
There is a kind of "backlash" called Yingda and Liang Huan, after 26 years of marriage, the retribution of good and evil has finally come true?

author:People who have a splendid life say entertainment

In 2023, a news that shocked the entertainment industry spread: Yingda announced in public that he only has one son, Yingdahui. This sentence was like a hammer, completely shattering his 26-year marriage with Liang Huan.

Who would have thought that this couple, who once envied others, would finally end up in such a way? Looking back on 1997, Yingda and Liang Huan entered the marriage hall hand in hand. At that time, they were full of hope, and no one expected that 26 years later would usher in such a sad ending.

Yingda's words are not only a denial of Liang Huan, but also the final judgment of this marriage. At that moment, Liang Huan's years of dedication and sacrifice seemed to be completely erased, and the sweet memories of the past instantly came to naught.

In the past 26 years, Liang Huan has taken on the responsibility of raising his son alone. Whenever her son was sick, she stayed up all night; Whenever there is a school event, she always attends alone. She paid unimaginable hardships to support this family silently.

There is a kind of "backlash" called Yingda and Liang Huan, after 26 years of marriage, the retribution of good and evil has finally come true?

However, Yingda's words negate all these years of hard work. When Yingda announced the news, there was indifference in her eyes, as if the past 26 years were just an illusory dream.

His tone was calm, but every word was heartfelt. Liang Huan, who was standing on the side, had an expression on his face that changed from shock to sadness, and finally calmed down. Her eyes revealed deep disappointment and helplessness, which she had seen through after years of precipitation.

This news is like a bombshell, causing an uproar on the Internet. Many netizens expressed their incomprehension and anger at Yingda's behavior, and they all hugged Liang Huan.

Some people recall Liang Huan's gentle image in front of the screen for many years, and can't help but sigh that creation makes people. Others began to dig into Yingda's past, trying to find clues to the breakdown of the marriage.

There is a kind of "backlash" called Yingda and Liang Huan, after 26 years of marriage, the retribution of good and evil has finally come true?

However, for Liang Huan, this may be a relief. For years, she has been trying to maintain this marriage, hoping to win back her husband's heart. But the reality always backfires.

Yingda's words, although hurtful, also made her see the reality clearly and realize that this relationship is irreparable. The end of this marriage is not only the end of the relationship between two people, but also the beginning of a kind of "backlash".

Yingda's words and deeds have undoubtedly planted the bitter fruit of the future for herself. As the saying goes, "good is rewarded with good, and evil is rewarded with evil", his neglect of the family and betrayal of his wife will eventually be fulfilled in the future.

Thus began the final chapter of the marriage. The story of Yingda and Liang Huan has become another marriage news in the entertainment industry. However, behind this news, there are 26 years of laughter and tears between two people, and the reunion and separation of a family.

There is a kind of "backlash" called Yingda and Liang Huan, after 26 years of marriage, the retribution of good and evil has finally come true?

When love comes to an end, all that is left is their own reflections and life lessons. Let's turn the clock back to 1997, when Yingda and Liang Huan's wedding scene was full of happiness and joy.

The couple walked into the palace of marriage hand in hand, and their faces were filled with beautiful hopes for the future. Who would have thought that 26 years later would end in such a sad way? Soon after marriage, Liang Huan began to show her virtuousness and kindness.

Not only does she have to take care of her own small family, but she also takes care of Yingdah's mother. Whenever her mother-in-law is sick, Liang Huan always stays in front of the bed and takes care of her carefully. Her dedication is so touching in the eyes of others, but in the eyes of Yingda, it seems that it is just deserved.

Liang Huan's care for her mother-in-law can be described as meticulous. Every morning, she would get up early to prepare a nutritious breakfast for her mother-in-law; When the weather turns colder, she will thoughtfully buy warm clothes for her mother-in-law; During the holidays, she will carefully plan family outings to let her mother-in-law feel the joy of family.

There is a kind of "backlash" called Yingda and Liang Huan, after 26 years of marriage, the retribution of good and evil has finally come true?

These details all reflect Liang Huan's filial piety and patience. However, Yingda did not show due gratitude for his wife's dedication. He saw it in his eyes, but he seemed to think that all this was Liang Huan's obligation.

Whenever Liang Huan is exhausted from taking care of her mother-in-law, Yingda rarely takes the initiative to share or show concern. This attitude undoubtedly planted hidden dangers in their marriage.

