
The same father does not have the same fate! Yingda and Song Dandan have been separated for 24 years, but the development of the two sons is very different

author:13 lectures on literature

1. Batu looks back on the past and has mixed feelings, and the loneliness and pain caused by the blankness of father's love continue to haunt his soul. Batu, a middle-aged artist, is highly acclaimed in the field of art, but when he recalls his childhood, his deep longing for his father's love is always hard to let go.

He clearly remembered that when his parents Yingda and Song Dandan first met, their love was as sweet as honey, and his mother was overwhelmed by his father's witty humor, and the two were like glue, as if they could not be separated for a moment.

However, this wonderful marriage was short-lived. With the ups and downs of the career, contradictions accumulate silently. His father, Yingda, openly denied the existence of Batu, and even expelled his grandfather from the ward when he was dying, severing the bond between father and son.

The same father does not have the same fate! Yingda and Song Dandan have been separated for 24 years, but the development of the two sons is very different

Batu struggled to grow up under the ridicule of his classmates, and the feelings in his heart for his father gradually changed from the initial longing and affection, to hatred, and finally only endless loss.

Fortunately, his mother, Song Dandan, raised him alone and worked hard, so that he did not completely lose his way. His mother's love became the only comfort in his heart, but the light of father's love never illuminated his way forward.

Batu's upbringing was full of ups and downs and hardships, and he spent his entire childhood in loneliness and tenacity.

The same father does not have the same fate! Yingda and Song Dandan have been separated for 24 years, but the development of the two sons is very different

Even after some success, Batu still harbors an insatiable desire for his father's love. The dream that was once full of expectations for his father Yingda has long been shattered in the injuries again and again.

He is like a child who will never grow up, full of longing for his father's return, and at the same time developing a numb indifference to his father's love.

Second, the love story of Yingda and Song Dandan is like a wonderful drama. It all started with a small episode in a rehearsal. At that time, Song Dandan played an insignificant small role, suddenly felt dry mouth, and shyly asked Yingda for help.

The same father does not have the same fate! Yingda and Song Dandan have been separated for 24 years, but the development of the two sons is very different

Seeing this, Yingda immediately handed over the thermos cup and wrote naughty words on the note, which made everyone present laugh.

That's it, two people who were originally strangers formed a deep fate because of a small act of kindness. Yingda has a passionate pursuit of Song Dandan, often giving her some ingenious small gifts, such as warm boiled eggs, or passing romantic notes between rehearsals.

What made Song Dandan a little restrained at first was her enthusiastic emotional expression towards Yingda. However, after a long and tacit relationship, she was deeply attracted by Yingda's humor and wit, and the deep emotions in her heart also surged.

The same father does not have the same fate! Yingda and Song Dandan have been separated for 24 years, but the development of the two sons is very different

Date invitations have become commonplace among them.

Soon after the wedding, Yingda's mother unfortunately passed away, and he had to temporarily put down his studies and return to his hometown to take care of the funeral. It was at this difficult moment that he met the talented screenwriter Liang Huan, and the two resonated in artistic creation and shared a heart-to-heart connection.

At the same time, Song Dandan was alone at home and housework, gradually feeling lonely and alienated. The ambiguous relationship between Yingda and Liang Huan is like a drop of hot lava, quietly eroding the trust between this loving couple.

The same father does not have the same fate! Yingda and Song Dandan have been separated for 24 years, but the development of the two sons is very different

Contradictions gradually accumulate and eventually erupt.

Song Dandan firmly filed for divorce and decided to raise his son Batu alone. And Yingda quickly entered the marriage hall with Liang Huan, and soon welcomed their second child, Ying Ruqi.

Since then, Batu has never seen his father again.

The same father does not have the same fate! Yingda and Song Dandan have been separated for 24 years, but the development of the two sons is very different

3. Song Dandan fought alone and struggled to raise Batu through the grinding years

After the divorce, Yingda openly questioned Batu's life experience, which undoubtedly brought a heavy blow to Song Dandan. As a mother, she had to face all kinds of difficulties alone and fight for custody of her son.

