
"Every time Tang Yan comes out, Luo Jin is praised", online comment: "Wife's remarks" are not necessary

"Every time Tang Yan comes out, Luo Jin is praised", online comment: "Wife's remarks" are not necessary

It's dawn

2024-06-30 08:07Emotional field creators

"Every time Tang Yan comes out, Luo Jin is praised", online comment: "Wife's remarks" are not necessary


The Magnolia Award at the Shanghai TV Festival was unveiled, and the crew of "Flowers" can be said to have won hemp, especially Hu Ge, who can be the emperor twice. I especially remember that the last time Hu Ge took the Emperor was with the role of "Mei Changsu" in "Langya Bang".

In comparison, Tang Yan seems to have a little regret, her role as Miss Wang is so brilliant, but she still ran away.

Losing to Zhou Xun is also expected, how can you say that Hu Ge has already taken the emperor, if he is still in "Flowers", where will he put others? Zhou Xun's performance in "Imperfect Victim" is still very good, but she is now controversial because of "The Legend of Ruyi", and Zhou Xun's reputation is not so good.

Continuing to talk about Tang Yan, although she didn't get the after-view, now she is no longer something that other 85 flowers can catch up. Tang Yan still relied on "Miss Wang" to regain her own dock, and what is the key? Tang Yan is so beautiful, she is in very good condition every time she comes out now, no matter how she looks, she doesn't look like a 40-year-old woman.

But there's something that makes me weird?

Tang Yan is so brilliant, Luo Jin's Weibo is a little too calm, as if Tang Yan is not his wife, as for avoiding suspicion so much? When "Flowers" was on the air, Luo Jin did not post any promotional Weibo about "Flowers", even Magnolia Tang Yan ran away, and Luo Jin did not make any sound.

In the past, the two of them were so sweet;

Now it feels like the relationship between the two of them is too flat.

"Every time Tang Yan comes out, Luo Jin is praised", online comment: "Wife's remarks" are not necessary

Sun Jian knows that clockwork Weibo supports Tang Yan: acting, sincerity, can always move people.

Including when "Flowers" was on the air before, Sun Jian was also the first to jump out and say that Tang Yan was the best Miss Wang. and Liu Yifei, who also posted a blog to support Tang Yan and said that she was the best Miss Wang. But what about our Luo Jin's side, no matter how much Tang Yan has achieved, it has nothing to do with him. I know I shouldn't think about it, I just think it's weird.

After his wife's comeback, he has achieved so much success in his career, shouldn't his husband be proud and supportive?

But no.

The two have not interacted on Weibo for a long time.

"Every time Tang Yan comes out, Luo Jin is praised", online comment: "Wife's remarks" are not necessary

I hope it's because I'm thinking too much, and the two of them are so avoidant, maybe they don't want their private lives to be disturbed.

There is a hot search on Weibo: Tang Yan is praised every time Luo Jin comes out.

Because Tang Yan's state is so good, some netizens think that the reason why Tang Yan's state is so good must be related to Luo Jin, and it is Luo Jin who gave her a good marriage, which makes her state so good. But under this hot search, Tang Yan's fans have a lot of opinions, to the effect that Tang Yan is in such a good state, what does it have to do with Luo Jin, and can she refuse the so-called "coquettish wife's remarks".

"Every time Tang Yan comes out, Luo Jin is praised", online comment: "Wife's remarks" are not necessary

See? Everyone has a lot of opinions about Luo Jin.

A woman's good state does not mean that a man is good, and it is she who should be praised rather than her object. Don't love men too much, you have a career and goals after marriage, your parents are by your side, and you are optimistic, so you will naturally attract positive energy.

I also don't like it very much, some people attribute Tang Yan's good state to Luo Jin.

It has little to do with Luo Jin.

Luo Jindu has already avoided suspicion on Weibo, and he has not promoted his wife, so there is no need to ask for credit so much.

"Every time Tang Yan comes out, Luo Jin is praised", online comment: "Wife's remarks" are not necessary

There is a comment with a lot of information, "I will never forget the things Tang Yan did when he had a big belly."

I searched on the Internet, it seems that "Crane Pavilion" was on the air at that time, and Luo Jin, as a married man, was really a little unkind to speculate CP ambiguously with Li Yitong. In addition, after being married for so many years, Luo Jin seems to have a lot of dramas, one after another, if it were the Gu family, there is a high probability that he would not take so many dramas.

There is a statistical chart of enthusiastic netizens on the Internet, you can take a look.

"Every time Tang Yan comes out, Luo Jin is praised", online comment: "Wife's remarks" are not necessary

Looking at it this way, Luo Jin is really busy after marriage.

On the other hand, Tang Yan is not easy. For a while, Tang Yan disappeared, and even fans had opinions. Fortunately, Tang Yan relied on "Miss Wang" to ignite her career again, and then Tang Yan is quite expected, she has a new drama "Single Woman" by Yishu.

