
Weekly GitHub Explore|12 tools for building modern apps and visualizing data

author:Brother Cheng looks at open source
This week's GitHub Discover features 12 great open source projects, ranging from tools and libraries for building modern applications to tackling complex data visualizations. From managing passwords, to creating stunning 3D maps and globes, to securing decentralized applications with smart contracts, these projects offer a range of solutions that help developers tackle today's complex software development challenges.


Weekly GitHub Explore|12 tools for building modern apps and visualizing data
Weekly GitHub Explore|12 tools for building modern apps and visualizing data


Stars as of press time: 5033 (added in the past week: 144)

仓库语言: JavaScript

Repository open source protocol: Other


OpenCTI is an open-source platform that assists organizations in managing cyber threat intelligence knowledge and observable data. The platform is designed to build, store, organize, and visualize technical and non-technical information about cyber threats.

Project role

USE THE MITRE ATT&CK SCHEMA (VIA DEDICATED CONNECTORS) TO HELP STRUCTURE YOUR DATA. Allows users to choose to implement their own datasets. Input and output data formats are available in a variety of formats (CSV, STIX2 collection, etc.). Develop connectors to accelerate interaction between tools and other platforms.

Suggestions for use

Two editions: Community Edition (CE) and Enterprise Edition (EE). Includes powerful new features in the Enterprise Edition to help users centrally manage technical and non-technical information and associate it with the original source.


OpenCTI provides the following features: Import and export data. Powerful and flexible query and analytics. Clear graphical interface and analysis panels. Integrate with other threat intelligence tools and platforms.

2. Omnivore: An open-source reader solution

Weekly GitHub Explore|12 tools for building modern apps and visualizing data
Weekly GitHub Explore|12 tools for building modern apps and visualizing data


Stars as of press time: 11030 (added in the past week: 1341)

仓库语言: TypeScript

仓库开源协议:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


Omnivore is an open-source reader solution that aims to provide a comprehensive reading experience for users who love to read. It offers a range of features, including highlighting, notes, search, and sharing.

Project role

The Omnivore frontend is built using Next.js and hosted on Vercel, while the server-side is written in Node.js and TypeScript. It also uses SWR for data ingestion, Stitches for styling, and Mozilla Readability for easy page reading.

Description of the warehouse

The repository contains Omnivore's source code, which can be cloned, extended, or deployed on their own servers. A hosted version is also available, which users can try out on


Omnivore has been used by numerous users, including writers, researchers, and students, to enhance their reading experience. It is especially popular with users who value text processing and sharing capabilities.

Objective evaluation or analysis

Omnivore has received rave reviews for its comprehensive functionality, user-friendliness, and commitment to the open-source community. It is considered a strong alternative to popular reader services like Pocket and Instapaper.

Suggestions for use

Omnivore can be used in the following ways:

  • Download from the official website
  • Clone your GitHub repository and run it locally
  • Deploy to your own server
  • Use extensions in your browser


Omnivore is a powerful open-source reader solution that provides users with a comprehensive reading experience. It's easy to use, feature-rich, and completely open-source for users to customize and extend. Whether you're a casual reader or a researcher, Omnivore is an excellent choice for improving your reading efficiency and enjoyment.


Weekly GitHub Explore|12 tools for building modern apps and visualizing data
Weekly GitHub Explore|12 tools for building modern apps and visualizing data


Stars as of press time: 907 (added in the past week:103)

Repository language: Python


This article introduces the LLaVA-NeXT project, which aims to build a large multimodal model and explore its use cases.

Project role

LLaVA-NeXT leverages image-text interleaved formats to unify image, video, and 3D tasks into a single LLM, dramatically improving its performance across a wide range of benchmarks.

Description of the warehouse

The repository contains the source code, model weights, training and evaluation scripts for the LLaVA-NeXT project.


LLaVA-NeXT has powerful performance in image generation, video understanding, and multimodal interaction, and has been applied to image editing, video subtitling, search engines, and other fields.

