
The finale of "The Story of Roses": Huang Yimei, who took half-naked photos at the age of 16 and divorced 3 times and was 49 and a half years old, finally lived like a rose in her brother's eyes

The finale of "The Story of Roses": Huang Yimei, who took half-naked photos at the age of 16 and divorced 3 times and was 49 and a half years old, finally lived like a rose in her brother's eyes


2024-06-29 23:55

The finale of "The Story of Roses": Huang Yimei, who took half-naked photos at the age of 16 and divorced 3 times and was 49 and a half years old, finally lived like a rose in her brother's eyes

Written by Lu Zi


Huang Zhenhua finally reconciled with Fang Xiewen, perhaps because of Su Su's influence, he softened.

He never understood that Huang Yimei was not just a girl, why were they so fascinated by her?

But in fact, in the original book, his brother Huang Zhenhua's opinion of his sister Huang Yimei is not so friendly.

"I have a sister like you, and the pain is to be expected."

In the eyes of her brother, Huang Yimei is beautiful, but because she is beautiful, she has brought herself a lot of trouble.

The man fought jealously for her, and when he entered the police station, he was going to clean up the aftermath.

Her half-nude photo was posted as a cover girl, and she was almost punished by the school, and he had to solve the problem.

The phone at home is ringing non-stop, and they are all admirers of roses, and he has to help deal with it.

In the eyes of her brother, she is beautiful but has no connotation, she has an empty appearance, she is a demon, and she does not let her family live in peace.

The finale of "The Story of Roses": Huang Yimei, who took half-naked photos at the age of 16 and divorced 3 times and was 49 and a half years old, finally lived like a rose in her brother's eyes

When her mother urged Rose to get married, her brother said something like this.

"I think Rose is the kind of woman who has been divorced three times and is still lined up to pursue at the age of 49 and a half, her fate is destined to be like this, the stunner who captivates the country and the city often involuntarily becomes a red face and a disaster, and it is also fate."

This is also a true portrayal of the life of the rose.


In the original book, 16-year-old Rose does not understand love.

But she met the first man Zhou Shihui who did not hesitate to break up his wife for her.

She never refuses to be good and sought after by others, because it is useless to refuse, and she does not think it is her fault.

When the married Zhou Shihui fell in love with her at first sight, her brother knew that this trouble was too great.

Zhou Shihui has a wife, and his wife Guan Zhizhi is pregnant, but he filed for divorce after only half a year of marriage, because of Rose.

The elder brother ordered Rose not to see Zhou Shihui again, but Rose refused to listen, was beaten and scolded, and locked in the house, and Rose did not feel that she was at fault.

"What am I doing wrong? I didn't fall in love with this man, he was going to pick me up from school, he said he was going to divorce me to be nice to me, I didn't tell him to do anything, and now he blames me. It doesn't work for you to kill me, there are many girls in the world, you have the ability to lock up Zhou Shihui, not me! ”

It's okay to have friends of the opposite sex when you're married, and her brother's warning didn't affect her.

"You're a demon, Rose, don't say that the eldest brother didn't warn you, the fire-player will be burned after all!"

The finale of "The Story of Roses": Huang Yimei, who took half-naked photos at the age of 16 and divorced 3 times and was 49 and a half years old, finally lived like a rose in her brother's eyes

Of course, this time the fire only burned Zhou Shihui and Guan Zhizhi, and Rose was not affected too much.

After meeting less, Rose slowly forgot about Zhou Shihui and met a new man.

The boys at school are not Rose's dishes, and they will only date for a short time, and Rose will break up.

In her opinion, boys are jealous of her and fight for her, and she will only feel annoyed.

When Zhuang Guodong appeared, he was not single, he had a fiancée.

But Rose fell in love at a glance and fell in love with Zhuang Guodong directly.

Rose took the initiative to pursue Zhuang Guodong, he did not refuse, he danced with her in Huang Zhenhua's room, and took advantage of her fiancé's absence to date Rose.

But in the end, Zhuang Guodong still chose to marry his fiancée.

In just two weeks, the rose completely lost its willpower, slowly withered, and sat in her room all day without going out.

My brother couldn't see it, and recently decided to send her abroad to study.

But in the world of roses, I still can't do it because of my love for Zhuang Guodong, and there is a hole in my heart.

"I'll never recover from that incident. This kind of scar, never scarred, always bloody. ”


During her days in the United States, Rose met Fang Xiewen.

After a year of falling in love, Rose moved to live in the slums, learned to cook and clean up the house, and learned to compromise with life.

As Huang Zhenhua said, there is no light in Rose's eyes.

"Fang Xiewen is good to me, he takes good care of me, I am just a very ordinary woman, I don't want to fight with society with a machine gun, I think it is very pleasant to get along with Fang Xiewen."