After marriage, Liang Huan is looking forward to forming a complete family with Yingda with hope. However, Yingda has always been reluctant to have children with Liang Huan. Whenever Liang Huan brings up the topic of wanting children, Yingda always finds all kinds of excuses to prevaricate in the past.

Sometimes he would say that he was too busy at work to take care of his children; Sometimes they say that their current life is too stressful and not suitable for having children. This attitude filled Liang Huan's heart with loss and confusion.

There is a kind of "backlash" called Yingda and Liang Huan, after 26 years of marriage, the retribution of good and evil has finally come true?

Despite this, Liang Huan still chose to be understanding and tolerant. She told herself that maybe Indah wasn't ready for the time being, and that one day he would change his mind. With such hope, Liang Huan continued to pay silently, maintaining this seemingly happy marriage that had cracked down.

In the eyes of outsiders, Yingda and Liang Huan's marriage is so beautiful. They are always in love in various public occasions, and they are praised by the media as a model couple in the entertainment industry. However, only Liang Huan knows that under the glamorous appearance, their marriage has long been in crisis.

During this period, although Liang Huan's efforts did not get due returns, she still worked hard to maintain this relationship with her longing for marriage and belief in love.

She believes that as long as she loves Yingda enough, she will be able to melt his heart one day. However, reality is often harsher than imagined. Yingda's reluctance to have children became a time bomb buried in the foundation of their marriage.

There is a kind of "backlash" called Yingda and Liang Huan, after 26 years of marriage, the retribution of good and evil has finally come true?

This decision not only deeply hurt Liang Huan, but also laid a hidden danger for their future relationship. Looking back on the early days of this marriage, we can't help but sigh: under the beautiful illusion of love, there is often a cruel reality hidden.

Liang Huan's kindness and dedication, instead of a happy marriage, became the source of her pain in the future. This seemingly happy marriage actually planted the seeds of failure from the beginning.

With the passage of time, Liang Huan and Yingda's careers have ushered in an important turning point. For Liang Huan, this turning point was to participate in the crew work of the hit drama "I Love My Home".

In this work, the role played by Liang Huan left a deep impression on the audience, and her gentle and generous image was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, which won her wide praise and recognition.

There is a kind of "backlash" called Yingda and Liang Huan, after 26 years of marriage, the retribution of good and evil has finally come true?

The success of "I Love My Home" not only allowed Liang Huan to gain the love of the audience, but also opened a new door for her acting career. Since then, she has begun to receive more invitations to perform, and her career is booming.

Liang Huan's performance in front of the screen was confident and calm, as if he had found his own stage in life. However, behind the camera, she still silently bears the heavy responsibility of taking care of the family.

At the same time, Yingda's career also began to flourish. With his talent and opportunities, he gradually gained a firm foothold in the entertainment industry. The programs that Yingda participated in the production began to be popular with the audience, and his name gradually became more and more well-known.

The success of his career gave Yingda a taste of sweetness, and he began to put more energy into his work, hoping to reach a higher level in his career. However, the success of the career does not seem to have had a positive impact on the marriage.

There is a kind of "backlash" called Yingda and Liang Huan, after 26 years of marriage, the retribution of good and evil has finally come true?

Instead, it became a catalyst for the two to drift apart. Yingda is immersed in the glory of her career and pays less and less attention to her family. There was a glint of ambition in his eyes, but he ignored the wife who was silently supporting him by his side.

With the increase in popularity, Yingda began to frequent various social occasions. Receptions, premieres, award ceremonies, he is often present on these occasions. In the process, Yingda met all kinds of people, and his social circle expanded.

These new social circles invisibly widened the distance between him and Liang Huan. Liang Huan noticed the change in her husband, and her heart was full of uneasiness and confusion. Whenever Yingda didn't return late at night, or explained on the phone, her heart would throb.

However, in order to maintain the integrity of the family, she chose forbearance. She hopes that through her dedication and understanding, she can win back her husband's heart. Although Liang Huan has also achieved some achievements in her career, she has never forgotten the importance of her family.

There is a kind of "backlash" called Yingda and Liang Huan, after 26 years of marriage, the retribution of good and evil has finally come true?

She struggles to balance her career and family, and tries her best to take care of her family despite her busy schedule. However, her efforts seem to be insignificant in Yingda's eyes.

As time went on, Yingda's attitude towards the family became more and more cold. He began to shirk family gatherings and missed many important moments for his son. Even at home, he is often absent-minded, and his thoughts always seem to drift to work.

This attitude made Liang Huan feel cold, and she began to doubt her place in her husband's heart. However, there is often a hidden price behind success. Yingda is immersed in the glory of her career, but she ignores the most important family affection.

