
Magnolia Award revealed: Controversy and surprise coexist, showing the diverse style of the TV drama field

author:Lao Li talks about entertainment

Recently, the Magnolia Award of the 29th Shanghai TV Festival was announced, and as an authoritative award in the field of TV dramas, every nomination and award it has attracted much attention. However, after the announcement of this year's Magnolia Awards, it sparked a series of controversies and discussions, among which the winners of the actor and actress and the best TV series became the focus.

Magnolia Award revealed: Controversy and surprise coexist, showing the diverse style of the TV drama field

First of all, let's talk about the award of the heroine. Zhou Xun won the Best Actress Award for her outstanding performance in "Imperfect Victim". However, this result was unexpected by some viewers. Some viewers believe that Tang Yan's performance in "Flowers" is better and should win this honor. This controversy reflects the audience's different views and aesthetic preferences for the actors' acting skills, and also shows the diversified competition in the field of TV dramas.

Magnolia Award revealed: Controversy and surprise coexist, showing the diverse style of the TV drama field

Next came the controversy over Best Actor. Hu Ge won the Best Actor Award for his superb acting skills in "Flowers". However, some viewers believe that Wang Xiang, played by Fan Wei in "The Long Season", has a richer level of character and better performance, and should win this award. This controversy not only reflects the differences in the audience's preferences for the performance styles of different actors, but also reflects the diversity and complexity of the character creation of TV dramas.

Magnolia Award revealed: Controversy and surprise coexist, showing the diverse style of the TV drama field

As for the controversy over the best TV series, it is even more intense. Although "Flowers" won the Best Chinese TV Drama Award, some viewers believe that "The Long Season" is better in terms of plot and character building, and should win this award. This controversy not only reflects the audience's different evaluation criteria for the quality of TV dramas, but also shows the diversity and innovation of TV drama creation.

Magnolia Award revealed: Controversy and surprise coexist, showing the diverse style of the TV drama field

Despite the controversy, the other awards at the Magnolia Awards are to be expected. Jiang Yan won the Best Supporting Actress Award for her wonderful performance in "South to North"; Ning Li won the Best Supporting Actor Award for his outstanding acting skills. In addition, Xin Shuang, director of "The Long Season", won the Best Director Award, while "Flowers" won the Best Cinematography Award. The awarding of these awards is not only an affirmation of the hard work of the actors and crew, but also a recognition of the quality of Chinese TV dramas.

Magnolia Award revealed: Controversy and surprise coexist, showing the diverse style of the TV drama field

Overall, although the list of winners of the Magnolia Award at the 29th Shanghai TV Festival is controversial, it also fully demonstrates the diversity and innovation in the field of TV dramas. These controversies and discussions not only stimulated the audience's attention and enthusiasm for TV dramas, but also injected new impetus and vitality into the development of Chinese TV dramas. We look forward to seeing more excellent works and talents emerge in the future, and write a more brilliant chapter for the development of Chinese TV dramas.

Magnolia Award revealed: Controversy and surprise coexist, showing the diverse style of the TV drama field

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