
With "nakedness" as beauty, and no reservations about the privacy of men and women, how open are Samoans?

author:Enthusiastic little dance

Text: Enthusiastic little dance

Editor: Enthusiastic Xiao Wu


In today's society, whether it is Europe, the United States or Asia, there are very diverse cultural traditions. Some countries advocate freedom and equality, and advocate individuality; In some countries, they pay more attention to traditional virtues and advocate moderation and humility.

Every cultural tradition has its own unique charm, and to truly understand the culture of these countries, it may be necessary to start with their daily lives. For example, their dressing habits, living environment, and food habits can all reflect the characteristics of the country.

With "nakedness" as beauty, and no reservations about the privacy of men and women, how open are Samoans?

In Samoa, an island country in the South Pacific, there is a kind of "naked" beauty, both men and women, young and old, are very "bold" and have no privacy at all. It may seem a bit "abrupt" to us, but in the eyes of Samoans, this is the real life, the greatest respect for nature.

1. Samoan life with "nakedness" as beauty and unreserved privacy between men and women

With "nakedness" as beauty, and no reservations about the privacy of men and women, how open are Samoans?

Whether it is the South Pacific or the Arctic, as long as it is an island country, it must be inseparable from the sun and beach. Samoa is a beautiful land surrounded by the sea, with picturesque landscapes, blue seas, golden beaches during the day, and gorgeous sunsets at night. Such natural scenery has also brought a certain influence to the lifestyle of the locals.

With "nakedness" as beauty, and no reservations about the privacy of men and women, how open are Samoans?

First of all, there is their "naked" dressing habit, and they rarely wear anything regardless of gender, age, or age. Men generally wrap their lower body with only a rectangular piece of cloth, while women simply cover their chest and lower body, exposing most of their body to the air.

Sometimes you can even see two or three-year-old children running naked on the road, this kind of scene may seem a little embarrassing to us, but in the eyes of the locals, this is the most natural state. Secondly, the living environment of Samoans is also very open.

With "nakedness" as beauty, and no reservations about the privacy of men and women, how open are Samoans?

The traditional houses they lived in were called "farai", a type of building without walls, only a roof and pillars. That is to say, whether it is day or night, as long as you are in "Falei", your every move will be exposed to everyone's sight, and there is no privacy at all.

Even when they sleep, they will not hang the door, but lie directly on the ground, such a living environment, for strangers, may be a little uncomfortable, but for them, it is a normal thing. Finally, the food customs of Samoans are also very interesting.

With "nakedness" as beauty, and no reservations about the privacy of men and women, how open are Samoans?

Here, it is forbidden to eat standing up, believing that doing so will make the food unnoble, and before the meal, a prayer is given to thank nature for the abundant food resources. In addition, "fat" is also a virtue for them, believing that only when they are plump can they have enough strength to work, which is a symbol of health and wealth.

Second, the wisdom of primitive life is worthy of our deep thought

When we learn about this way of life, we may feel a little "primitive" and a little "backward", but we rarely think that there may be a very profound wisdom of life in it. First of all, their way of life is very "naked" and natural, and they are also very confident in their bodies, which is also a kind of maximum respect for themselves.

With "nakedness" as beauty, and no reservations about the privacy of men and women, how open are Samoans?

Today's society is full of all kinds of negative news, and many people are always full of all kinds of anxiety and anxiety about their bodies. Perhaps, in such a lifestyle, we can learn how to love ourselves, how to accept ourselves, and find true self-confidence.

Secondly, their way of life is also very "simple" and "humble", they pay great attention to gratitude to nature, and they are also very thrifty. In today's extremely materially rich society, we may be able to find some inspiration for "subtractive life" from them, and learn how to be grateful, how to be satisfied, and how to be truly rich and happy.

With "nakedness" as beauty, and no reservations about the privacy of men and women, how open are Samoans?

Finally, their way of life is also very "tolerant" and "friendly", where there are almost no barriers and suspicions between people, and they can trust others very much and are willing to share with others. Perhaps, in this way of life, we can find some inspiration for "slow life", learn how to truly care for others, and establish more sincere relationships.


"The building near the water is the first to get the moon", around us, there may be a variety of life wisdom, no matter what kind of cultural tradition, it has its unique charm. Perhaps, in this pluralistic society, we do not need to reject and deny other cultures, but should have an inclusive heart, to appreciate and learn, and perhaps benefit a lot from this.

Perhaps, in such a way of life, we can find some revelations of "twilight aesthetics" and see the possibility of a better life.

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