What he didn't realize was that true success was not just about career success, but also about having a happy family. For Liang Huan, the success of her career has brought independence and self-confidence, but it has also made her more aware of the problems in her marriage.

There is a kind of "backlash" called Yingda and Liang Huan, after 26 years of marriage, the retribution of good and evil has finally come true?

She began to wonder what it was that made the two who were once in love so strange. At this stage, on the surface, both Yingda and Liang Huan have achieved success in their careers. However, this success has come at the expense of family happiness.

Their marriage is like a palace that seems to be brilliant but is actually crumbling, and it will collapse when a gust of wind blows. The turning point in their careers should have been a new starting point in their lives.

However, due to differences in values and a lack of communication, it instead became the beginning of a rift in the marriage. This story tells us that true success should be a double harvest of career and family, not the glory of the other at the expense of one.

With the development of her career, Yingda's attitude began to change quietly. The husband who used to be careful to surprise his wife has now become a cold, detached stranger.

There is a kind of "backlash" called Yingda and Liang Huan, after 26 years of marriage, the retribution of good and evil has finally come true?

Yingda began to interact with other members of the opposite sex frequently, and these ambiguous relationships were like a sharp knife, severing the emotional bond between him and Liang Huan little by little. Indah didn't change overnight.

At first, he only occasionally returned late from work socials. Gradually, this became more and more frequent. Sometimes, he didn't even return all night until the next day, only to come home the next day with a smell of alcohol.

Whenever Liang Huan asked, Yingda always prevaricated on the grounds that he was busy with work. Liang Huan was not unaware of her husband's abnormality. Whenever Yingda didn't return late at night, or explained on the phone, her heart would throb.

However, in order to maintain the integrity of the family, she chose forbearance. She hopes that through her dedication and understanding, she can win back her husband's heart. Liang Huan tried many ways to win back her husband's heart.

There is a kind of "backlash" called Yingda and Liang Huan, after 26 years of marriage, the retribution of good and evil has finally come true?

She will carefully prepare the dishes that Yingda likes, and look forward to him coming home early; She would silently pack up Inda's discarded clothes, hoping that he could feel her intentions; She would even deliberately dress herself up in an attempt to rekindle her husband's interest in her.

However, these efforts seem to have been in vain, and Yingda's attitude has not changed in the slightest. However, the matter was eventually revealed. One ordinary afternoon, Liang Huan accidentally found evidence of Yingda's cheating.

It was an ambiguous text message from a strange woman, and the content was shockingly intimate. At that moment, Liang Huan felt that the whole world had collapsed. What was once a sweet promise, now only bitter memories remain.

Liang Huan's eyes were full of sadness and disappointment, and she didn't understand why her efforts were so deeply hurt. She sat alone on the couch in the living room, tears streaming silently.

There is a kind of "backlash" called Yingda and Liang Huan, after 26 years of marriage, the retribution of good and evil has finally come true?

She thinks back to the bits and pieces of all these years, and those moments that once made her heart flutter now seem so ironic. When Yingda returned home, Liang Huan calmly took out the evidence of the text message.

Indah tried to quibble at first, but in the face of solid evidence, he finally admitted his betrayal. However, what made Liang Huan even more heartbroken was that instead of showing due remorse, Yingda accused Liang Huan of distrusting him.

After Yingda was punctured, instead of repenting, she intensified. He began to speak coldly to Liang Huan, and even asked for separation. This decision was like a hammer, completely shattering Liang Huan's last hope for this marriage.

During the separation, Yingda almost completely cut off contact with the family. He rarely went home, and when he did, he came and went in a hurry. He also became more and more cold towards his son.

There is a kind of "backlash" called Yingda and Liang Huan, after 26 years of marriage, the retribution of good and evil has finally come true?

The promise that he once promised to accompany his children to grow up has now become an empty talk. Liang Huan was under tremendous psychological pressure during this period. Not only does she have to face the failure of her marriage alone, but she also has to maintain a normal life in front of her son.

Whenever his son asked about his father's whereabouts, Liang Huan always reluctantly squeezed out a smile and made up various reasons to cover up the truth. This experience hit Liang Huan hugely. She began to question herself, wondering if she was not doing well enough to cause her husband's betrayal.

Her self-confidence was severely hit and she even fell into depression for a while. However, life goes on. For the sake of his son, Liang Huan forced himself to cheer up. She began to re-examine her life and think about the direction of the future.

