been under house arrest for many years. Zhang Luming was destined to face a challenging world from birth. As the son of Zhang Xueliang, he not only carries the glory of the family, but also carries a heavy historical burden.

When he was growing up, Zhang Luming rarely saw his father. Zhang Xueliang has been under house arrest for a long time and is unable to raise the child himself. This special family environment undoubtedly had a profound impact on the formation of Zhang Luming's character. From an early age, he showed extraordinary independence and tenacity, which may have been the gift of fate.

Despite his family's special background, Zhang Luming still strives to pursue his own path in life. He received his higher education in the United States, earning a degree in engineering. This choice not only reflects his love for technology, but also shows his determination to prove himself through his own efforts.

Affected by Zhang Xueliang's abandonment of the Northeast, his daughter is now 104 years old, but his three sons have not died well

In his career, Zhang Luming chose a completely different path from his father. He didn't get involved in politics and focused on the tech sector. This choice is both a pursuit of personal interest and a response to family history. Through his contributions in the field of science and technology, he has made efforts for the development of society in his own way.

Zhang Lubo, the second son of Zhang Xueliang and Zhao Si, was born in 1946

His birth coincided with the victory in the World Anti-Fascist War and seemed to herald the arrival of a new era. However, as Zhang Xueliang's son, Zhang Lubo's life path is also full of twists and turns.

Similar to his brother, Zhang Lubo's childhood was also spent in his father's absence. This special family environment has allowed him to cultivate an independent personality since he was a child. Despite the many difficulties he faced, Zhang Lubo still insisted on pursuing his dreams and showed an indomitable spirit.

In terms of education, Zhang Lubo also chose fields that have nothing to do with politics. He studied business management in the United States, laying the foundation for his future career. This choice reflects both his interest in business and his family's history.

Over the course of his career, Zhang Lubo has demonstrated exceptional business acumen. He successfully started his own company and achieved certain success in the business world. This success is not only a proof of personal ability, but also brings new glory to the Zhang family.

Zhang Lurui, the daughter of Zhang Xueliang and Zhao Si, was born in 1948. As Zhang Xueliang's youngest daughter, Zhang Lurui's birth brought a touch of warmth to this family that has experienced vicissitudes. However, her life path is also full of challenges and opportunities.

Unlike his older brothers, Zhang Lurui has shown a strong interest in art since he was a child. This interest may be a special response to family history. In the world of art, she has found a way to express herself and a bridge to communicate with the world.

Zhang Lurui received his art education in the United States, specializing in painting and sculpture. Her works often incorporate elements of traditional Chinese culture, reflecting her reflections on her own cultural identity. Through her artistic creation, she not only inherits Chinese culture, but also contributes to the cultural exchange between the East and the West.

During his career, Zhang Lurui has held many solo exhibitions, and his works have been well received by professionals and the public. Her success is not only a reflection of her personal talent, but also adds a new luster to the Zhang family.

Although the three children born to Zhang Xueliang's second marriage live in the shadow of their father's long-term house arrest, they have all found their own path in life. Zhang Luming's contributions in the field of science and technology, Zhang Lubo's achievements in the business world, and Zhang Lurui's artistic attainments all demonstrate the talent and resilience of the Zhang family's descendants.

The growth experience of these three children also reflects the changes in Chinese families in the second half of the 20th century. From the years of war to peace, from the East to the West, their life trajectories have witnessed the changes of an era. Despite their special family backgrounds, they still made achievements in their respective fields through their own efforts, writing a new chapter for Zhang Xueliang's family.

The story of Zhang Xueliang's family did not end with the death of the "young marshal". On the contrary, this family, which once influenced the course of Chinese history, continues to write its own chapter in the new era. Zhang Xueliang's descendants, although far away from the political arena, inherit the spirit of the family in their respective fields and make their own contributions to society.

Zhang Xueliang's eldest grandson, Zhang Zhiwang, as a representative of the new generation of the family, has taken on the important task of continuing the family spirit. He was born in the 1950s and grew up in a special era. Since childhood, Zhang Zhiwang has been well aware of his responsibilities. He chose to study history, especially the life and deeds of his grandfather Zhang Xueliang. This choice is not only a respect for the family's history, but also an exploration of the historical truth.

