
A Japanese girl and 31 men are stranded on a desert island, living on an island for 6 years, revealing the ugly side of human nature

author:Wang Shuxia

At the end of World War II, a beautiful Japanese girl and 31 men were stranded on a deserted island. They spent six years there struggling to survive. During these six years, she experienced countless hardships and despair, and finally fell into an abyss from which she could not extricate herself. What is this like?

[Smoke of gunfire]

After the Meiji era, Japan considered the global situation and decided that a plan to expand its territory was a wise choice. As a result, they began to expand their territory, not only occupying many islands in the Pacific Ocean, but also carrying out large-scale development and plantation development in these places. After the Meiji Restoration, Japan conducted an in-depth analysis of the international situation and believed that territorial expansion was an effective strategy. As a result, they carried out a wider territorial expansion, successfully occupying several Pacific islands. For these new territories, Japan has also carried out effective development and reclamation work. In short, after the Meiji Restoration, Japan decided to expand its territory. They saw it as a viable plan and put it into practice. As a result, not only a number of Pacific islands were successfully occupied, but also actively developed and built in these places.

In 1939, Japan began to grow in strength. The frenzied Japanese tried to bomb Pearl Harbor, but in the end they were met with a powerful counterattack by the American army. As Japan's invasion of other countries provoked revolt, many countries began to actively resist Japan. Some countries have even directly challenged Japan. This challenge has also led to many battles and setbacks. During this time, various countries struggled to fend off Japan. Eventually, retribution will follow. It also marks a greater awareness of the costs and tragedies of war. There was a deep sense of war, and the process of confrontation began. In the process, many countries made their own efforts to protect their territories and peoples from the threat of Japanese aggression.

A Japanese girl and 31 men are stranded on a desert island, living on an island for 6 years, revealing the ugly side of human nature

After losing the war, the domestic situation in Japan was turbulent, and the social environment became extremely unstable. People live in fear and worry about their future lives.

In Japan at that time, the population was not large, and the country was in a hurry to expand, so many men were sent to the battlefield. As a result, women in society are required to undertake a large amount of daily production and labor work. These women, who are usually thin and weak, have shown admirable resilience and strength on the production line. However, like Higa Kazuko, they work long hours in factories for manual labor, which is difficult for women to bear for long periods of time. Despite this, they still paid quietly and made a great contribution to the country's production.

Kazuko Higa's initial life in Japan was quite peaceful. However, she found that her life was stressful, and she felt extremely tired and powerless every day. As the war dragged on, the flames and smoke of war spread everywhere, and she began to feel deep anxiety and fear about the battlefield far away. Therefore, she longed to escape the war-ridden country and find a place away from the flames of war.

A Japanese girl and 31 men are stranded on a desert island, living on an island for 6 years, revealing the ugly side of human nature

【Escape from Japan】

At the age of 16, she was planning to go to Saipan and decided to leave Japan to join her brother. At this age, she has made a good choice and started a new journey. At the age of 16, she decided to go to Saipan and planned to leave Japan to find her brother. In this way, she embarked on a new journey.

His elder brother worked as an ordinary employee at Nanyang Xingfa Company and was sent to work in Saipan. Saipan is located in the Northern Maria Islands and is approximately elliptical in shape and has a small area of only 33.9 square kilometers. The place is sparsely populated and isolated from the outside world. He has been working here for a long time, and he is also an ordinary laborer working here. Although the conditions were relatively difficult, he still did his job with due diligence.

A Japanese girl and 31 men are stranded on a desert island, living on an island for 6 years, revealing the ugly side of human nature

During those chaotic war years, the island was a peaceful paradise. Although living conditions on the island are not as good as in other parts of Japan, the island's residents are far from the ravages of war, and the residents live in peace and stability. This environment made Higa Kazuko feel a sense of peace and security that he had not felt in a long time.

At that time, 16-year-old Kazuko Higa came to Bakan Island from Okinawa to escape the war. It was in the island's coffee shop that she began her career as a servant. After a period of adaptation, she not only became familiar with the living environment here, but also made many new friends. Her beauty attracted the attention of many men, and many wanted to spend the rest of their lives with her. During her time on Bakan Island, Kazuko Higa had a fulfilling and enjoyable life.