She realized that she could no longer pin all her hopes on this failed marriage. The emergence of a marital rift is not only a breakdown of feelings, but also a collapse of trust.

There is a kind of "backlash" called Yingda and Liang Huan, after 26 years of marriage, the retribution of good and evil has finally come true?

Yingda's betrayal not only hurt Liang Huan, but also hurt the family. This experience made Liang Huan realize that true love should be based on mutual respect and trust, rather than blindly giving and forbearing.

The experience at this stage has become the darkest page in Yingda and Liang Huan's marriage. It not only destroyed the relationship between them, but also laid the groundwork for future divorce.

However, for Liang Huan, this may also be a turning point, making her start to re-examine her life and find her own happiness. In the marriage of Yingda and Liang Huan, the most innocent is their son Yingdahui.

As the relationship between her parents deteriorated, so did her relationship with her son. Yingda is busy with her career and her own social life and has little time to spend with her son. Every time they met, the communication between them seemed so rusty and awkward.

There is a kind of "backlash" called Yingda and Liang Huan, after 26 years of marriage, the retribution of good and evil has finally come true?

Yingda will grow up under the careful care of her mother Liang Huan since she was a child. In order to take care of his son, Liang Huan often turned off his job and participated in his son's various school activities. And Yingda rarely appears in his son's life.

At the sports meeting, there will always be only Liang Huan; At the parent-teacher meeting, Liang Huan always went alone. Over time, Yingda has become accustomed to her father's absence. Until one day, Yingda suddenly realized that the distance between herself and her son had become so great.

This realization made him feel a little panicked. He began to try to make up for his absence with material things. He spent a huge amount of money to buy a piano worth more than 100,000 yuan for his son, hoping to shorten the distance with his son.

Yingda delivered this expensive piano home with a confident smile on her face. He was looking forward to his son's look of surprise when he saw the gift. However, Indah did not show much interest in this expensive gift.

There is a kind of "backlash" called Yingda and Liang Huan, after 26 years of marriage, the retribution of good and evil has finally come true?

He politely thanked him, and then went back to his room. This lukewarm reaction left Yingda at a loss. On the contrary, Yingda will be more attached to her mother Liang Huan's love and companionship.

Whenever he encounters difficulties or has something on his mind, he always talks to Liang Huan as soon as possible. The tacit understanding and intimacy between mother and son is beyond Yingda's reach. This strong contrast made Yingda feel a deep sense of frustration.

Yingda began to realize that she had missed an important moment in her son's growth. He tried to salvage the father-son relationship through various means, but the results were not satisfactory. He proposed to take his son on a trip, but Yingda would always refuse on the grounds that he was busy studying; He wanted to talk to his son, but the topic always unconsciously fell into an awkward silence.

Once, Indah stumbled upon her son's interest in music. He immediately offered to send his son abroad to study music. However, Yingda Club said that it prefers to study in China.

There is a kind of "backlash" called Yingda and Liang Huan, after 26 years of marriage, the retribution of good and evil has finally come true?

Yingda realized that she knew so little about her son. His son's attitude towards him has always maintained a polite detachment, and this alienation makes Indah painful.

He began to reflect on what he had done over the years, realizing that money and material things could not make up for the lack of fatherly love. At a family gathering, Yingda saw the scene of Liang Huan and his son talking and laughing, and couldn't help but feel a sour feeling in her heart.

He finally understands that true family affection is not something that can be bought with money, but requires time and effort to manage. This experience made Yingda deeply aware of her failure in fulfilling her fatherly responsibilities.

He began to try to change, trying to get involved in his son's life. He began to care about his son's studies, asked him about his hobbies, and even tried to understand the topic of young people.

There is a kind of "backlash" called Yingda and Liang Huan, after 26 years of marriage, the retribution of good and evil has finally come true?

However, years of alienation cannot be remedied in a short period of time. Indah is uncomfortable with her father's sudden approach, and sometimes even resistant. This situation made Yingda feel very frustrated, but he knew that this was the bitter fruit he had planted, and he had to patiently make up for it.

The relationship between Yingda and his son has become another microcosm of his failed marriage. It teaches us that in family relationships, material things can never replace sincere affection and companionship.

Yingda's attempt to redeem the father-son relationship with money also reveals his misunderstanding of the nature of family affection. In the process, Yingda gradually realized that she was derelict as a father.

He began to reflect on his life values and realized that the success of his career could not compensate for the lack of family affection. However, it will take more time and sincere effort to truly repair this father-son relationship.

There is a kind of "backlash" called Yingda and Liang Huan, after 26 years of marriage, the retribution of good and evil has finally come true?

