
Specializing in the bear child series, the comment area shared that it was so relieving to read it! Netizen: The upper beam is not correct and the lower beam is crooked


Specializing in the bear child series, the comment area shared that it was so relieving to read it! Netizen: The upper beam is not correct and the lower beam is crooked

Specializing in the bear child series, the comment area shared that it was so relieving to read it! Netizen: The upper beam is not correct and the lower beam is crooked
Specializing in the bear child series, the comment area shared that it was so relieving to read it! Netizen: The upper beam is not correct and the lower beam is crooked
Specializing in the bear child series, the comment area shared that it was so relieving to read it! Netizen: The upper beam is not correct and the lower beam is crooked
Specializing in the bear child series, the comment area shared that it was so relieving to read it! Netizen: The upper beam is not correct and the lower beam is crooked
Specializing in the bear child series, the comment area shared that it was so relieving to read it! Netizen: The upper beam is not correct and the lower beam is crooked
Specializing in the bear child series, the comment area shared that it was so relieving to read it! Netizen: The upper beam is not correct and the lower beam is crooked

"How can you do this, you kid!" I yelled angrily at the mischievous bear child. This bear kid is rampage in the supermarket, getting goods all over the shelves. I happened to be passing by and couldn't help but stop it. "You have to take care of it!" He replied to me without fear, and his eyes were full of provocation. I took a deep breath, tried to suppress the anger in my heart, and said, "Kid, this is a public place, you can't be so unruly. "I don't have rules, what's wrong?" He crossed his hands on his hips, looking like he was not afraid of heaven and earth.

The people around me looked at me one after another, some accusing the child and some sympathizing with me. At that moment, I thought to myself, where the hell are the parents of this child? How can you let a child be so foolish. At this moment, the child's mother walked over slowly, glanced at the chaotic scene, and said lightly: "Children, it's normal to be naughty, you are such an adult, what do you care about with a child." ”

When I heard this, I couldn't help but feel angry. "You are the parent of your child, so you should educate him well, not condone him in public." The child's mother gave me a blank look, "My child knows, I don't need you to teach me a lesson." I was completely enraged, "Your way of educating people like this will only harm the children." Today he messes with you in the supermarket, tomorrow he goes somewhere else to cause more trouble, can you be so indifferent? The child's mother snorted and pulled the child to leave. I stood in front of them, "You have to give an explanation for today's matter, you can't just leave it at that." The people around me also began to echo my words, accusing the parent of inaction.

The child's mother saw that the situation was not good, so she softened her tone and said to the child: "Apologize to Auntie." The bear child stubbornly turned his head and refused to apologize. I squatted down, looked into the child's eyes, and said seriously: "Children, if you do something wrong, you must be brave enough to admit your mistakes, as long as you apologize, everyone will forgive you." Eventually, under pressure from the crowd, the child whispered "I'm sorry." The anger in my heart subsided a little. This incident reminds me of another bear child I met before. It was in the park, and I was resting on a bench when a little boy rushed at me with a toy gun and shouting "hit the bad guys." I was startled, and before I could react, he smashed a toy gun into my leg.

"Kid, you can't do this, it hurts." I reminded him gently. Unexpectedly, instead of stopping, he attacked me even more vigorously. At this time, his parents were chatting with others not far away, completely oblivious to the situation here. I really had no choice but to go up to the parents and say, "Can you take care of your children, it's dangerous." But the parents said nonchalantly, "The child is just playing, and it doesn't really hurt you." I really can't understand what these parents think, can children do whatever they want at a young age? Another time, on the bus, a little girl kept crying, and her voice was sharp and piercing.

Her parents not only did not coax, but also yelled at her impatiently: "Don't cry, it's annoying!" I couldn't help but say to the parents, "If you yell at your child like this, she will cry even more, and you should comfort her." The parents said angrily: "How do I educate my children I don't have to worry about you!" Alas, behind these bear children, there are often irresponsible parents. They think that their children are young and ignorant, so they let them go freely, but they don't know that this will make children develop bad habits and characters. I think that as a parent, you should establish correct values and codes of conduct for your children from an early age.

Let them know what is right and what is wrong, what can and cannot be done. Instead of blindly pampering and spoiling. Just like the child I met before who was making trouble in the supermarket, if his parents had taught him to obey public order in the first place, there would have been no subsequent conflict. Of course, when encountering bear children, we can't blindly back down and tolerate them. We need to be brave enough to stand up and point out their mistakes and let them know that their actions are wrong. At the same time, we should also pay attention to ways and means, not to counter violence with violence, but to guide them with patience and love. I believe that as long as parents and society work together, we will definitely make bear children become well-behaved children and make our society more harmonious and beautiful.

I still remember one time, in the restaurant, a bear child ran around, bumped into the waiter, and knocked over the plates. The parents watched from the sidelines, not only did not apologize, but also blamed the waiter for not having long eyes. I couldn't stand it anymore, so I walked over to the parents and said, "You should teach your children to be quiet in public and not to disturb others." The parent said disdainfully: "My child is lively and active, what's wrong?" I retorted, "It's not wrong to be active, but be measured." If you don't teach like this, what will happen to your children when they grow up? The parent was silent for a while, seemed to realize his mistake, pulled the child over, and whispered a few words. At that moment, I felt a sense of relief in my heart, and maybe my words could make a difference.

In fact, many bear children are not born naughty, they just lack the right guidance and education. If we can all be a little more patient and caring, maybe we can change them. Just like my neighbor's child, he used to be a headache for a bear child. But later, his parents changed their way of upbringing, set rules for him, and set an example. Now, he has become a good boy who knows how to be polite and well-behaved. Therefore, educating children is a university question, and parents need to study it carefully. You can't ignore your child's growth just because you're busy with work and don't have time. I hope that every child can grow up in an environment full of love and correct guidance, and become a quality and nurturing person. In this way, our society will be better and our future will be full of hope.

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