A Japanese girl and 31 men are stranded on a desert island, living on an island for 6 years, revealing the ugly side of human nature

In the end, Kazuko chose the handsome young man from Okinawa. After a period of time together, their relationship warmed up day by day, and they even began to plan to get married. After receiving her brother's blessing, she and he entered into marriage when she was 18 years old.

In order to effectively manage the archipelago occupied during World War II, each island was supervised by special personnel. Higa Kazuko is deployed by the company to jointly supervise Anantahan Island with her husband Higa Shoichi and Masami Kusakabe. Although the island is small and far from the city, it is relatively quiet for a while. The inhabitants of Anatahan Island live a peaceful and sunset daily life, which is not lacking in happiness and joy. In order to ensure the effectiveness of supervision, full-time personnel are dispatched to the island to ensure stability and safety. At the same time, this relatively isolated environment makes them better protected at this stage. In the era of post-war rebirth, such quiet days are longing for people.

A Japanese girl and 31 men are stranded on a desert island, living on an island for 6 years, revealing the ugly side of human nature

During the turbulent war years, the scenery was often overshadowed by brief clouds. Whenever there is heavy shelling, it is difficult to save the family. When the "little boy" and the "fat man" sounded in the roar of Japan, the Pacific war was lost one after another, and the situation was already precarious. Higa Kazuko and her husband felt deeply uncomfortable, and for safety, they decisively chose to leave their original place of residence and run to a more remote and sparsely populated island, hoping to find peace in this troubled world.

Soon after, they decided to travel to a remote island and start a new life. However, this decision ultimately led her to an unfortunate situation.

[Husband's departure]

On the island, Kazuko Higa lives happily ever after with her husband. In addition to the two of them, there are bosses such as Masami Kusakabe and some aborigines. They share joy and peace. However, Higa always has his sister in mind. Therefore, he decided to pick up his sister, even though she lived not far away. However, this time, he never returned. After that, Higa Kazuko's life became miserable.

A Japanese girl and 31 men are stranded on a desert island, living on an island for 6 years, revealing the ugly side of human nature

Later, the smoke of war swept in, and the island also encountered a crisis. People on the island fled in search of safety. However, Masami Kusakabe received an order to hold on to the island and had to stay alone on Anatahan Island. Meanwhile, Higa Kazuko is still anxiously waiting at home for her husband's return. Despite the fighting, she was confident that he would return.

However, as fate would have it, as soon as Higa left, the lines of communication by sea were already blocked. As a result, Higa Shoichi was unable to return to the island again, and at the same time, she was unable to go back. After a long wait, Higa Kazuko gradually turned from initial anticipation to deep worry and disappointment, and finally accepted this fact in despair. Her husband failed to return, and they were left to face the hardships of life alone.

A Japanese girl and 31 men are stranded on a desert island, living on an island for 6 years, revealing the ugly side of human nature

She didn't know anything about whether her husband had been forced to join the army on a distant battlefield, what his life and death were, or whether she still remembered herself. Maybe he didn't want to leave with her, he wanted to escape the island and never return. But she has to face the reality, time is still moving forward, life still needs to go on, and Higa Kazuko can only choose to continue to work hard. Regardless, deep down she still had hope in her heart, hoping that one day she would hear from him.

As time goes by, Kazuko Higa and Masami Kusakabe slowly develop feelings in their daily interactions. In frequent interactions, they were attracted to each other, and soon became husband and wife, enjoying a relaxed and happy world together.

A Japanese girl and 31 men are stranded on a desert island, living on an island for 6 years, revealing the ugly side of human nature

[Unexpected visitors, peaceful life is broken]

Just as they were devoting themselves to their work, they perceived the shadow of war. The people of the island fled, and almost all the inhabitants of the Japanese island were scattered, and in the end, only the couple remained here.