Zhang Zhiwang has devoted himself to sorting out and researching Zhang Xueliang's relevant historical materials for many years. He visited many historical sites related to Zhang Xueliang and collected a large number of oral history materials. Through these efforts, he has made important contributions to the restoration of a real Zhang Xueliang. At the same time, he has also given many public speeches to tell the story of Zhang Xueliang to the public and disseminate historical knowledge.

Affected by Zhang Xueliang's abandonment of the Northeast, his daughter is now 104 years old, but his three sons have not died well

In addition to his research work, Zhang Zhiwang is also actively involved in philanthropy. He established a charitable foundation named after Zhang Xueliang to devote itself to the development of education and culture. This behavior not only continued Zhang Xueliang's spirit of enthusiasm for public welfare in his later years, but also won a new social reputation for the family.

Zhang Xueliang's granddaughter, Zhang Naixin, chose a completely different path from the family tradition. She is passionate about the tech field and studied computer science in the United States. After graduating, she joined a well-known technology company in Silicon Valley and participated in the development of artificial intelligence technology.

Zhang Naixin's choice reflects the zhongshi of the new generation of Zhang's descendants towards modern technology

Although there seems to be no direct connection between her profession and her family's history, her innovative spirit and courageous attitude of exploration are undoubtedly another interpretation of Zhang Xueliang's spirit. In her spare time, Zhang Naixin also actively participates in the activities of the Chinese community and has made her own contribution to promoting cultural exchanges between China and the United States.

Several of Mr. Zhang's great-grandchildren have chosen to return to China for development. Among them, Zhang Xueliang's great-granddaughter Zhang Xiaolin founded a cultural media company in Shanghai. Her company specializes in documentaries and films on historical themes, including works featuring Zhang Xueliang.

Zhang Xiaolin's work is not only a continuation of family history, but also an interpretation of modern Chinese history. Her works have not only gained wide attention in China, but also participated in many international film festivals, contributing to the dissemination of Chinese history and culture to the world. At the same time, she also actively participates in cultural exchange activities, and has organized overseas Chinese young people to return to China many times to seek their roots and ancestors, so as to enhance their understanding of Chinese culture.

In the United States, Zhang Mingyuan, another great-grandson of Zhang Xueliang, has made achievements in the field of education. He is a professor of East Asian studies at a prestigious university, specializing in modern Chinese history. In Zhang Mingyuan's courses, the deeds of his grandfather Zhang Xueliang are often mentioned, but he always analyzes this history with an objective academic attitude.

Zhang's research work provides a new perspective for the American academic community to understand Chinese history. He has organized many academic seminars and invited Chinese and American scholars to conduct in-depth discussions on modern Chinese history. Through these activities, he not only disseminated historical knowledge, but also promoted academic exchanges between China and the United States.

In addition to these descendants who have made achievements in their respective fields, there are many ordinary members of Zhang Xueliang's family. They may not have prominent social status, but they all work silently in their respective positions, inheriting the spirit of the family in their own way.

Every year on the Qingming Festival, Zhang Xueliang's descendants will gather together to pay tribute to their ancestors. This kind of family gathering is not only a remembrance of history, but also a prospect for the future. At these gatherings, the elders of the family often tell the story of Zhang Xueliang to the younger generation and pass on the family's values.

With the passage of time, the influence of the Zhang Xueliang family may not be as good as before. However, the family is still influencing society in its own way. Whether it is in academic research, scientific and technological innovation, cultural communication or education, Zhang Xueliang's descendants are striving to contribute to society.

The story of Zhang Xueliang's family reflects the changes in Chinese society to a certain extent. From a prominent warlord family to an ordinary person who is now working silently in all walks of life, the fate of Zhang's descendants reflects the vicissitudes of life in China in the past 100 years. However, no matter how the times change, the core of Zhang Xueliang's spirit - patriotism, responsibility, and innovation has always been passed down from generation to generation in this family.