
The decline of "CCTV First Sister" Zhu Xun is a regret for the entire hosting industry, which makes people feel distressed

author:Entertain with a pen

On the stage, she is radiant, smiling brightly, controlling the stage with a gentle voice and agile thinking, she is the "first sister of CCTV" in the hearts of countless audiences - Zhu Xun.

However, in recent years, we have seen her less and less on the screen, and speculation about her health and sighs about her life experience on the Internet have replaced the flowers and applause that used to be.

The decline of "CCTV First Sister" Zhu Xun is a regret for the entire hosting industry, which makes people feel distressed

Zhu Xun's "decline" is a regret for the entire hosting industry, and it is also distressing.

A loveless childhood and a precocious character

Zhu Xun was born in the capital in the 70s of the last century, and his father is a perennial journalist stationed abroad, recording the changes in the world with his lens; Mother is a hard-working teacher, watering the flowers of the Motherland with knowledge. Superior family conditions failed to make up for the lack of parental companionship, and Zhu Xun in childhood was full of loneliness and longing.

The decline of "CCTV First Sister" Zhu Xun is a regret for the entire hosting industry, which makes people feel distressed

Sensible, she learned to be independent and strong early, and in order to attract the attention of her parents, she studied hard and actively participated in school activities.

The decline of "CCTV First Sister" Zhu Xun is a regret for the entire hosting industry, which makes people feel distressed

When she was 14 years old, with a little curiosity and a little fun, she signed up for the selection of the host of the CCTV Youth Department's "Our Generation", and was unexpectedly selected. Standing in the spotlight, facing the camera, she was not timid, but became more and more calm and confident, as if announcing that this was her home field.

Difficult years in Japan

At the age of 17, she should have been the age to fight for the college entrance examination, but she made a bold decision - to study in Japan alone. She is eager to learn more professional knowledge, improve her hosting level, and is also eager to find her own sky in a foreign country.

The decline of "CCTV First Sister" Zhu Xun is a regret for the entire hosting industry, which makes people feel distressed

However, what greeted her was not a beautiful study life in a foreign country, but an experience full of hardships and bitterness.

The high tuition fees and living expenses overwhelmed her, and in order to survive, she had to put down her body and shuttle to various places of work. Restaurant waiters, dishwashers, cleaners...... She's done it all.

The decline of "CCTV First Sister" Zhu Xun is a regret for the entire hosting industry, which makes people feel distressed

Because of the language barrier, she is often excluded and harassed by her colleagues; Because of the hard work, her body also lit up with a red light. When the hemangioma relentlessly invades her body, all she can rely on is herself.

The decline of "CCTV First Sister" Zhu Xun is a regret for the entire hosting industry, which makes people feel distressed

The pain of surgery, the torture of illness, and the indifference from her family made this originally weak girl extremely strong. She no longer longs for the protection of her parents, nor does she want the favor of fate, she has to rely on her own strength to get out of the predicament and create her own future.

Bright stars on the CCTV stage

In 2000, she returned to the embrace of her homeland with the determination and enthusiasm of rebirth. She returned to the place where the dream began - CCTV and became a glorious host.

The decline of "CCTV First Sister" Zhu Xun is a regret for the entire hosting industry, which makes people feel distressed

"Zhengda Variety Show", "Gathering Together", "Fun on the Five Continents", ...... With her talent and hard work, she has reached the pinnacle of her career step by step. Her hosting style is fresh and natural, and she has won the love of audiences across the country and has become the "first sister of CCTV" on the same level as Dong Qing.

The decline of "CCTV First Sister" Zhu Xun is a regret for the entire hosting industry, which makes people feel distressed
The decline of "CCTV First Sister" Zhu Xun is a regret for the entire hosting industry, which makes people feel distressed

On the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, she also left many unforgettable moments, she always smiled, with an infectious voice, to convey joy and blessings to thousands of households.

A Joke of Fate: The Shadow of Thyroid Cancer

However, just as everything was getting better, she was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. This means that she may have to say goodbye to the stage she loves, to her beloved microphone.

The decline of "CCTV First Sister" Zhu Xun is a regret for the entire hosting industry, which makes people feel distressed

The risks of surgery and the doubts of the outside world, she silently endured them. Some people say that she marries into a wealthy family and doesn't need to work hard anymore; Some people say that she betrayed her marriage to suffer such retribution. Seeing these false rumors, she did not respond publicly, because she believed that those who are clear will clear themselves.

A peaceful life after a successful fight against cancer

Fortunately, the operation was successful, and Zhu Xun gradually recovered her health, and after experiencing illness, she has long been down-looking at fame, fortune and glitz. She chooses to return to her family and enjoy a peaceful life, and occasionally shares her latest situation on social platforms to convey a positive and optimistic attitude towards life.

