
Most of the people who do bad things to you have these 3 characteristics

Most of the people who do bad things to you have these 3 characteristics

Franklin Book Club

2024-06-27 10:16Emotional field creators

Most of the people who do bad things to you have these 3 characteristics

Text: Wan Er Yi (rich book columnist)

Li Juan said in the essay "My Ignorance and Incompetence":

"Farming should be considered the safest of all kinds of labor in the world. Sow in the spring and harvest in the fall.

But nature can't control it. A hailstorm can destroy everything, and a summer with little rain can wipe out 10,000 acres of land.

The peasants, unable to control the fate of farming, survived by luck. ”

In fact, not only are crops sometimes destroyed by God, but in interpersonal relationships, we are often spoiled by the people around us.

"Historical Records" said: "The world is bustling, all for profit, and the world is bustling, all for profit." ”

For the sake of interests, friends will turn against each other, and colleagues will be enemies, this is human nature.

Just because you're not a bad person doesn't mean that someone else isn't a bad person.

If you want to live a relaxed life, you should follow the ancient saying, "You must not have the heart to harm others, and you must not have the heart to prevent others", and always be careful of those around you who are bad to you, they often have these characteristics.

Most of the people who do bad things to you have these 3 characteristics
Most of the people who do bad things to you have these 3 characteristics

I can't see that others are better than myself

In the novel "Tess of the D'Urbers", it is written: "Wherever there is a sweet bird singing, there is also a poisonous snake hissing." ”

There is as much beauty in the world as there are brokenness.

Ordinary people make a living from work, but in the workplace, people who can't see others better than themselves can be seen at any time.

If you have the ability, but don't show it in front of your superiors, otherwise, you are likely to be jealous and suppressed by the other party.

I once met a supervisor A, who pushed all the work to me, and then when I was halfway through, she immediately took over the work from me.

On the surface, it was for me to rest, but in fact, after I solved the difficult problems at the beginning of the work, when the work was smooth, she wanted to master the work process, so that she could know it in front of the co-leader and take the lead.

If that's all, it's nothing.

Unfortunately, A never finishes the rest of the work, but throws a finishing touch at me at the end.

The work ideas I worked out with great effort were easily stolen by A, and when she reported to her superiors, she also took all the credit.

He even had to speak ill of me in front of the co-leaders, adding all kinds of negative labels as "unwarranted".

In the workplace, there are many people like A who rely on calculating subordinates and scheming everywhere.

If you're asking, why was A promoted? Tell you a word called "villain's ambition".

These people look well-dressed and deliberately maintain elegance in their manners and appear polite.

In fact, behind the scenes, there are always layers of obstacles set up for subordinates who are stronger than him, and if the subordinates are appreciated, he will be angry and start the next calculation non-stop.

Good and evil cannot be hidden, and you will always know from the disdainful eyes of some people, their extremely contemptuous words and their actions of favoritism, that they "frame others".

Whoever approaches it will feel a looming danger.

Yang Jiang once said this:

"You have the upbringing to not hurt others, but you lack an aura of not being bullied. If there is no one to protect you, please bring a little edge in the kindness in the future to protect yourself. ”

You don't have to panic when you meet such a person, let alone please, as long as you have a strong level of ability and work hard to cultivate yourself, you will eventually have a bright future.

Most of the people who do bad things to you have these 3 characteristics
Most of the people who do bad things to you have these 3 characteristics

Spreading rumors and slandering others for no reason

As the saying goes: A good word is warm in three winters, and bad words are hurtful and cold in June.

Most acquaintances are amiable on the surface, and they smile when they meet, even if they usually have a twisted relationship, dislike and indifference to each other, it is impossible to be vicious at first.

Everyone will try to avoid opening their mouths to make enemies with others.

However, behind the scenes, it is different, and one of the things that people who "do bad" to you the most is to use rumors to achieve the goal of excluding you.

He will contact some people to form a circle, isolate you, slander you behind your back, and spread the word.

Obviously, you are the first to arrive at the post and the last to leave every day, and you work hard and steadily, but they say that you are pretending to be diligent.

Knowing that you did everything well and completed the task ahead of schedule, they insisted that you "didn't listen to the command and procrastinated." ”

Knowing that you are committed to your team and willing to work with others to complete tasks, they insist that you are "extremely selfish and uncooperative".