The first thing to face was the resolute opposition of Yingda's father. As Batu's grandfather, he firmly disagreed with handing over his grandson to Song Dandan to raise alone. In the face of such a tough attitude, Song Dandan resolutely and unremittingly worked hard to run around, and finally under the strong protest from all walks of life, the Yingda family had to make concessions.

The same father does not have the same fate! Yingda and Song Dandan have been separated for 24 years, but the development of the two sons is very different

The custody battle is an initial victory, but bigger challenges await her. From then on, Song Dandan had to take on the heavy responsibilities of the family, working hard outside during the day to earn the necessities of life, and at night he had to take care of tedious household chores, which was physically and mentally exhausted.

Since childhood, Batu has witnessed his mother's hard work, as well as the helpless and reluctant smile hidden behind the strength.

What is even more painful is that Batu has endured the indifference and abandonment of his father Yingda since he was a child. His peers often ridiculed and sarcastically used this as a topic: "It's so sad that your ruthless father won't even show you a picture!" These words were like sharp knives, piercing Batu's heart again and again.

The same father does not have the same fate! Yingda and Song Dandan have been separated for 24 years, but the development of the two sons is very different

At the beginning, Batu still had a glimmer of hope for his father Yingdah, longing to be protected and cared for by him. However, a series of hurts and disappointments caused this expectation to gradually turn into hatred, until he finally lost all hope for his father Yingda.

Song Dandan, who witnessed this situation, was anxious but helpless. She can only soothe her son's wounded heart with her deep maternal affection, and illuminate the haze in his heart with the brilliance of maternal love.

The same father does not have the same fate! Yingda and Song Dandan have been separated for 24 years, but the development of the two sons is very different

Alone in the heavy responsibility, she did her best to hold up a blue sky for Batu.

Fourth, Yingda reorganized the family and Song Dandan fought for custody disputes

The shadow of divorce did not leave too many traces on Yingdah. Soon after, he tied the knot with Liang Huan, the "third party" of the year, and the two were newly married Yan'er and jointly conceived their beloved son Yingru.

The same father does not have the same fate! Yingda and Song Dandan have been separated for 24 years, but the development of the two sons is very different

During this period, Yingda seemed to pour all his love into his newborn son, and the blood-related biological flesh and blood Batu was completely forgotten by him in the corner.

When Song Dandan learned of this, he undoubtedly suffered a heavy blow. Indah not only openly denied Batu's existence, but even tried to deprive her of custody as a mother.

This undoubtedly plunged her into the abyss of mental trauma again, and her heart seemed to be ruthlessly hollowed out.

The same father does not have the same fate! Yingda and Song Dandan have been separated for 24 years, but the development of the two sons is very different

In the face of Yingda's resolute attitude, Song Dandan once again cherished his maternal love for his son and resisted stubbornly alone. She went all out to defend her legitimate rights and interests as a mother, and started a protracted dispute and contest with Yingda.

Yingdah, in addition to turning a blind eye to Batu, spared no effort to take him back. He skillfully submitted an application to the court, trying to deprive Song Dandan of custody through legal means.

Since then, the two have been locked in a never-ending battle.

The same father does not have the same fate! Yingda and Song Dandan have been separated for 24 years, but the development of the two sons is very different

Fortunately, Song Dandan later entered a new marriage hall and received the firm support of a new partner. With this strong backing, she was finally able to raise her son with peace of mind and get rid of Yingda's troubles.

Under the careful care of his mother, Batu gradually grew into a mature man.

On the other hand, Yingda's life after reorganizing her family is as smooth as a red carpet paving. He and Liang Huan have a harmonious and happy relationship, and the newborn son Yingru has undoubtedly become the pride and support of the family.

The same father does not have the same fate! Yingda and Song Dandan have been separated for 24 years, but the development of the two sons is very different

During this period, he resolutely denied the real existence of his other biological son, Batu, as if erasing the traces of this precious memory.