The breakdown of the marriage not only brought emotional trauma, but also brought a real dilemma to Yingda. After the divorce, Indah found herself in a serious debt crisis. Those social lives that once seemed glamorous have now become a heavy financial burden.

At the peak of her career, Yingda lived a profligate life. He frequented high-end establishments, attended lavish parties, and even borrowed money to maintain his appearance.

However, when the marriage comes to an end, these debts snowball. Creditors began to come to the door frequently to collect debts, and the once rich life came to naught in an instant. What made Yingda even more sad was that those "friends" who used to be around him chose to leave after learning that he was in trouble.

The once lively dinner is gone, and the words of flattery are gone. Those who once flattered him now shunned him. Only then did Yingda realize that the social network she had worked so hard to build was so fragile.

There is a kind of "backlash" called Yingda and Liang Huan, after 26 years of marriage, the retribution of good and evil has finally come true?

At the same time, Liang Huan has made good achievements in his career with his own efforts and talents. Not only did she become financially independent, but she also won the respect and affection of the public.

Liang Huan's reputation in the film and television industry is getting better and better, and many directors have taken the initiative to invite her to participate in the works. This stark contrast forced Yingda to begin to reflect on what she had done in the past.

In the process, Yingda finally realized the mistakes she had made. He regretted not cherishing Liang Huan's dedication, regretting ignoring the importance of family, and regretting missing the precious time with his son.

However, these remorse came too late. Indah begins to try to rebuild her relationship with her son, but the years of estrangement cannot be remedied in a short period of time. Every time they meet, my son seems very reserved, and the conversation is always in-depth.

There is a kind of "backlash" called Yingda and Liang Huan, after 26 years of marriage, the retribution of good and evil has finally come true?

Yingda then understood that family affection needs to be accumulated over time, rather than being ignored at will and then redeemed. In his career, Yingda has also encountered an unprecedented trough.

Because of the negative press, many of his former partners have chosen to distance themselves from him. He began to realize that his past actions had not only hurt his family, but also caused irreparable damage to his career.

During this difficult time, Yingda began to reflect on her life. He recalled Liang Huan's silent dedication over the years, and the care and thoughtfulness that he took for granted now seemed so precious.

He also remembered the scenes of his son's upbringing, those important moments that he could have participated in but chose to be absent. The ending of this marriage seems to be a realistic portrayal of "good and evil are rewarded".

There is a kind of "backlash" called Yingda and Liang Huan, after 26 years of marriage, the retribution of good and evil has finally come true?

Liang Huan's years of forbearance and dedication finally brought a double harvest of career and life. Not only did she succeed in her career, but she also won the love of her son and the respect of the public.

And Yingda's selfishness and betrayal made him lose his most precious family affection and the glory of his career. In a public setting, when asked about her thoughts on her ex-wife, Yingda showed rare sincere remorse.

He said: "Liang Huan is a good wife and mother. It was I who failed her and her son. This sentence came as a surprise to many people present, because they had never seen Yingda admit his mistakes so frankly.

However, for Liang Huan, her ex-husband's words did not make much sense. When the reporter asked her opinion, she just said lightly: "The past is over, we are all right."

There is a kind of "backlash" called Yingda and Liang Huan, after 26 years of marriage, the retribution of good and evil has finally come true?

This peaceful attitude shows that Liang Huan has let go of the pain of the past and started a new life. This story teaches us that marriage is not a one-man show, but a journey of life that requires two people to run together.

Ignoring your partner's feelings and ignoring the importance of your family will hurt not only the other person, but also yourself. The story of Yingda and Liang Huan is a true portrayal of this kind of "backlash".

In this world, there is no unearned affection, and there is no betrayal that will never have a price. When we choose to step into the palace of marriage, we should be prepared to protect this hard-won relationship with sincerity, responsibility and persistence.

Otherwise, one day, we may be like Yingda, and we will only wake up after losing everything, but it will be too late. Yingda's experience has become a warning to the entertainment industry and even the whole society.

There is a kind of "backlash" called Yingda and Liang Huan, after 26 years of marriage, the retribution of good and evil has finally come true?

It reminds us that no matter what position we are in, we should never forget to be grateful and cherish. The warmth of the family and the preciousness of family affection are irreplaceable by money and fame.

In the end, the story of Yingda and Liang Huan is not just a simple case of marriage breakdown, but also a profound allegory about human nature, morality and karma. It tells us that every choice in life has its consequences, and these results will eventually be presented to us in various ways in the future.

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