Objective evaluation or analysis

LLaVA-NeXT has achieved SOTA (state-of-the-art) performance in several benchmarks, demonstrating its ability to handle complex multimodal tasks.

Suggestions for use

The LLaVA-NeXT project provides extensive documentation and tutorials that guide users on how to install, train, and deploy LLM models.


LLaVA-NeXT is an open multimodal model platform that provides researchers and practitioners with the opportunity to explore and develop cutting-edge AI applications.

4. Bitwarden Android: Make password management more secure on your mobile device


Number of stars as of press time: 5805 (added in the past week:69)

Warehouse language: Kotlin

仓库开源协议:GNU General Public License v3.0


Bitwarden Android is an open-source and cross-platform password manager designed to protect your passwords, protect your data, and simplify your web experience on Android devices.

Suggestions for use

Protect your passwords: Store and manage all your passwords in one secure location that can be accessed on any device. Simplify online sign-in: Autofill passwords in websites and apps so you don't have to enter them manually. Protect sensitive data: Encrypt and store security records, payment information, and other sensitive data. Sync across devices: Keep your data in sync across all your devices to ensure you can access your information no matter where you are.


Bitwarden Android is a must-have tool for anyone who cares about their online security and privacy. Its relentless commitment to open-source development, coupled with its comprehensive features and ease of use, make it ideal for protecting your digital life.

5. 30-Day Python Programming Challenge

Weekly GitHub Explore|12 tools for building modern apps and visualizing data
Weekly GitHub Explore|12 tools for building modern apps and visualizing data


Stars as of press time: 33360 (added in the past week: 331)

Repository language: Python


The 30-Day Python Programming Challenge is a step-by-step guide designed to learn the Python programming language in 30 days. This challenge can take more than 100 days, so do it at your own pace.

Description of the warehouse

This repository is a repository of the 30-day Python programming challenge, and it contains daily challenges that range from variables and built-in functions to advanced topics like APIs and machine learning.

Objective evaluation or analysis

The repository is a valuable resource that can help beginners and experienced Python programmers improve their skills. Each day's challenge is carefully designed to cover a comprehensive range of topics and provides step-by-step guidance. Code examples, exercises, and solutions also make the learning process more effective.

Suggestions for use

To get the most out of this warehouse, it is recommended to follow the daily challenges to learn. Each day's challenge builds on the previous day's challenge, so it's important to learn in order. In addition to completing daily challenges, you can refer to the resources provided, such as video tutorials and documentation.


The 30-Day Python Programming Challenge Repository is an invaluable tool that provides a structured and comprehensive learning path for anyone who wants to learn Python programming. By following the daily challenges and taking advantage of the resources provided, participants can significantly improve their Python skills.

6. Melody: Your musical elf

Weekly GitHub Explore|12 tools for building modern apps and visualizing data
Weekly GitHub Explore|12 tools for building modern apps and visualizing data


Stars as of press time: 2591 (added in the past week:124)

Repository language: Vue

仓库开源协议:Apache License 2.0


Melody is an open-source project that aims to help users manage music easily. It supports one-click uploading of songs to the cloud, retrieves songs from major music platforms, and unlocks unplayable songs.

Project role

The avatar Melody is used as the interactive interface, and it supports iOS and Android mobile PWA installation


  • Deploy Melody locally and easily upload songs to NetEase Cloud Disk.
  • Use Melody's link search function to download songs from station b.
  • Through the one-click unlock playlist function, it automatically unlocks the NetEase Cloud playlist that cannot be played.

Objective evaluation or analysis

  • The interface is simple and friendly, and the operation is convenient.
  • Support multi-platform music resource search and download.
  • Innovatively use avatars as interactive interfaces to improve user experience.

Suggestions for use

  • Install Melody and create an account.
  • Import NetEase Cloud Music account (optional).
  • Search for songs using page search or links.
  • Click the Unlock All button to unlock the playlist that can't be played.


