
Zhu Jin: Focus on the "Nansha Plan" and the policy empowerment of the free trade zone to create a "Nansha sample" of financial market interconnection

author:Tsinghua Financial Review

Recently, Tsinghua PBC School of Finance held the Tsinghua PBC Global Financial Forum Regional Forum at the 13th China (Guangzhou) International Financial Exchange & Expo. The forum was hosted by PBC School of Finance, Tsinghua University, supported by the Office of the Financial Commission of the CPC Guangdong Provincial Committee, the Office of the Financial Commission of the Guangzhou Municipal Committee of the CPC, and Bank of Guangzhou Co., Ltd., and organized by Beijing Qingkong Financial Media Culture Technology Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Financial Fair Investment Management Co., Ltd., and the editorial department of Tsinghua Financial Review. With the theme of "New Industries, New Models, New Momentum - Helping the Construction of a Strong Country with High-quality Financial Development", the forum lasted for one day, and set up six major topics: "Technology and Finance Empowering New Quality Productivity", "Financial Innovation Accelerating and Empowering the Development of Free Trade Zones", "Developing Digital Finance and Building a New Ecological Pattern", "The Road to Sustainable Development of Inclusive Finance", "Insights and Layout of Green Investment and Financing", and "Financial Power Boosting Urban Renewal and Diversified Development". To provide advice on the economic and financial development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and Guangdong Province.

Zhu Jin, member of the party group and deputy director of the Financial Work Bureau of Guangzhou Nansha Economic and Technological Development Zone, delivered a keynote speech. He mentioned that since the establishment of the free trade zone, Nansha has actively explored the financial development path of the bay area and maintained a good growth trend. First, the word "establishment" is the first, and the proportion of added value of the financial industry, GDP and tax revenue are ranked among the top 5 industries in the region; The Guangzhou Futures Exchange has achieved a historic leap forward in national financial infrastructure and laid a solid foundation for the high-quality development of the financial industry. The second is to "break" the cocoon into a butterfly, and implement the pilot project of high-level opening up of cross-border trade and investment, cross-border equity investment, and climate investment and financing, and form nearly 100 financial innovation achievements in total, opening the door to financial reform, opening up and innovation. Third, it is "distinctive" and has built a unique financial development path with the characteristics of the Greater Bay Area, such as cross-border finance, financial leasing and futures industry. In the face of challenges such as the need to expand the depth and breadth of financial innovation, the urgent need for policy empowerment with unique regional characteristics, and the overall planning of openness and security, Nansha will focus on the goals of the Nansha Plan to build a more inclusive financial market in the Greater Bay Area, a more innovative financial reform and opening up demonstration zone, a more distinctive "5+3" financial service system with Bay Area characteristics, and a safer high-quality development guarantee system.

Zhu Jin: Focus on the "Nansha Plan" and the policy empowerment of the free trade zone to create a "Nansha sample" of financial market interconnection

The picture shows Zhu Jin sharing

The following is the full text of the guest speech:

Distinguished leaders and guests,

Good morning! I am Zhu Jin from Nansha Financial Bureau, and I would like to thank all the leaders and guests for their long-term attention, concern and support for the financial development of Nansha! Today, according to the arrangement of the organizing committee, I will focus on the theme of "Financial Innovation Accelerates the Development of the Free Trade Zone", and share with you the practical results and several thoughts on the financial development of the Nansha Free Trade Zone.

First of all, I would like to briefly introduce the main practices and achievements of the development of the financial industry in the Nansha Free Trade Zone. Nansha is located in the geographical and geometric center of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and has gradually become an important image of Nansha as "prosperous because of Hong Kong", "livable and business-friendly" and "hot land for investment", benefiting from the important historical mission and blockbuster policies entrusted by the state, provinces and municipalities. In June 2022, the State Council issued the "Overall Plan for Deepening the Comprehensive Cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in Nansha, Guangzhou", which gave Nansha the important mission of building a major strategic platform based in the Bay Area, cooperating with Hong Kong and Macao, and facing the world. The strategic layout of "four major safeguard measures and five key tasks" clearly outlines the main direction, timetable and construction drawings of Nansha's development, opening a new chapter in Nansha's development.

