
"Liu Wencai, a landlord of the Republic of China, drinks human milk", have you ever drunk it? Liu Wencai's son tells the truth!

"Liu Wencai, a landlord of the Republic of China, drinks human milk", have you ever drunk it? Liu Wencai's son tells the truth!
"Liu Wencai, a landlord of the Republic of China, drinks human milk", have you ever drunk it? Liu Wencai's son tells the truth!

Who is Liu Wencai? During the Republic of China, he was a rich man and a squire who was rampant in the countryside. After Liu Wencai's death, some people reported that he, like Cixi, drank human milk in order to maintain his youth. Is this true?

It is said that this heinous squire landlord has done all the bad things and ruined his reputation. So in history, what is the real Liu Wencai like? Has anyone delved into his reprehensible deeds?

"Liu Wencai, a landlord of the Republic of China, drinks human milk", have you ever drunk it? Liu Wencai's son tells the truth!

The Emperor of the Earth of the Fish and Meat People

Half a century ago, Liu Wencai's name was known to everyone in China. Today, Liu Wencai's estate has been converted into a large museum. Inside there are Liu Wencai's things before liberation.

This rich man who once evoked memories in the local area has long since turned into a handful of loess, but his deeds are becoming more and more evil in the mouths of local guides.

"Liu Wencai, a landlord of the Republic of China, drinks human milk", have you ever drunk it? Liu Wencai's son tells the truth!

At that time, Liu Wencai was a rich man in the Sichuan-Chongqing area, because he got a relatively popular military and political position during the warlord melee, so he started the duty of looting the people. Relying on his flamboyant tongue and the military power of his younger brother Liu Wenhui, Liu Wencai turned into a rich man who controlled the Sichuan-Chongqing region.

Because he worked in various tax departments back then, Liu Wencai at this time really gave full play to his "own work". Not to mention the most basic poll tax, land tax. This tricky Liu Wencai is still popular among the people, such as "toilet tax", "flower planting tax" and "hoe tax", but whenever the people want to go to the ground or live, they have to pay taxes to Liu Wencai.

Because of the looting of a lot of people's fat and ointment, it is said that Liu Wencai's life at that time was quite luxurious. There are not only acres of fertile land, but also more than a dozen villas. He also has dozens of houses that can be rented across the country, and he is a veritable "charter public".

He is quite particular about a meal. Not only is it required to have meat and vegetarian, but it must be properly matched. I also have the chef at home prepare a dish of seasonal seafood every day. At that time, the Sichuan area was not near the sea, but the food of the Liu family was specially transported from the coastal area by specially designated people, just to make it fresh.

"Liu Wencai, a landlord of the Republic of China, drinks human milk", have you ever drunk it? Liu Wencai's son tells the truth!

This is not counting, after the liberation, many Sichuan and Chongqing areas circulated the remarks of "Liu Wencai, drink human milk". said the extravagant Liu Wencai

Somehow, he heard the lie that human milk can keep her youth forever, so he went to the local area to find a beautiful woman who had just given birth to come to his estate, and served it with delicious food and drink, and then when he needed it, he could drink milk for himself.

This matter has spread widely in Sichuan and Chongqing, and there is even a rumor among the people that "when you enter the door of Liu's house, your bones will be scraped clean". Many people have heard that Liu Wencai only accepts healthy, young and beautiful nurses. As long as you fall in love with the nurse on the way to drink milk, then even people take milk and eat it together to relieve their selfish desires.

However, after Liu Wencai's death, his son refuted the rumors that his father was not what outsiders imagined. It is true that there is a matter of drinking human milk, but that is because Liu Wencai was seriously ill at that time and needed human milk as a medicine primer. But his explanation did nothing to dispel people's doubts.

Because Liu Wencai is not only poor and luxurious in life, but in the eyes of the locals, Liu Wencai can be said to have done all the bad things, he brutalized Zhongliang, never put human life in his eyes, and was a complete villain.

"Liu Wencai, a landlord of the Republic of China, drinks human milk", have you ever drunk it? Liu Wencai's son tells the truth!

A counter-revolution that has done all the bad things

Since Lin Zexu Humen banned smoking, many Chinese people have understood the harm of this "Fushou ointment". This simple truth even illiterate ordinary people understand, but he, Liu Wencai, pretends to be confused.

"Liu Wencai, a landlord of the Republic of China, drinks human milk", have you ever drunk it? Liu Wencai's son tells the truth!