The decline of "CCTV First Sister" Zhu Xun is a regret for the entire hosting industry, which makes people feel distressed
The decline of "CCTV First Sister" Zhu Xun is a regret for the entire hosting industry, which makes people feel distressed

She likes to travel, measure the world with her feet, and record beauty with her eyes; She loves to read, to draw knowledge from books, and to gain strength from words; She also likes to spend time with her family, feel the warmth of family affection, and enjoy ordinary happiness.

The decline of "CCTV First Sister" Zhu Xun is a regret for the entire hosting industry, which makes people feel distressed

Last year, Zhu Xun appeared in the Yongding River 2023 Guanting Lake Wetland Ecological Marathon, she completed the first half-marathon race in her life with a score of 2 hours and 45 minutes.

The decline of "CCTV First Sister" is the inevitability of the times and a personal choice

Zhu Xun's "decline" may be the epitome of the entire hosting industry, in this era when traffic is king, the influence of traditional media is gradually declining, entertainment variety shows are emerging in an endless stream, and the audience's tastes are becoming more and more diversified.

The decline of "CCTV First Sister" Zhu Xun is a regret for the entire hosting industry, which makes people feel distressed

The host is no longer the only protagonist on the stage, they need a stronger sense of variety and a more network-sense of expression to attract the audience's attention. And Zhu Xun, she has always adhered to her elegant and intellectual hosting style, which is incompatible with the current trend of entertainment to death.

The decline of "CCTV First Sister" Zhu Xun is a regret for the entire hosting industry, which makes people feel distressed

However, Zhu Xun's "decline" is also her personal choice. She has experienced too many ups and downs, and she has seen through too much fame and fortune, and what she longs for more is peace and freedom. She doesn't want to be in the spotlight anymore to amplify her every move, she doesn't want to be disturbed by the outside world anymore, she just wants to be herself and live the life she wants.


Zhu Xun's life experience has brought us many enlightenments about fate, choices and the value of life:

The decline of "CCTV First Sister" Zhu Xun is a regret for the entire hosting industry, which makes people feel distressed

Fate is impermanent, only perseverance: From a loveless childhood, to the hardships of studying in a foreign country, to the invasion of illness, Zhu Xun's life path is full of challenges. But she never gave up, and always faced the ups and downs of life with a positive and optimistic attitude and perseverance. Her story tells us that no matter how fate plays tricks, as long as we do not give up hope and move forward bravely, we will definitely overcome difficulties and usher in our own dawn.

The decline of "CCTV First Sister" Zhu Xun is a regret for the entire hosting industry, which makes people feel distressed

Pursuing dreams, not afraid of challenges and changes: Going to Japan to study alone at the age of 17 was the first turning point in Zhu Xun's life. It took a great deal of courage and determination for her to give up her privileged life at home and choose to face the challenges of a foreign country on her own. Later, from the glory on the CCTV stage to choosing to fade out and return to ordinary life, Zhu Xun once again showed her courage to pursue her inner voice and make choices suitable for herself at different stages of her life.

The decline of "CCTV First Sister" Zhu Xun is a regret for the entire hosting industry, which makes people feel distressed

The definition of happiness is determined by yourself: At the peak of his career, Zhu Xun chose to fade off the screen, return to his family, and live a peaceful life. This may be incomprehensible to many people, but for her, after experiencing all kinds of life situations, she understands better what is the happiness that her heart really desires. She tells us that there is no fixed pattern of happiness, everyone has the right to choose the way they want to live, and the most important thing is to live their true self.

The decline of "CCTV First Sister" Zhu Xun is a regret for the entire hosting industry, which makes people feel distressed

The value of life lies in constantly surpassing oneself: From returning to the CCTV stage to challenging the marathon, Zhu Xun has never stopped challenging himself. She continues to push the boundaries of her self and show her energy and resilience in different fields. Her experience tells us that the meaning of life is not only the pursuit of success, but also the continuous transcendence of oneself and the wonderful life of life.

The decline of "CCTV First Sister" Zhu Xun is a regret for the entire hosting industry, which makes people feel distressed

In any case, Zhu Xun is a woman worthy of our respect. She is beautiful, elegant, intellectual, and strong, and she uses her own experience to tell us that there is no obstacle in life that cannot be overcome, as long as there is light in her heart, she can illuminate the way forward.

The title of "CCTV First Sister" may be forgotten with the passage of time, but Zhu Xun's story will always remain in our memory, inspiring us to face life bravely and pursue our own happiness.

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