Last year's Central Financial Work Conference stressed the need to focus on promoting high-level financial opening-up. The Nansha Plan calls for the orderly promotion of financial market connectivity. The "14th Five-Year Plan" of Guangdong Province's financial sector has given Nansha the important mission of "deeply grasping the opportunity of the construction of 'dual zones' and moving financial opening and cooperation to a higher level". Guangzhou's 14th Five-Year Plan emphasizes the development orientation of Nansha as "building a pilot free trade zone, a financial innovation demonstration zone, and a pilot demonstration window for the opening up of the financial industry". All these have injected strong impetus into Nansha's financial reform and development. Based on the goals and tasks, taking advantage of the east wind of reform and opening up, Nansha actively explores the financial development path of the Bay Area, maintains a good growth trend, and becomes one of the most active areas in financial reform and innovation in the country. Generally speaking, the high-quality development of the financial industry in the Nansha Free Trade Zone is to firmly bite the three words "establishment, breaking, and special".

The word "Li" takes the lead to consolidate the foundation for the high-quality development of Nansha's financial industry. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that reform and development should be established first and then broken. Only by establishing a good industrial foundation can we break the situation and sprout and thrive. Since the establishment of the free trade zone in 2015, Nansha has firmly implemented the essential requirements of financial services for the real economy, and the financial industry has developed rapidly from scratch, ranking among the five key industries in Nansha. First, the quality and efficiency of financial indicators have reached a new level. The proportion of added value of GDP and tax revenue of the financial industry in the region has increased from almost zero in 2015 to 8% and 10% in 2023, respectively, ranking among the top 5 industries in the region. In the past 9 years, a total of 17 licensed legal person financial institutions (accounting for 1/4 of the city) and 15 listed companies have been settled, and fund managers with a management scale of more than 10 billion yuan account for 1/2 of the city. The balance of deposits and loans in local and foreign currencies was 365.8 billion yuan and 320.7 billion yuan respectively, with an average annual growth rate of 20% in the past three years, much higher than the average level of the province and the city. Second, the construction of major financial platforms has reached a new height. Major platform projects are an important engine for the high-quality development of Nansha's finance. The Guangzhou Futures Exchange has settled in Nansha, achieving a historic leap in national financial infrastructure, especially the participation of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, making it the first mixed-ownership exchange in the country, and a vivid portrayal of Nansha's cooperation with Hong Kong and Macao. Steady progress has been made in the preparation for the establishment of commercial banks in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and insurance service centers in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao The permanent site of the International Financial Forum was inaugurated, the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Nansha, Guangzhou) cross-border wealth management and asset management center was launched, and a number of strategic cooperation projects were signed and implemented. The Pearl Financial Innovation Cluster has attracted more than 50 institutions to settle in, and has held more than 100 activities, becoming a window for Nansha to showcase the effectiveness of financial development. Third, foreign exchanges and cooperation have opened up a new situation. Strengthen the convergence with the financial rules of Hong Kong and Macao, and establish the Guangzhou-Nansha Guangdong-Hong Kong Co-operation Advisory Committee and the Guangzhou-Nansha Guangdong-Macao Development Promotion Association, so as to establish a good communication channel for Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao financial cooperation and policy mechanism docking. Three Hong Kong-funded banks have been introduced to set up sub-branches in Nansha, and six enterprises in the region have been listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange with a market value of over 46 billion yuan. We will build a platform for international financial exchanges, and hold global themed events such as the Global Annual Meeting of the International Finance Forum (IFF), the China Finance 40 Forum (CF40), and the Pearl Bay International Climate Investment and Financing Conference, so as to spread the financial voice of Nansha to the world.

