
Kang Yanmin: Strengthen ideals and beliefs, keep in mind the original mission, and contribute to accelerating the construction of a strong coastal economic city

author:Zhongjie perspective
Kang Yanmin: Strengthen ideals and beliefs, keep in mind the original mission, and contribute to accelerating the construction of a strong coastal economic city
Kang Yanmin: Strengthen ideals and beliefs, keep in mind the original mission, and contribute to accelerating the construction of a strong coastal economic city

On June 28, Cangzhou City held a symposium to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. Kang Yanmin presided over the symposium and delivered a speech, emphasizing the need to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on inspecting Hebei, carry forward the great spirit of party building, strengthen ideals and beliefs, keep in mind the original mission, and contribute to accelerating the construction of a strong coastal economic city. Xiang Hui, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and mayor, read out the "decision on commending the city's outstanding communist party members, outstanding party workers and advanced grass-roots party organizations", and Song Youhong, director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, and Yao Xingfu, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee, attended.

On behalf of the municipal party committee, Kang Yanmin congratulated the commended outstanding individuals and advanced collectives, thanked the vast number of Communist Party members who are fighting on all fronts, and extended holiday greetings. It is hoped that party organizations at all levels and the majority of party members and cadres will always keep in mind the "great man of the country", be absolutely loyal to the party, constantly improve political judgment, political comprehension, and political execution, and loyally defend the "two establishments" and resolutely achieve the "two safeguards" with practical actions.

Kang Yanmin stressed that it is necessary to serve the overall situation of development, completely, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, take the initiative around major events such as the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, the planning and construction of Huanghua Port, and the comprehensive utilization of saline-alkali land, focus on key tasks such as accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system and actively cultivating and developing new quality productivity, and make every effort to tackle key tasks such as promoting urban renewal, new urbanization construction and comprehensive rural revitalization, and practice the original mission of the Communists with actual results and results. It is necessary to stand firmly on the people's position, do a solid job in people's livelihood projects and practical matters of people's livelihood, continue to optimize the business environment, and make overall plans for safe production, petition and stability maintenance, social governance, etc., so as to enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness and security. It is necessary to strictly abide by discipline and rules, combine with the study and education of party discipline, persevere in abiding by discipline, perseverance in changing the style of work, and start a business with one mind, so as to promote new achievements and breakthroughs in various tasks.

At the meeting, advanced typical representatives Li Zhibin, Zhang Jiangang, and Huang Zhangli made speeches.

Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, the main responsible comrades of the member units of the Municipal Party Committee's Leading Group for Party Construction; The Party Working Committee of Bohai New Area, the Huanghua Municipal Party Committee, the Party Committees of various counties (cities and districts), and the relevant responsible comrades of the Party Working Committee of Cangzhou Development Zone and Cangzhou High-tech Zone participated.

Source: Cangzhou Daily

Editor: Ren Ziqi

Editor: Yu Guoshu Cui Zhikai

Review: Meng Hui

E-mail: [email protected]

Kang Yanmin: Strengthen ideals and beliefs, keep in mind the original mission, and contribute to accelerating the construction of a strong coastal economic city

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