Until one day, a disaster shattered the tranquility of this sea. It was June 12, Showa 19, when four fishing boats were suddenly attacked, three of which sank to the bottom of the sea in an instant, and the other was also severely damaged, and finally sank. The crew struggled to swim to the shore desperately in order to survive, and their efforts were only for that glimmer of life.

A Japanese girl and 31 men are stranded on a desert island, living on an island for 6 years, revealing the ugly side of human nature

Thirty-one Japanese landed with difficulty on the island of Anatahan. Upon inquiry, it was learned that these men were originally wounded men sent from the front, and that their troop carrier had been attacked by American troops on the way back to Japan and had sunk. The servicemen on board were washed up on the island by the sea, and only these thirty-one people survived. Of these, there were ten soldiers and twenty-one crew members. They had been adrift at sea for a long time to reach the island, and they were lucky to have survived.

Although Kazuko Higa and Masami Kusakabe felt that these people were Japanese, they remained vigilant in their hearts. They were a little surprised by their sudden appearance, but didn't raise much objections. Even if they were skeptical, they knew that it was not wise to resist in the face of so many people. So, they decided to greet these people with an open and welcoming attitude. Not only did they help them heal their wounds, but they also generously provided them with the help they needed to make ends meet. This kind of friendly attitude makes the mood of these people much more relaxed, and thus forms a harmonious atmosphere.

A Japanese girl and 31 men are stranded on a desert island, living on an island for 6 years, revealing the ugly side of human nature

Even though it has grown from just two people to 33 people today, the island's lush flora still provides the necessary material basis for their basic life. As a result, they live a shared daily life here.

In collective power, the fire shines brighter. At that time, Higa and Zi thought that more people would better support each other, but they did not expect this to be the prelude to a nightmare.

A year later, in 1945, the United States dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which changed the situation of the war dramatically. In the days that followed, this move announced the end of the Pacific War. At that time, Japan's defeat was an ironclad fact, and Japan, which had always been confident, finally surrendered in battle. The surrender ceremony was officially held on 2 September, and the surrender document was officially signed on the same day. However, since the people of the island were cut off from the outside world, they did not get this information immediately. The news has been blocked, and people have not had a chance to learn about it. So the people of the island went through the whole process from war to defeat without knowing the outcome.

A Japanese girl and 31 men are stranded on a desert island, living on an island for 6 years, revealing the ugly side of human nature

At that time, the American army sent personnel to the island, picked up the remaining residents, and brought them back to Japan. They also shouted to the inhabitants of the island, informing them that Japan had been defeated and surrendered. If there are any residents remaining on the island, the U.S. military is willing to provide assistance to help them return to Japan.

Kawako and others did not believe that Japan's plans for expansion would fail, and they were convinced that Japan would not abandon its compatriots stationed on the islands. Therefore, they chose to keep a low profile, neither showing their faces nor responding, and decided to continue living on the island. They are convinced that no matter how the outside world changes, as long as they persevere, there will always be hope.

At first, the 33 people on the island got along quite well, and they helped each other to make use of the labor tools and abundant natural resources left by the original inhabitants of the island, and lived a decent life. Higa Kazuko and the lower part of the life are very pleasant, and they are free to enjoy the tranquility of the island. The other 31 men worked tirelessly to improve their skills and hope to one day return to the battlefield. Their mutual support and collaboration make the whole team stronger and stronger.

A Japanese girl and 31 men are stranded on a desert island, living on an island for 6 years, revealing the ugly side of human nature

【Devil's Fangs】

Time flies, the island's resources are depleted, and the true nature of man is revealed. Time is like an hourglass, grinding away people's disguise and constraints little by little. As the saying goes, "food and clothing think of lust", and in this context, the beautiful Higa Kazuko has become the target of people's competition like a new prey. The morality and laws of the island have been abandoned in corners, and people have behaved like beasts in the jungle. Not only do they ignore the bottom line of human nature, but they also forget any sense of shame.