Section 5: The Bitter Pain of Father and Son Breaking Up - Batu is completely abandoned by Indah

Batuu recounted that the saddest time of his life was when Indah was brutally expelled from the hospital room while attending his grandfather's farewell ceremony. At that moment, all his expectations for his father came to naught in an instant, and the family relationship between father and son became extremely cold and became an irreparable chasm.

The same father does not have the same fate! Yingda and Song Dandan have been separated for 24 years, but the development of the two sons is very different

As Yingda's blood-related child, Batu longed for his father's love since he was a child. Despite the trauma and apathy he endured growing up, he always had a faint hope in his heart that one day father and son would reconcile.

However, when he witnesses Indah's ignorance and avoidance of him, Batu's hopes are dashed. As a father, Yingda never gave him even a trace of warmth, let alone so-called love.

Batu's existence is so small in Yingda's eyes.

The same father does not have the same fate! Yingda and Song Dandan have been separated for 24 years, but the development of the two sons is very different

Even when attending her grandfather's funeral, Yingda showed no mercy and expelled her own son from the door in front of many relatives and friends. Batu couldn't bear it anymore, and the hope he had for Yingda was gone in that moment.

From childhood to adulthood, Batu's feelings for his father have undergone great changes again and again. What started as admiration gradually turned into hatred, and then finally into numbness. In Indah's mind, he never seemed to exist, like an eternal dispensable nothingness.

This pain of being abandoned by a loved one will undoubtedly become a wound in the depths of Batu's soul that will never heal. He can only force himself to ignore and seek the meaning of his own existence alone in the journey of life.

The same father does not have the same fate! Yingda and Song Dandan have been separated for 24 years, but the development of the two sons is very different

Section 6: Lamenting the impermanence of marriage, the trajectory of life is very different

Once, Yingda and Song Dandan were praised by everyone as a model of loving couples. The story of their acquaintance is full of romance, and the sweet happiness of the newlywed period is even more enviable.

However, the loving couple ended in divorce, and the path of marriage took a heavy blow to them.

The same father does not have the same fate! Yingda and Song Dandan have been separated for 24 years, but the development of the two sons is very different

Marriage was supposed to be their spiritual faith and the pursuit of life, but they didn't expect it to become an indelible wound in the hearts of the two in the baptism of time! Those once-sweet memories are mercilessly torn apart by fate, replaced by boundless pain and remorse.

After the breakdown of Mr. Yingda and Ms. Song Dandan's previous marriage, the two formed a new family, but the deep wounds in their hearts seem to be indelible.

And their two sons, Ying Ru Tong and Batu, their life trajectories have been destined to be very different from the moment they were born. Ying Rutou is bathed in the warm atmosphere of her parents' love for each other, while Batu is struggling to grow up under the hard work of her mother and raising her alone.

The same father does not have the same fate! Yingda and Song Dandan have been separated for 24 years, but the development of the two sons is very different

Today, Batu has achieved some success in the art world, but he is still full of regrets in his heart. "I've never really experienced the warmth of a father's love." This is his last evaluation of his father Yingda, full of endless bitterness and helplessness.

Years of indifference and detachment have made it impossible for him to completely let go of this heavy emotional baggage.

In contrast, Ying Rutong, a child who is also a son, is much luckier, he has never experienced the pain of abandonment of family affection. He has complete parental care, and has been cared for by his parents in the palm of his hand since he was a child.

The same father does not have the same fate! Yingda and Song Dandan have been separated for 24 years, but the development of the two sons is very different

Life is like a white horse, who can predict where the future will go? After all, the loving couple of those years could not escape the tricks of fate, and were destined to struggle on the edge of love and pain.

And their two sons have embarked on very different life paths as a result.

We can only lament the impermanence of marriage and pray that love can be eternal; sigh the helplessness of life, and look forward to family affection being more precious. After all, who can live up to the nurturing grace of their parents? The only way to do our best is to continue that selfless love and care.

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