"Breaking" the cocoon into a butterfly and opening the door to Nansha's financial reform, opening up and innovation. Reform and innovation should adhere to the simultaneous development of vertical and breakthrough, and break at the same time, so that only by breaking the situation can we shape the new, and only by shaping the new can we seek the future. With the support of the "Nansha Plan", Nansha has carried out major financial reform and innovation pilots, promoted the development of the financial industry to achieve new breakthroughs, and has implemented nearly 100 financial innovation achievements, becoming an ideal "test field" for the expansion of financial opening-up and strengthening innovation in the Bay Area. First, the pilot project of high-level opening-up of cross-border trade and investment has achieved initial results. As one of the first pilot areas in the country, it has successfully promoted the implementation of 13 pilot facilitation measures, such as facilitating the receipt and payment of current account funds for high-quality enterprises, expanding the scope of use of capital account income, and integrating the domestic and foreign currency capital pooling business of multinational companies, with a total of more than 15,000 pilot businesses and a cumulative transaction amount of more than US$34 billion, 12 banking institutions that have obtained the pilot qualification for cross-border trade facilitation, and 63 high-quality enterprises have been identified. Support banking institutions in the region to provide cross-border financial services including cross-border fund settlement and trade financing for new offshore international trade business, and help the cumulative offshore trade settlement volume in Nansha District exceed 9 billion US dollars. Second, the QFLP and QDLP cross-border equity investment pilots have been solidly promoted. We have built a "green channel" for joint examination and approval at the provincial and municipal levels, drawn up "whole-process" work guidelines, implemented "white list" management of cross-border investment funds, carried out a number of policy promotion salons in Hong Kong and Macao, established normalized cooperation with more than 20 well-known financial institutions in Hong Kong and Macao, and a total of 11 fund management enterprises have been approved for pilot projects, with an approved quota of more than 24 billion yuan and a cross-border investment amount of more than 1.35 billion yuan, to invest in the real economy fields such as biomedicine and health, intelligent manufacturing, and new materials. In addition, it has implemented the country's first overseas investment case of private QDLP fund by a securities firm, the largest QFLP fund in the province and the first case of foreign investment use of QFLP fund, realizing the two-way flow of cross-border capital and helping the interconnection of the financial markets of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. Third, the pilot project on climate investment and financing is progressing smoothly. It has been approved as one of the first pilot areas in the country, issued the country's first special climate investment and financing policy, built a climate investment and financing platform in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and reserved more than 150 projects to address climate change; It has established the first international conference brand with the theme of climate investment and financing, built the country's first climate finance cluster and the country's first commercial bank climate sub-branch, and supported and guided financial institutions in the region to issue the country's first "climate financing" loan product and other green finance innovative products, so as to help finance empower green and low-carbon transformation. Fourth, financial reform and innovation projects have blossomed in many places. Nearly 40 projects have been selected as national, provincial and municipal financial innovation cases or pilots. Support fintech companies in the zone to build an intelligent local financial risk monitoring, prevention and control platform, and be selected as a best practice case in the pilot free trade zone of the Ministry of Commerce; Expand the application scenarios of digital RMB in an orderly manner, and use digital RMB to cash out talent settlement subsidies, purchase parallel imported cars and other national and provincial first-of-its-kind cases; Support and promote a number of projects such as the comprehensive service platform for cross-border trade settlement and the application of privacy computing technology in the financial field to be selected as national fintech innovation pilots, and give full play to the leading role of innovation demonstration in the free trade zone.

The "special" color is distinctive, building a road for the development of financial resources with characteristics in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Focusing on the target positioning of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, based on the mission and tasks of the Nansha Plan and the industrial layout of the Nansha Free Trade Zone, three major financial sectors with unique characteristics of the Bay Area have been initially formed. Cross-border finance continued to deepen, with more than 8,000 FT accounts opened in Nansha, handling cross-border RMB settlement under FT exceeding 1.1 trillion yuan, and landing a number of innovative businesses under FT, such as foreign currency fund custody and settlement for overseas ship transactions and offshore RMB bond fund collection. The Cross-boundary Wealth Management Connect has been launched, with 20 banking institutions in the region having business qualifications, and a total of more than 3,300 products under the Southbound and Northbound Schemes, providing a wealth of choices for residents in the Greater Bay Area for cross-border wealth management. The scale of financial leasing is prominent, and the number of financial leasing enterprises included in the supervision list of the Guangdong Provincial Local Financial Administration accounts for more than 50% of the province; A total of 282 aircraft and 103 ships were delivered through financial leasing, with a contract value of more than 120 billion yuan. Promote Guangdong Energy Leasing to become the first financial leasing enterprise in the province to enjoy a preferential corporate income tax rate of 15%; A number of pioneering businesses, such as the country's first US dollar-settled cross-border ship leasing asset transaction and the country's first cross-border ship leasing asset cross-border factoring, have been selected as the best cases of institutional innovation in the Guangdong Free Trade Zone, helping Nansha become the largest aircraft and ship leasing industry cluster in South China, and striving to build the third pole of financial leasing in China. The futures industry is poised to take off, and the Guangzhou Futures Exchange has listed industrial silicon, lithium carbonate and other varieties, with a trading volume of 9 trillion yuan; The Nansha Grain General Terminal Warehouse has become one of the first batch of industrial silicon delivery warehouses, providing no less than 5,000 tons of storage capacity; Attract 12 futures legal entities such as JPMorgan Chase Futures and Huatai Futures to settle in Nansha; It is speeding up the construction of a futures industrial park, building the country's first all-factor park in the field of futures financial industry, and providing a high-quality carrier for Nansha to build a complete futures industry chain, improve the futures and spot linkage market system, and build a risk management center.