A Japanese girl and 31 men are stranded on a desert island, living on an island for 6 years, revealing the ugly side of human nature

At this starting point, the peace and tranquility of the island can be maintained. But life on the island is lonely and uneventful. Of the more than 30 male residents, most are young people in their twenties, and the youngest is only 16 years old. These young people have lived on islands far away from the world for a long time, and naturally have a special interest in the pretty Higa Kazuko. As the only woman on the island, she immediately became the center of their attention.

Although Kazuko Higa and Masami Kusakabe have married and given them a lot of help, it is undoubtedly a kindness. Morally and emotionally, we all understand that nothing morally should be done to them as a couple. However, some people's desires are like a bottomless pit that can never be satisfied. They are still trying to seize Higa Kazuko by any means necessary, trying to make her their wife. This makes us feel helpless and worried.

A Japanese girl and 31 men are stranded on a desert island, living on an island for 6 years, revealing the ugly side of human nature

From now on, Masami Kusakabe and the other men maintain a harmonious relationship on the surface, however, their relationship is quietly becoming strained. The atmosphere on the island is like unresolved tensions, always in a delicate balance. They are all waiting for an opportunity when the men who are driven by lust will stretch out their sinful hands to Hikazuko. And that opportunity soon came.

Later, in August 1945, a sudden plane crash once again disturbed their peaceful life. After the accident, many people began to search around for possible survival supplies and food in the wreckage of the plane. In the process, two Japanese soldiers, Matsuo and Nakata, secretly took the broken guns and bullets from the plane by chance. When they discovered these weapons, they began to look around for resources that they could use. As a result of the crash of the plane, local household items became scarce and they had to find alternatives to make ends meet. Although the accident has caused them trouble, it has also brought new opportunities and challenges to them.

A Japanese girl and 31 men are stranded on a desert island, living on an island for 6 years, revealing the ugly side of human nature

Matsuo had experience with guns in the past, so he was familiar with gun repair techniques and once secretly took a gun. As a result of his efforts in repairing, he and Nakata managed to get two fully functional machine guns. Since then, his status on the island has risen and he has gained a voice. Armed with weapons, they have become the real masters on this small island without legal constraints. Because in this place, weapons are a symbol of strength.

The two quickly arrived at the residence of Kazuko Higa and Masami Kusakabe with weapons. They threaten Masami Kusakabe and demand that he hand over Kazuko Higa for the two to share. Since Masami Kusakabe had no weapons to resist, he had no choice but to reluctantly accept this unreasonable request.

The next day, the rest of the island heard the news, and at first they were very surprised, then dissatisfied and angry. Despite their reluctance, they had to suppress their inner thoughts due to the threat of weapons.

A Japanese girl and 31 men are stranded on a desert island, living on an island for 6 years, revealing the ugly side of human nature

The days of the island continued to flow in tranquility until the autumn of 1947. This year, there were many turmoil, and the peaceful years of the past were broken. At the root of the conflict lies in the two men with weapons, Matsuo and Nakata, who both aspire to supreme power, leading to a fierce conflict between the two.

After an extremely fierce battle, Matsuo was unvictorious and Nakata was victorious. Now, with two guns in his hands, he is the unrivaled leader on this small island. He has the absolute right to speak, and his voice can be heard here.

Subsequently, Nakata was unfortunately assassinated, and those two guns and Higa Kazuko became the new focus of contention for others. Then, the symbol of power - the gun fell into the hands of the lower part of the sun and Iwai. Iwai was thoughtful, and for his personal gain, he decisively attacked Hisaka's subordinates, and finally mastered Higa Kazuko alone. In short, after Nakata's death, the two guns and Higa became the remaining competition targets. In the end, the lower part of the sun and Iwai were divided into guns. Iwai is cunning and greedy, and for his exclusive benefit, he gets rid of the lower part of the sun and takes over Kazuko Higa alone.

A Japanese girl and 31 men are stranded on a desert island, living on an island for 6 years, revealing the ugly side of human nature

Yan Jing's persistence did not last long, and he mysteriously disappeared after only half a year. Subsequently, Higa Kazuko returned to her husband's side. However, soon after, her husband also passed away. After that, people began to fight in secret, and the two pistols ended up in the hands of others.

