
TV series don't dare to act like this! The anti-narcotics police undercover investigation met colleagues in succession

author:Look at Suzhou

"I can't recognize each other, and I dare not recognize each other,

Outside the camp, my colleagues didn't know who I was

'Police' or 'Drug Dealers'"

At the Qingshui River Entry-Exit Border Checkpoint

There is a very "cold" police officer

Outside the unit

Always pouting and refusing to greet colleagues

He is the anti-narcotics policeman Li Weiguo (pseudonym)

He has participated in the investigation and elimination of drug clues

He has served more than 300 times in case investigation and other services

During the make-up investigation, he met his colleagues twice in a row

Because "I didn't say hello"

only to pass by the crisis

TV series don't dare to act like this! The anti-narcotics police undercover investigation met colleagues in succession

During an operation against drug criminal gangs

Li Weiguo disguised himself as a "connector" for drug trading according to clues

Head to the China-Myanmar border in Lincang, Yunnan Province to meet drug traffickers

After Li Weiguo arrived at the designated place

He was temporarily assigned to a hotel

Stayed in the same room as 3 drug dealers with switchblades

The next morning

Li Weiguo and three drug dealers took the elevator downstairs for breakfast

Suddenly, there were two police officers in police uniforms

Squeeze into the elevator

Li Weiguo was surprised to find out

The two turned out to be their own colleagues

For a moment, his back was sweating

Battle-hardened, he reacts quickly

Hurriedly avoided the gaze of his colleagues

Frequent conversations with drug dealers

Talk loudly

Block the opportunity for colleagues to "pick up stubble".

TV series don't dare to act like this! The anti-narcotics police undercover investigation met colleagues in succession

The picture shows the monitoring screen in the elevator.

In just over 50 seconds in the elevator car

Every 1 second, Li Weiguo is under tremendous pressure

With the elevator stops on the second floor

The crowd came out one after another

Li Weiguo's mood gradually calmed down

But the thrilling "story" does not end

During the dining period on the second floor of the hotel

Li Weiguo once again encountered the political work and police officers who were on a business trip

"At that time, my heart was beating to my throat," he said

When I see a colleague on a business trip, I want to say hello

But I can't

There are not many cases handled by the political work and police

If they actually greeted me

It will arouse the suspicion of drug dealers

The case will be lost

The most important thing is ......"

TV series don't dare to act like this! The anti-narcotics police undercover investigation met colleagues in succession

The picture shows the police entering the elevator.

Li Weiguo is looking for an opportunity

Take advantage of the gap between drug dealers and their heads

"Scratch your head" hints to colleagues

"Don't look this way"

Once again, the crisis was resolved

He said

Colleagues were more or less engaged in reconnaissance work

Years of experience

Everyone has a keen sense of reconnaissance

"Abnormal" performance in elevators and restaurants

Colleagues have received his "signal"

Thank you colleagues for your professionalism

so that he did not reveal his identity

TV series don't dare to act like this! The anti-narcotics police undercover investigation met colleagues in succession

The picture shows the scene of the police arrest.

In that operation

Li Weiguo ate and lived with drug dealers for two days and one night

In the end, under the strict control and arrest of the police

Successfully dismantled a drug trafficking ring

Four suspects were arrested

39 kilograms of heroin were seized

TV series don't dare to act like this! The anti-narcotics police undercover investigation met colleagues in succession

Undercover, Investigation, Arrest......

Li Weiguo has been engaged in anti-narcotics work for six years

Fight side by side with your colleagues and charge the front line

Participated in the detection of more than 300 drug cases

147 suspects were arrested

More than 2.1 tonnes of various drugs were seized

Participated in and successfully investigated

There were 7 cases of extraordinarily large drugs of more than 100 kilograms

He has been awarded 1 personal first, second and third class merit

Today, Li Weiguo is still fighting

At the forefront of the fight against cross-border crimes

"I don't want to be rewarded for meritorious service

to prove yourself

The world is drug-free, and we are fighting on the anti-drug front

The wish of every police officer! ”

TV series don't dare to act like this! The anti-narcotics police undercover investigation met colleagues in succession

The picture shows Li Weiguo, an anti-narcotics policeman.

Where we can't see it

There are more hidden "Li Weiguo"

They charged into battle and faced the test of life and death

Shielding us from the darkness and guarding the light

To the silent heroes who stay away from the spotlight


May you every mission

They can all come back safely!

Source: People's Daily client

Editor: Xiaohui

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