Next, I would like to discuss with you the changes in the financial development trend and challenges faced by the free trade zone.

First, the pace of development and opening up in Nansha has accelerated, and it is urgent to further expand the depth and breadth of financial reform, opening up and innovation in the free trade zone. The establishment of a free trade zone is a major measure to promote reform and opening up under the new situation. In particular, the state has issued the "Nansha Plan", and Guangdong Province, Guangzhou City and Nansha District have successively issued a series of implementation policy measures, among which 26 specific work measures have been refined in the financial field to accelerate the development and opening up of Nansha with financial empowerment. However, in the practical process, the effect of some reform and innovation policies is still out of touch with the actual market demand, and there are still many gaps between serving the real economy. For example, although Nansha has established a financial exchange and cooperation mechanism with Hong Kong and Macao, it still remains at the level of people-to-people interaction and lacks an efficient and convenient official mechanism. Another example is that the threshold for some financial innovation policy pilots is too high, resulting in the policy implementation only staying on the first initiative, which is difficult to replicate and promote, and it is difficult to effectively serve the real industry and market demand, so it is urgent to give the free trade zone more inclusive and down-to-earth financial open innovation policy measures.

Second, the policy dividends of the free trade zone continue to be released, and it is urgent to gradually transform the financial reform and innovation policy "step by step" to the empowerment of differentiated and precise policies with regional characteristics. From the beginning of its establishment to the continuous expansion, the free trade zones have formed a number of replicable and promotable institutional innovation achievements and reform pilot experiences, and their respective free trade zones have gradually built their own regional planning layout and industrial development characteristics. As far as the Nansha Free Trade Zone is concerned, focusing on the task requirements of the "Nansha Plan", based on the modern industrial layout of Nansha's "2+5+2", relying on a series of financial reform and innovation pilot policies and major financial platform projects, Nansha has gradually created a number of characteristic financial sectors, but whether these financial formats can achieve benign and sustainable development urgently requires more differentiated and precise financial reform and innovation policies with unique regional characteristics, so as to avoid the general thickness of the policy caliber of other free trade zones, and prevent the involution and internal friction of domestic financial policy resources. Let the financial resources be more rationally allocated in the free trade zone.

Third, the financial regulatory situation is becoming increasingly strict, and it is urgent to dialectically coordinate the financial openness and security of the free trade zone, and continue to improve the level of innovative supervision and risk prevention and control. Under the current situation of strong financial supervision, higher requirements are put forward for the financial reform and innovation capabilities of the free trade zone, and higher standards are also put forward for the regulatory capabilities of financial opening up and the level of innovation risk prevention and control. For example, the threshold of the declaration conditions of some financial innovation pilot policies in the free trade zone is too high, which is difficult to effectively meet the market demand of the real economy of financial services, but lowering the threshold of the declaration conditions is easy to breed risks and hidden dangers. At the same time, the high-standard construction of the free trade zone needs a large number of high-quality international compound talents to support, and it is urgent to cultivate and forge a group of financial professionals who understand supervision, dare to innovate and have a global vision, and continue to improve the innovative supervision ability and risk prevention and control level of the financial industry.

Finally, I would like to put forward countermeasures and suggestions around the financial development opportunities of the Nansha Free Trade Zone.

For the first time, the Central Financial Work Conference proposed to speed up the construction of a financial power and raise financial work to a new strategic height. The Financial Work Conference of the Provincial Party Committee also proposed to strive to show Guangdong's responsibility and action in the process of building a financial power, and once again sounded the clarion call of "accelerating the construction of a strong financial province". 2024 is a crucial year for achieving the goals and tasks of the 14th Five-Year Plan, as well as the phased development goals of the Nansha Plan for 2025. As one of the major platforms in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Nansha will be based on the positioning and task requirements of the Nansha Plan, implement the spirit of the Central Financial Work Conference, the specific deployment of the Provincial Party Committee "1310" and the Municipal Party Committee's "1312" thinking and measures, plan a roadmap for the high-quality development of Nansha's finance, open up a characteristic financial development path in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and help build a high-level pilot free trade zone. Here are four countermeasures and suggestions, which are generally four "more".