Melody is a powerful, easy-to-use music management tool. It provides users with an easy way to manage their music while offering a wealth of features. Its innovative avatar interactive interface and perfect music resource search function make it stand out in the field of music management.

7.Admin One - 免费 Vue.js 3.x Tailwind 3.x 管理面板

Weekly GitHub Explore|12 tools for building modern apps and visualizing data
Weekly GitHub Explore|12 tools for building modern apps and visualizing data


Stars as of press time: 2029 (added in the past week:5)

Repository language: Vue

仓库开源协议:MIT License


Welcome to the introduction page of Admin One. This article will delve into the benefits and unique features of the open-source Vue.js 3.x admin panel in this repository. Read on to unlock key insights to take your project to the next level with this powerful framework.

Project role

This admin panel is well-designed to have a modern and responsive look. It offers a wide range of reusable components, simplifying the development process. In addition, it has the following features:

  • Responsive layouts for mobile, tablet, and desktop
  • Dark mode support
  • Built on Vite, it provides a fast development cycle
  • Integration with Nuxt 3.x and Laravel 9.x
  • Out-of-the-box SFC <script setup> syntax

Description of the warehouse

The admin-one-vue-tailwind repository contains the source code, documentation, and samples of the Admin One admin panel. It provides detailed instructions on how to install, customize, and use the admin panel.


Admin One has been used extensively in a variety of projects, including e-commerce applications, content management systems, and dashboards. It is highly praised by developers for its ease of use and scalability.

Objective evaluation or analysis

The main advantage of Admin One is its modern design, responsive layout, and integration with popular frameworks. It's a great choice for developers looking to develop a professional and efficient Vue.js 3.x admin panel.

Suggestions for use

  • Explore [Free Demo] to experience the features of Admin One for yourself.
  • [Download code] to start your development journey.
  • Check out [Documentation] for a step-by-step guide on customization and integration.
  • Participate in [community forums] to seek support and share your insights.


Admin One is a powerful Vue.js 3.x admin panel that provides an excellent development foundation. Its wide range of features, ease of use, and responsive design make it an ideal choice for any developer looking for a professional admin panel solution.

8. CKEditor 5: A powerful modern rich text editor framework

Weekly GitHub Explore|12 tools for building modern apps and visualizing data


Stars as of press time: 8672 (added in the past week:294)

仓库语言: JavaScript

Repository open source protocol: Other


CKEditor 5 is a modern JavaScript rich text editor that offers collaborative editing, a custom data model, and a TypeScript-based virtual DOM.

Project role

CKEditor 5 has a modular architecture with a plug-in system that allows for a high degree of scalability and customization. It supports features like Markdown input and output, source code editing, export to PDF and Word, and offers rich accessibility options and multi-language support.

Description of the warehouse

CKEditor 5's GitHub repository is its official development hub, providing the most up-to-date code, documentation, and issue reports.

Suggestions for use

The Quick Start Guide for CKEditor 5 provides detailed installation and usage instructions. The CKEditor 5 builder can be used to customize the editor to suit your needs. For advanced users, integrations with JavaScript frameworks such as Angular, React, and Vue are also available.


CKEditor 5 is a powerful, highly customizable, rich text editor framework that provides a comprehensive solution for a variety of editing and collaboration needs. Its open ecosystem and extensive community support make it ideal for businesses and developers.

9. Svelte: An innovation in front-end applications

Weekly GitHub Explore|12 tools for building modern apps and visualizing data

️ Warehouse name: sveltejs/svelte

Stars as of press time: 77356 (added in the past week:224)

仓库语言: JavaScript

仓库开源协议:MIT License


Svelte is an innovative way to build front-end applications. It is a compiler that converts declarative components into efficient JavaScript and enables precise DOM updates.

Project role

Svelte takes a unique approach called "reactive programming." It listens for internal state changes in components and updates only the affected DOM elements, optimizing performance.

Description of the warehouse

This GitHub repository contains the Svelte core code repository, documentation, examples, and contribution guides.


