
The collection is coming! 8 blockbuster reviews, please bookmark

author:Steel Pioneer

The collection is coming! 8 blockbuster reviews, please bookmark

From June 17th to 19th, the Political Work Conference of the Central Military Commission was held in Yan'an, Shaanxi, and Xi Jinping attended the meeting and delivered an important speech, emphasizing

Implement the strategy of political and military construction in the new era

Provide a strong political guarantee for the cause of strengthening the military


After the meeting

The People's Liberation Army Daily published a series of commentators' articles

Guide the vast number of officers and soldiers to conscientiously study and implement Chairman Xi's important speech at the Central Military Commission's Political Work Conference, and today Xiaotie has made a collection of this series of commentaries and articles to facilitate everyone's in-depth study and understanding


Accurately comprehend and implement the strategy of political and military construction in the new era

-- First, conscientiously study and implement Chairman Xi's important speech at the Political Work Conference of the Central Military Commission


Firmly grasp the requirements of the era of political army building

-- Two Discussions: Conscientiously Study and Implement Chairman Xi's Important Speech at the Political Work Conference of the Central Military Commission


Enhance the consciousness and thoroughness of ideological transformation

-- Three Theses: Conscientiously Study and Implement Chairman Xi's Important Speech at the Political Work Conference of the Central Military Commission


Improve the leadership, organization and execution of party organizations

-- Four Theses: Conscientiously study and implement Chairman Xi's important speech at the Political Work Conference of the Central Military Commission


Strengthen the construction of the cadre ranks

-- Five Theses: Conscientiously study and implement Chairman Xi's important speech at the Political Work Conference of the Central Military Commission


Eradicate the soil and conditions that breed corruption

-- Six Theses: Conscientiously study and implement Chairman Xi's important speech at the Political Work Conference of the Central Military Commission


Boost the entrepreneurial spirit of the officer

-- Seven Theses: Conscientiously study and implement Chairman Xi's important speech at the Political Work Conference of the Central Military Commission


Restore and carry forward the fine traditions of political work

-- Eight Theses: Conscientiously study and implement Chairman Xi's important speech at the Political Work Conference of the Central Military Commission

Source: People's Army

The collection is coming! 8 blockbuster reviews, please bookmark

Sa! Thousands of miles away, defeat the enemy with one move! This group of snipers is not simple! Serve the grassroots and listen to the voice of the "heart".

The food carnival is non-stop, and the birthday party warms up the barracks!

The collection is coming! 8 blockbuster reviews, please bookmark

Editor in charge: Lu Zhangliang

Editors on duty: Wang Ning, Li Ka-shing

Submission email: [email protected]

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