They are unscrupulous, right and wrong are reversed, and they skillfully use the means of "the wall is down, everyone pushes, and the drum is beaten by ten thousand people".

In this regard, instead of being half ashamed, they put on a look of righteous indignation, as if they were raising a group to remove the "black sheep" for the company.

If someone slanders you so viciously, don't be angry and angry, but calm and calm, ignoring or sympathizing with them.

Because rumors stop at the wise, karma may be late, but it will certainly not be absent.

Writer Liu Na said: "Finding truth in a group of colleagues is the same as finding a lover in a pile of scumbags, you are destined to be disappointed." ”

Generosity and tolerance are not for those who hurt you, you should turn your face, and turning your face is the best way to make the other party look at you levelly.

Don't bear it, don't give in, show your side in a timely manner, show your bottom line principle, others will find your preciousness, and you will not bear the grievances to seek peace.

Most of the people who do bad things to you have these 3 characteristics
Most of the people who do bad things to you have these 3 characteristics

Denying you in the name of being good to you

The more knowledge-poor and low-cognitive people are, the more they will have an inexplicable sense of self-confidence and pride.

Because the frogs at the bottom of the well can only see the square inch of the well, they don't understand the diversity of thinking, don't understand empathy, and don't understand cognitive differences.

Whether in the workplace or in life, there is always a kind of person who is self-respecting, feels that he is right in everything, and others are better than him, he is not humbly learning, but trying to find the flaws of the other party and deny it completely.

Obviously, you arrive earlier than him at work every day, wipe the tables and chairs, mop the floor, and he doesn't do anything, and he stands on the moral high ground with confidence, accusing you of water droplets on the ground at the door.

Obviously, your report is exquisitely written and the materials are complete, not only will he not get it, but in the end he can only find fault with the wrong font, in fact, the material does not make special requirements for the font at all, but he deliberately does it in order to cover up your excellence.

For the nitpicking and denial of nothing, you should not find the reason from yourself, do not fall into the trap of self-evidence, and do not brew a great sorrow to reveal your weakness.

In the eyes of those who deny you, your kindness is seen as cowardice, and your tolerance will only make him worse.

The poet Gu Cheng wrote such a poem:

"The rose wears sharp thorns, and it does not become a thorn by it; It only defends its own spring blossom from being ravaged by wild beasts. ”

So, always keep a clear head and understand that other people's attitude towards you is what you allow.

Sincerity is not necessarily exchanged for sincerity, blindly taking harmony as the precious, in exchange for not necessarily the fragrance of birds and flowers, but also may be an inch.

Life is long, and you only live once. Take care of your heart and your needs, and if all you can do is ask for a compromise, be brave enough to say no.

Most of the people who do bad things to you have these 3 characteristics
Most of the people who do bad things to you have these 3 characteristics

There is also such a line in "The Blacklist":

"Why do others dare to do bad things to you? It's because you make people feel that they can do bad things to you without paying any price. ”

As a human being, you must have the courage to be hated, express your attitude, put your feelings on top, pretend to be stupid appropriately, and always be sober.

The best way to deal with the bad guys is to despise them strategically and pay attention to them tactically.

Slowly, you'll find some shining people who may just be good at disguise.

Others, who shine and have material, are more focused on their own openness and hard work.

May you not be trapped in the situation on the road of life, do not get entangled in things, are not at the mercy of others, do not be constrained, everything you encounter is beautiful, all your efforts are rewarded, and you will be stable and far-reaching.

About the author: Wan Er smiled, the author of the rich book, the person of the rich book, the best friend around you, if a person wants to succeed, you need an ability to support you to do your best, not to be hindered, not to be tempted, this is the shielding force, the 4th book has been published, your life, you need the shielding force, this article: rich book, the copyright of this article belongs to the rich book, without authorization, may not be reprinted, infringement must be investigated

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  • Most of the people who do bad things to you have these 3 characteristics
  • Most of the people who do bad things to you have these 3 characteristics
  • Most of the people who do bad things to you have these 3 characteristics
  • Most of the people who do bad things to you have these 3 characteristics
  • Most of the people who do bad things to you have these 3 characteristics
  • Most of the people who do bad things to you have these 3 characteristics
  • Most of the people who do bad things to you have these 3 characteristics
  • Most of the people who do bad things to you have these 3 characteristics
  • Most of the people who do bad things to you have these 3 characteristics

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