Svelte has been used in a wide variety of projects, including:

  • Airbnb's design system
  • Vercel's Jamstack platform
  • Figma's co-design tool

Objective evaluation or analysis

Key benefits of Svelte include:

  • High performance: Superior performance is achieved by reactive programming and accurate DOM updates.
  • Ease of use: Declarative syntax and simple APIs make it easy for developers to create complex UIs.
  • Lightweight: Svelte compiles to a very small code body, which helps optimize app load times.

Suggestions for use

Svelte is a great choice for developers looking to build fast, interactive, and user-friendly web applications. It is particularly suitable for the following scenarios:

  • Build a single-page app (SPA)
  • Build a library of UI components
  • Modernize the front-end of existing applications


Svelte is a game-changer in front-end development, offering exciting possibilities for building high-performing, efficient, and stylish web applications. As it continues to evolve and the community supports it, Svelte is poised to continue to shape the future of web applications.

10.Node.js:JavaScript 运行时


Stars as of press time: 104969 (added in the past week:168)

仓库语言: JavaScript

Repository open source protocol: Other


Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment.

Project role

Node.js Built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. It uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model, making it lightweight and efficient. Node.js supports a wide range of modules that can be used to extend its functionality.

Description of the warehouse

Node.js is a collaborative project by a diverse community of contributors. The project is governed by an open governance model, supported by the OpenJS Foundation.

Suggestions for use

Node.js is great for building:

  • Web servers
  • Web application
  • Real-time applications
  • Microservices
  • Command-line tools


Node.js is a powerful and versatile JavaScript runtime environment that is ideal for building scalable, real-time applications. It is supported by a large and active community and has a wide range of modules available to extend its functionality.

11. CesiumJS: Create stunning 3D maps and globes

Weekly GitHub Explore|12 tools for building modern apps and visualizing data


Stars as of press time: 12343 (added in the past week:55)

仓库语言: JavaScript

仓库开源协议:Apache License 2.0


CesiumJS is an open-source JavaScript library that allows you to create world-class 3D maps and globes in a web browser without any plugins. It works on a variety of platforms and browsers and is optimized for dynamic data visualization.

Project role

Leveraging WebGL for hardware-accelerated graphics processing, CesiumJS is built using an open format designed for strong interoperability and scalable to handle massive datasets.

Objective evaluation or analysis

CesiumJS is known for its following benefits:

  • High performance and scalability
  • Support for open standards
  • Ease of use and flexibility
  • Active community and extensive documentation

Suggestions for use

  • For developers looking to integrate an interactive 3D map or globe in a web application
  • GIS Analyst who wants to visualize and analyze geospatial data
  • A company that builds a geographic information system (GIS) solution


CesiumJS is a powerful, versatile, open-source JavaScript library that can be used to create stunning 3D maps and globes. Its high performance, openness, ease of use, and active community make it ideal for building geospatial applications.

12. Open source smart contract development tool library


Stars as of press time: 24422 (added in the past week:46)

仓库语言: JavaScript

仓库开源协议:MIT License


OpenZeppelin Contracts provides a comprehensive library of tools for secure smart contract development, covering a variety of standards implementations, flexible permission schemes, and reusable components to help build custom contracts and complex decentralized systems.

Project role

The library is semantically versioned to ensure backward compatibility between APIs and storage layouts. Newer versions may contain incompatible storage layouts, and cross-major upgrades such as upgrading from 4.9.3 to 5.0.0 should be avoided.

Description of the warehouse

该 GitHub 仓库包含 OpenZeppelin Contracts 的源代码、文档和贡献指南。

Objective evaluation or analysis

OpenZeppelin Contracts is a tried-and-true and widely used tool library that provides a trusted and secure foundation for smart contract development. Its comprehensive standards support and flexible components make it suitable for a wide range of scenarios.


OpenZeppelin Contracts is a must-have arsenal for smart contract developers, providing a secure, reliable foundation for building a wide range of decentralized applications.

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