In the past few years, Yishu girl has been quite popular, like Ma Yili, who became popular in the first half of her life; Needless to say, Liu Yifei's, "The Story of Rose" is so popular. Tang Yan's Yishu girl is going to cooperate with Zhao Youting, maybe she can create a hit drama.

"Every time Tang Yan comes out, Luo Jin is praised", online comment: "Wife's remarks" are not necessary

The filming of "Single Woman" is most likely still in Shanghai.

Tang Yan is still very family-oriented, and the filming of "Flowers" with director Wong Kar-wai is in Shanghai, and she can go home to accompany her daughter after work.

"Every time Tang Yan comes out, Luo Jin is praised", online comment: "Wife's remarks" are not necessary

Tang Yan said in an interview:

Her sense of security comes from her mother's education since she was a child that girls should rely on themselves, be spiritually and financially independent, and can do what they want. She knew from a very young age that she had to rely on herself, and Xiao Wang said that she wanted to make her own dock, and she also agreed very much. She knows what she's doing, she's more independent mentally, and then every day is extra fulfilling, or something she's passionate about, which is a source of security.

If you think about it, a woman's good state comes more from herself, not necessarily from a man.

"Every time Tang Yan comes out, Luo Jin is praised", online comment: "Wife's remarks" are not necessary

There is also a picture made by fans on the Internet, that is, "Rejecting the Theory of Spoiled Wife".

"The money is earned by Tang Yan herself, the house and car are bought by Tang Yan herself, the face is maintained by Tang Yan at her own expense, the figure is exercised by Tang Yan herself, the mentality is adjusted and maintained by Tang Yan, the child is brought by Tang Yan and her parents, the sense of security comes from Tang Yan herself, and the best florist is Tang Yan herself. Tang Yan is getting better and better now because of her powerful core! ”

Tang Yan's fans really have a lot of opinions about Luo Jin.


There used to be a popular saying that a woman's face is the mirror of marriage, and a woman's good state after marriage is mostly a man's relationship, because a man gives a woman a good marriage and raises her very well.

I disagree with that.

Because the things that women need to face in marriage are too complicated, a woman's good state does not come from men, but mostly from herself, only if she is financially and spiritually independent and has a good mentality, can she make herself have a good state.

A few years after I got married, some people said that I settled in Xiamen and could work from home because I married a good husband, and my husband was very good at earning money. I also want to refute this, I don't rely on men, everything I have now that seems to be a good life is earned by myself.

I have never been idle since I got married, and then I caught up with the trend for a few years and earned money, and I didn't rely on him to give me any living expenses after marriage. Even now, I raise two children on my own. I bought the house, and I made the down payment, and he is only responsible for paying off the mortgage, why is he amazing, obviously I am amazing, okay?

Besides, I've never been a wife.

How strong women are now, there has never been the concept of relying on men, and it is not necessary for men to support their wives and children. But also, there are a few men who can afford their wives and children on their own, and most of them have to earn their own money.

Therefore, don't attribute a woman's good state after marriage to a man, it has nothing to do with them, it's the woman herself who is very powerful.

"Every time Tang Yan comes out, Luo Jin is praised", online comment: "Wife's remarks" are not necessary

I also admire Tang Yan very much, she is in such a good state, she herself is the best florist.

Because Luo Jin has never even done the most basic help to promote the drama.

"Every time Tang Yan comes out, Luo Jin is praised", online comment: "Wife's remarks" are not necessary

Luo Jin can help other actors promote, why is he so stingy with his wife's drama?

That's it, I hope they're both okay.

It doesn't matter if it's not good, Tang Yan is her best dock, and she will get better and better.


Author: YIBAO, the original creator of emotions, millions of emotional bloggers, marriage and family counselors, practice writing the warm feelings of this world.

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  • "Every time Tang Yan comes out, Luo Jin is praised", online comment: "Wife's remarks" are not necessary
  • "Every time Tang Yan comes out, Luo Jin is praised", online comment: "Wife's remarks" are not necessary
  • "Every time Tang Yan comes out, Luo Jin is praised", online comment: "Wife's remarks" are not necessary
  • "Every time Tang Yan comes out, Luo Jin is praised", online comment: "Wife's remarks" are not necessary
  • "Every time Tang Yan comes out, Luo Jin is praised", online comment: "Wife's remarks" are not necessary
  • "Every time Tang Yan comes out, Luo Jin is praised", online comment: "Wife's remarks" are not necessary
  • "Every time Tang Yan comes out, Luo Jin is praised", online comment: "Wife's remarks" are not necessary
  • "Every time Tang Yan comes out, Luo Jin is praised", online comment: "Wife's remarks" are not necessary
  • "Every time Tang Yan comes out, Luo Jin is praised", online comment: "Wife's remarks" are not necessary
  • "Every time Tang Yan comes out, Luo Jin is praised", online comment: "Wife's remarks" are not necessary
  • "Every time Tang Yan comes out, Luo Jin is praised", online comment: "Wife's remarks" are not necessary

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