At that time, his younger brother Liu Wenhui mixed well in the Sichuan-Chongqing government army, so Liu Wencai naturally took advantage of the situation and donated a petty official to do it. However, after many years of mixing in the officialdom, he actually rose to prominence and became a sweet spot in the hands of the local government. In addition to the general office of the General Administration of Taxation, he also became the general director of the anti-smoking department, and held the real power in his hands.

He is not unclear about the harm of big smoke, but in the case of particularly large profits, Liu Wencai can't control that, he completely forgets his responsibilities.

As the chief of the anti-smoking department, Liu Wencai went to work to fight drugs during the day, but at night he resold "Fushou Cream", and also led customers to the tobacco shop he opened, trying to squeeze the last profit from these poor smokers.

That's not all, because he used his position as the chief of tax to suppress the people, so that the local people vacated all the land to grow opium. Many unwilling peasants were harassed by Liu Wencai in various names, and finally had to give in. After a long time, many peasants starved to death because Liu Wencai's opium fields could not grow food.

"Liu Wencai, a landlord of the Republic of China, drinks human milk", have you ever drunk it? Liu Wencai's son tells the truth!

In addition to exploiting the villagers, Liu Wencai, who had amassed a lot of money, also opened private banks in the Sichuan-Chongqing area, counterfeited the currency that was circulating in the market at that time, and attempted to exchange genuine currency by circulating loans between various banks, so as to achieve the purpose of wantonly money laundering.

During the Anti-Japanese War, when the Eighth Route Army reached the Sichuan-Chongqing region, Liu Wencai, who hated the Communist Party, actually took advantage of the momentum of suppressing the peasant uprising to arrest progressives everywhere, united with the bandit Guo Baozhi, and frantically slaughtered the Communists, in an attempt to eliminate any uneasy factors that threatened his interests!

"Liu Wencai, a landlord of the Republic of China, drinks human milk", have you ever drunk it? Liu Wencai's son tells the truth!

Liu Wenhui, the good general of the Liu family

Although Liu Wencai, who has done all the bad things, enjoyed glory and wealth in the first half of his life, but with his old age and decrepitude, Liu Wencai was already dying in the period of liberation fighters. When the time came to 1949, Liu Wencai, who felt that the national army was about to perish, was angry and anxious.

After all, he slaughtered a lot of Communists back then, and if the Communist Party won the world, would it still have its own good fruits to eat? The more he thought about it, the more angry Liu Wencai became, and immediately wanted to find someone to deal with the escape, and planned to leave.

"Liu Wencai, a landlord of the Republic of China, drinks human milk", have you ever drunk it? Liu Wencai's son tells the truth!

But because when he was young, Liu Wencai was too indulgent, and his body could not support his escape for a long time. Finally, on the eve of liberation, Liu Wencai did not catch his breath and died of a serious illness in Chengdu. At this time, it was not far from liberation, and Liu Wencai, a great villain, died on the eve of his trial, leaving behind a large amount of family property and finishing his life.

At this time, it was his younger brother Liu Wenhui who became the spokesperson for the Liu family. The man who became the warlord of Sichuan and Chongqing already enjoyed a great reputation in the national army. Liu Wencai relied on his younger brother's reputation to dare to deceive and establish a Sichuan and Chongqing tyrant.

But what he didn't expect was that his younger brother Liu Wenhui actually befriended the Communist Party under his nose, and even lent a helping hand to revolutionaries when they were in distress.

Before the end of the Anti-Japanese War, Liu Wenhui secretly met with Zhou Enlai to discuss a series of anti-Japanese plans. He even released water several times in the War of Liberation and stood on the same front as the Communist Party.

He responded to the call in 1949, did not implement Chiang Kai-shek's policy of "resisting to the end", and followed Zhou Enlai further to the Central Committee.

"Liu Wencai, a landlord of the Republic of China, drinks human milk", have you ever drunk it? Liu Wencai's son tells the truth!

After the liberation, Liu Wenhui held a position in the Standing Committee of the Central Committee, and the military and political commissar in the southwest was vice chairman. At the time of liberation, Liu Wenhui also handed over most of Liu Wencai's land and assets to the state, which won the praise of the local people.

Today, the Liu family manor has become a historical museum, where it quietly stays to tell people about the old days before liberation. Time is fair, no matter how beautiful a person is in life, a hundred years later will be a piece of loess. The only difference is that in people's memories, there is only the loyal brother Liu Wenhui, and there is no heinous Liu Wencai!

Text丨 Xiaowen

Editor丨 Xiaowen