Although she has a lot of ability, she has absolutely no chance of winning against a large number of men, even a woman like Higa Kazuko, against 32 men.

Perhaps she will face deeper pain. In the end, Higa Kazuko chose to suffer these humiliations in silence, and was sold by those men many times. Such days lasted for six whole years.

A Japanese girl and 31 men are stranded on a desert island, living on an island for 6 years, revealing the ugly side of human nature

With guns, people have a bigger say. Due to various conflicts and disputes on the island in the past, the men were afraid of the forces with weapons, and they were in awe of Kawako's status as the "leader".

On the island, there has always been a fierce competition for control, both in the open and in the dark. They clashed with each other and even began to kill each other. This violence continues and has resulted in many unnatural deaths. Five years later, the number of men on the island has dropped dramatically, from 32 to just 19. Everyone was in a state of tension, and the endless struggle left the island bloody and chaotic.

After calming down, they began to think deeply about the reason, and after in-depth discussion, they came to a consensus that the reason for this result was due to the adverse effects of Higa Kazuko. Therefore, they decided to take action to eradicate what they considered to be the culprit, Kazuko Higa, in order to eliminate the source of the dispute. They firmly believe that this is the only way to bring peace and harmony.

A Japanese girl and 31 men are stranded on a desert island, living on an island for 6 years, revealing the ugly side of human nature

They believe that if Kawako is missing, everyone can live and the island can return to tranquility. But there is no such thing as complete secrecy. There is a kind-hearted guy who reveals those nefarious plans to Higa Kazuko and strongly advises her to get out of there quickly. He believes that if Higa Kazuko is safe, then the peace and tranquility of the island can also be guaranteed. Therefore, he warned her not to stay and to escape from the control of the group. His acts of kindness give hope for the future of the island.

【Fugitive Demon Cave】

When Zi found out about Higa and Zi, she was shocked and frightened. However, her instinct to survive made her decide that she couldn't sit still. She immediately decided to take action and began her life as a fugitive. The unfortunate woman hid on the island for a month, trying to evade the men by all means. She is always looking for an escape and hopes to survive. In the end, she managed to escape the clutches of those men and survived.

After a month of hiding and evasion, she finally met a passing US warship one day. The ship's crew found her, Higa Kazuko, and rescued her from the desolate island where she was. The U.S. Navy then safely took the girl to the warship and returned her long-missed homeland, so she survived. Throughout the experience, her lucky encounters gave them moments of hope, and she returned to that long-lost home. From then on, her fate finally stopped wandering in predicament and escape, because it was the warm harbor she had looked forward to reuniting. This time, with the help of the U.S. military, she was saved, and it was also a gift of fate that she was reborn.

A Japanese girl and 31 men are stranded on a desert island, living on an island for 6 years, revealing the ugly side of human nature


After returning to Japan, her ordeal was widely disseminated, and many people expressed sympathy and support for her. Subsequently, Higa Kazuko learns that her ex-husband Higa Shoichi has a family and children again. Therefore, she decided to start looking for her happiness again, and luckily met a new partner, and the two became husband and wife. They lived an ordinary and happy life. However, just ten years later, her husband tragically passed away. Despite this, she is still positive about life and ready to start a new phase of her life.

Since then, she has been living alone for more than 50 years. Over a long period of time, the person she trusted eventually turned out to be the one who hurt her deeply. In the course of her life's journey, she endured endless loneliness and loneliness. When she returns to what she calls civilized, while many people sympathize with her, there are still some who have ill will towards her. She felt lonely all the way until the last moment of her life, leaving this world alone. Her hopes and support have finally turned to ashes, and she has learned that what can be relied on in this world is still on her own.

Despite the misfortunes and the fact that life was not easy for Kazuko Higa, she still stubbornly got back up from countless difficulties, did not give in to fate, and bravely faced and lived positively. We feel sympathy for her life and admiration for her spirit. Let us all learn to be like her, face life with a positive attitude, and live with joy and courage!

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