The first is to deepen the convergence of rules and mechanisms, and build a more inclusive financial market in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. On the one hand, we will deepen the financial cooperation mechanism in all aspects. Give full play to the role of the Guangzhou-Nansha Guangdong-Hong Kong Co-operation Advisory Committee and the Guangzhou-Nansha Guangdong-Macao Development Promotion Association, deepen the docking of financial operation mechanisms, industry standards, regulatory rules, etc., establish a more efficient and convenient official dialogue mechanism in a timely manner, further explore two-way cooperation in the capital market, science and technology innovation finance, cross-border finance, green finance and other fields, support and encourage financial institutions, enterprises and other market entities in the region, and explore feasible ways for mutual recognition with Hong Kong and Macao in terms of bond issuance approval mechanisms and rating standards. Promote the interconnection of financial markets in an orderly manner. On the other hand, accelerate the construction of major financial service platforms. We will make every effort to promote the implementation of the key financial tasks of the Nansha Plan, and strive for the implementation of the insurance service center in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area as soon as possible, so as to provide convenient services for cross-border insurance customers; Accelerate the preparation for the establishment of international commercial banks in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and strive to innovate in business models, products and services, so as to serve the construction and development of the Greater Bay Area.

The second is to intensify the efforts of financial pilot and pilot projects to create a more innovative demonstration zone for financial reform and opening up. On the one hand, make good use of the policy pilots that have been implemented. We will continue to further implement the pilot project of high-level opening-up of cross-border trade and investment, strive to further lower the entry threshold, support more eligible banks and enterprises to carry out pilot business, and facilitate market entities to carry out cross-border trade. Optimize the "Double Q" cross-border equity investment pilot, actively strive to solve policy blockages such as excessively high thresholds and complex procedures, support and encourage more leading institutions to introduce real industries through cross-border investment, and vigorously promote the expansion of the actual use of foreign investment in the free trade zone. Deepen the construction of national climate investment and financing pilot projects, strengthen cooperation between Nansha and Hong Kong and Macao in the fields of platform construction, financing docking, and standard setting, encourage financial institutions and relevant enterprises in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao to carry out climate investment and financing in the international market, and promote two-way opening up in the field of climate investment and financing. On the other hand, we will explore a more internationally competitive policy system. Strive for national support for the implementation of more open and differentiated financial policies and systems in Nansha, enhance the autonomy of financial reform, opening up and innovation in the pilot free trade zone, explore the reform and innovation mechanism of mutual recognition of financial product and service standards, capital exchange and regulatory cooperation in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and support the implementation of the pilot measures of the Nansha Plan on promoting foreign exchange management reform and strengthening financial regulatory cooperation.

The third is to optimize the allocation of financial resources and build a more distinctive modern financial service system. Implement the spirit of the Central Financial Work Conference, focus on the "2+5+2" modern industrial layout of Nansha, and under the premise of unswervingly and persistently doing a good job in the "five major articles" of science and technology finance, green finance, inclusive finance, pension finance and digital finance, focus on the three characteristic financial sectors of cross-border finance, financial leasing and futures industry, and build a "5+3" characteristic financial industry layout in the Bay Area. On the one hand, tilt more resources to do a good job of five articles. Further optimize the risk compensation fund pool mechanism for small and medium-sized technology-based enterprises in Nansha, make good use of the "Pearl Investment and Financing Hui" industry-finance docking activity brand, and provide full-process investment and financing services for science and technology enterprises. Explore the establishment of a green finance standard system that is in line with international standards, build a high-level climate investment and financing platform in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and gather climate-friendly enterprises and climate finance resources for the world. Explore the development of digital financial services such as smart credit, smart investment research, and smart risk control, and actively explore the application scenarios of e-RMB cross-border payment. On the other hand, focus on the three major subdivisions and make precise efforts. In terms of cross-border finance, we will strive for a higher level of cross-border financial policy measures, make greater breakthroughs in promoting cross-border investment facilitation, deepening the functional system of FT accounts, expanding the scope and efficiency of cross-border wealth management connect, and accelerate the construction of a cross-border wealth management and asset management center in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Nansha, Guangzhou), so as to promote the development of cross-border finance at the forefront of the country. In terms of the futures industry, we will continue to improve the construction of the futures market system and fully support the listing of more futures products on the Guangzhou Futures Exchange. Intensify efforts to build a futures industrial park, covering a variety of functions such as futures product development and futures technology innovation, and jointly develop related spot, delivery, warehousing and logistics markets, and strive to become a key area for national futures and spot linkage. In terms of financial leasing, we will create a financial leasing development model with characteristics in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, promote the agglomeration of large-scale leasing enterprises in Nansha, and consolidate China's position as the third pole of financial leasing. We will take multiple measures to promote the aircraft and ship leasing business to become bigger and stronger, build a leading aircraft leasing center and a large-scale equipment leasing base for ships and offshore engineering in China, and build a global aircraft leasing center with Hong Kong and Macao.