This is the reason why Rose and Fang Xiewen are together.

The finale of "The Story of Roses": Huang Yimei, who took half-naked photos at the age of 16 and divorced 3 times and was 49 and a half years old, finally lived like a rose in her brother's eyes

But in the final analysis, Rose never let go of Zhuang Guodong, and when she met a man who was good to her, she chose to devote herself wholeheartedly.

It's just choosing the way you live with one man, to cut the influence of another man.

Rose still married Fang Xiewen in the end.

But it took her ten years to end the battle of marriage.

"Many people think that marriage is a kind of escape, and you can rest when you get married, but in fact, the war has just begun after marriage, and it is also a very hypocritical relationship between husband and wife."

Rose met Fu Jiamin at the age of 31, the year she decided to divorce and end the fight.

Fu Jiamin has a girlfriend, but she is madly in love with Rose, and Rose advises her to cherish her current life.

"It's no problem for my girlfriend to explain it, don't have any misunderstandings for my sake, I can't make it. Jia Min, you see, my daughters are so old. ”

What's even more outrageous is that his brother Fu Jiaming also fell in love with Rose, and the person Rose loved was Fu Jiaming.

In this complicated relationship, Fu Jiaming decided to snatch the rose from his younger brother on the grounds that he would die soon.

Of course, there is no need to rob.

In fact, it was Fu Jiaming who used such a cruel excuse to cover up his guilt.

This relationship ended with Fu Jiaming's death.

Fu Jiamin once asked her if she was happy.

Here's what Rose said:

"Shouldn't I be unhappy because of Jiaming? I think of Jiaming, and it is true that it is gloomy, but I think that since a person wants something, he should be happy. ”

Rose has no regrets, because she has loved seriously, but it is a pity that she has not been with her for a long time.

The finale of "The Story of Roses": Huang Yimei, who took half-naked photos at the age of 16 and divorced 3 times and was 49 and a half years old, finally lived like a rose in her brother's eyes


In the original book, Rose ended up marrying 59-year-old Sir Law, a billionaire.

Before getting married, Rose also met his stepson, Luo Guanzhong.

But what Rose didn't expect was that she was the goddess that Luo Guanzhong had been thinking about when she saw her.

There is no doubt that Rose is still beautiful, and even after divorce, many people want her, including Zhuang Guodong.

Before marrying Sir Luo, Rose was shaken, although she could decisively refuse Luo Guanzhong, but she could not resist Zhuang Guodong reappearing in front of her.

As soon as Zhuang Guodong appeared, her heart panicked.

Although Luo Guanzhong was sad, he didn't want to hurt his own father, nor did he want Rose to hurt him, and he didn't want Zhuang Guodong to destroy the happiness of his family.

Therefore, at the request of his sisters, Luo Guanzhong came forward to persuade Zhuang Guodong to leave.

But in the drama version, Rose did not accept anyone in the end, did not accept Zhuang Guodong and Fang Xiewen who turned back, and did not have any promises with He Xi.

The finale of "The Story of Roses": Huang Yimei, who took half-naked photos at the age of 16 and divorced 3 times and was 49 and a half years old, finally lived like a rose in her brother's eyes

In the end, she was healthy and free, no longer wishing for happiness, she liked everything she met, and went wherever she wanted.

But one thing is the same, she will never be afraid of love, and she will gladly accept to be loved.

As she said in the original book, "Everyone loves me, and I am grateful." ”


Image source/Screenshot of stills from "The Story of Rose", invaded and deleted

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  • The finale of "The Story of Roses": Huang Yimei, who took half-naked photos at the age of 16 and divorced 3 times and was 49 and a half years old, finally lived like a rose in her brother's eyes
  • The finale of "The Story of Roses": Huang Yimei, who took half-naked photos at the age of 16 and divorced 3 times and was 49 and a half years old, finally lived like a rose in her brother's eyes
  • The finale of "The Story of Roses": Huang Yimei, who took half-naked photos at the age of 16 and divorced 3 times and was 49 and a half years old, finally lived like a rose in her brother's eyes
  • The finale of "The Story of Roses": Huang Yimei, who took half-naked photos at the age of 16 and divorced 3 times and was 49 and a half years old, finally lived like a rose in her brother's eyes
  • The finale of "The Story of Roses": Huang Yimei, who took half-naked photos at the age of 16 and divorced 3 times and was 49 and a half years old, finally lived like a rose in her brother's eyes
  • The finale of "The Story of Roses": Huang Yimei, who took half-naked photos at the age of 16 and divorced 3 times and was 49 and a half years old, finally lived like a rose in her brother's eyes

Personal opinion, for reference only

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