
The mystery of Zhou Yu's death has finally been revealed! Don't be fooled by the TV series anymore, it's not for Zhuge Liang to be angry

author:The Northern Song Circle speaks of history

The stories of the Three Kingdoms are endless, and many of the characters in them have been interpreted by history and adapted into many film and television dramas today. The reason why the story of the Three Kingdoms is widely circulated is because of the novel "Romance of the Three Kingdoms". As one of the "Four Great Masterpieces", it has been talked about by people in later generations and even today.

Speaking of the characters in it, they are all as vivid as if they were alive, and there are countless legends scattered among the folklore. Liu Bei is a symbol of benevolence and righteousness, Guan Yu is a symbol of loyalty and righteousness, Zhuge Liang is a symbol of wisdom, and so on. Every character is interpreted. However, those who have read history know that the real history is still not the same as the content of film and television dramas. History is closer to reality, and the characters in it are often not as magical as in film and television works.

The mystery of Zhou Yu's death has finally been revealed! Don't be fooled by the TV series anymore, it's not for Zhuge Liang to be angry

"Zhuge Liang's Three Qi Zhou Yu" finally killed Zhou Yu, which is shown in many works of film and television dramas, and is constantly talked about by the people. But history may be very different from the perception of film and television works. Zhou Yu in real history did not die of his jealousy and narrow-mindedness, and basically had little to do with Zhuge Liang, after learning the truth, it was unbearable.

Zhou Yu, an outstanding general of Eastern Wu, his handsome and chic, wise and brave image has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. However, in the long course of history, the cause of Zhou Yu's death has become a controversial topic. So, how did Zhou Yu pass away?

The mystery of Zhou Yu's death has finally been revealed! Don't be fooled by the TV series anymore, it's not for Zhuge Liang to be angry

Zhou Yu's death was by no means angry with Zhuge Liang. This statement mainly originates from "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", and this work is not a pure historical record, but Luo Guanzhong's extensive artistic processing and creation based on historical events. In the book, Zhou Yu is portrayed as a narrow-minded and jealous person who is eventually by Zhuge Liang. However, this is only a plot in a novel and is far from the real history.

According to the "Chronicles of the Three Kingdoms", Zhou Yu died of illness. He suffers from a serious heart disease, and has been fighting for a long time and has become ill from overwork. On the way to prepare for the expedition, he suddenly fainted and eventually died. This is not directly related to Zhuge Liang.

Although the cause of Zhou Yu's death is not directly related to Zhuge Liang, the fight between the two is an indisputable fact. The grievances and hatreds between them have become the most wonderful in the history of the Three Kingdoms. Although Zhuge Liang did not directly cause Zhou Yu's death, he did have the upper hand in the fight between the two.

The mystery of Zhou Yu's death has finally been revealed! Don't be fooled by the TV series anymore, it's not for Zhuge Liang to be angry

Zhou Yu's death left a profound inspiration for future generations. He was a talented general who made great achievements for the Soochow state. However, his death is a reminder that even the most brilliant people cannot withstand the onslaught of disease. While pursuing career success, we should also pay attention to our health and balance work and life.

Zhou Yu's death also reflects the lack of understanding of illness in ancient society. At that time, medical conditions were limited, and many diseases were difficult to be effectively cured. Therefore, we should cherish the progress of modern medicine, pay attention to physical health, and improve self-protection awareness.

The mystery of Zhou Yu's death has finally been revealed! Don't be fooled by the TV series anymore, it's not for Zhuge Liang to be angry

The cause of Zhou Yu's death may not be directly related to Zhuge Liang, but this history has become a classic material in literary works. "Zhuge Liang's Three Qi Zhou Yu" in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" has become one of the popular plots. This reminds us that when appreciating literary works, we should maintain a rational attitude and discern the difference between history and fiction.

The mystery of Zhou Yu's death has finally been revealed! Don't be fooled by the TV series anymore, it's not for Zhuge Liang to be angry

Zhou Yu's death is a complex historical event that involves many factors. We should look at history with an objective eye and respect the facts themselves, rather than being swayed by literary works. At the same time, we should also look at the merits and demerits of historical figures with a tolerant attitude, and draw wisdom and inspiration from their stories.

In short, Zhou Yu's death is a historical event full of legends. His talent and heroism will always be remembered for generations to come. In the process of exploring the truth of history, we can also understand more deeply the complexity of history and the multifaceted nature of human nature.

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