Fourth, we need to coordinate financial innovation and risk prevention and control, and build a safer guarantee system for high-quality development. On the one hand, strengthen the coordination of regional financial supervision, explore the construction of a financial regulatory innovation system and mechanism suitable for the construction of free trade zones, and ensure that financial supervision and financial reform and innovation match; Explore the establishment of a mechanism for financial regulatory cooperation and exchange between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, strengthen financial risk research and judgment and risk prevention and control in key areas, and work together to solve cross-border financial risks and prevent illegal financial activities. Explore the research and application of regulatory technology to enhance the uniformity, professionalism and penetration of fintech supervision. On the other hand, we will give full play to the policy advantages of the Nansha International Talent Special Zone, continue to optimize the environment for the development of financial talents, link up with national financial regulatory authorities and local financial management departments to strengthen talent exchanges and training, gather more compound financial talents with an international perspective, and promote the comprehensive improvement of the free trade zone's financial opening supervision capabilities and innovative risk prevention and control capabilities. Through both soft and hard work, we will promote high-quality development and high-level safety and benign interaction as a whole.

(Note: Compiled according to on-site speeches, for reference only)

Zhu Jin: Focus on the "Nansha Plan" and the policy empowerment of the free trade zone to create a "Nansha sample" of financial market interconnection

Tsinghua PBC Global Financial Forum (Guangzhou) is a series of regional forums of Tsinghua PBC Global Financial Forum, and is also the main forum of China (Guangzhou) International Financial Exchange Expo, which has been held for nine consecutive sessions since its launch in 2016. In order to help the mainland's economic and financial reform and high-quality development. At the same time, there were more than 500 participants at the forum site, and at the same time, it was broadcast live online on Tsinghua Wudaokou video account, Douyin account, "Tsinghua Financial Review" video account, financial micro classroom, Guangzhou Financial Fair video account, Xinhuanet, Sina Finance, Phoenix Net Finance, 21st Century Business Herald, Daily Economic News, Economic Observer and other platforms, with a total of nearly 600,000 viewers.

Tsinghua PBC Global Financial Forum

The Tsinghua PBC Global Finance Forum is composed of the main forum and regional forums, aiming to focus on new ideas, new trends, new practices and new driving forces for global financial development, focusing on three major issues: China and the world, market and regulation, and academia and practice, discussing major issues in the economic and financial fields, and making suggestions and suggestions for achieving high-quality development and promoting Chinese-style modernization.

China (Guangzhou) International Financial Transaction Expo

China (Guangzhou) International Financial Exchange Expo (hereinafter referred to as "Financial Fair") was founded in 2012 and has been successfully held for 13 sessions so far. Through "online + offline", "display + interaction" and "roadshow + negotiation", the financial fair will create a financial event that integrates financial achievements display, financial reform publicity, financial knowledge popularization, financial academic seminars, financial industry docking, financial product promotion, financial equipment exhibition and sales, financial talent exchange and financial investment promotion, so as to realize the vision of "letting the world understand China's finance here".

This article is edited by Liang Jing

Editor丨Bai Xue, Lan Yinfan

Preliminary trial丨Xu Lanying

Final Review丨Zhang Wei

Zhu Jin: Focus on the "Nansha Plan" and the policy empowerment of the free trade zone to create a "Nansha sample" of financial market interconnection

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