
Divorced beauties with babies, more than 30 blind dates have hit a wall, threatening: "Only consider the rich!" ”

author:Ah Xin never gave up

#头条首发大赛#32岁的美丽单身妈妈, he has experienced the pain of divorce, but now he is in the predicament of a blind date. She has tried countless times to find happiness again, but each time she has failed. She couldn't help but express her disappointment that she only wanted to choose a rich person as a partner. Let's take a look at the story behind her!

Divorced beauties with babies, more than 30 blind dates have hit a wall, threatening: "Only consider the rich!" ”

I always pay attention to all kinds of news in the society, feel people's joys and sorrows, today, I want to introduce to you a special woman, her name is Xiaomei (pseudonym), is a young, excellent single mother. However, her marriage experience did not go well, and along the way, she faced various challenges and dilemmas.

Divorced beauties with babies, more than 30 blind dates have hit a wall, threatening: "Only consider the rich!" ”

Xiaomei is 32 years old this year, and in the past few years, she has experienced a divorce and raised a lovely daughter. It is not easy for a single mom to find a partner who is responsible for herself and her children. Xiaomei has participated in blind date activities countless times, looking forward to finding a man who can give herself and her children a happy future, however, her blind date experience has been unsatisfactory.

Divorced beauties with babies, more than 30 blind dates have hit a wall, threatening: "Only consider the rich!" ”

More than 30 blind dates, more than 30 failures. In the blind date scene, Xiaomei found that many men were prejudiced against her divorce and status with children, and some even refused to continue to develop with her on this ground. This devastated Xiaomei and bred despair about marriage.

Seeing the friends around her step into happiness one by one, Xiaomei felt even more intense anxiety. She began to adjust her standards, firmly stating that she would only consider marrying rich people. She believes that only rich people can give her and her children a stable life, and she has no time to think about other factors.

However, such an idea has caused controversy and doubts in society. Some people think that Xiaomei is too utilitarian and values money too much, and will make her happiness a transaction. But on the other hand, there are also people who understand Xiaomei's situation and think that she is just pursuing a better life and future.

We may not be critical of Xiaomei's choice, after all, everyone has their own lifestyle and values. In this pluralistic society, the happiness that everyone pursues is also different. We should not limit the choices of others with traditional ideas, but should be understanding and tolerant.

Let's pray for Xiaomei together, hoping that she can find her ideal partner and live a happy life. Please also do not forget that in love and marriage, money is never the only criterion, and true happiness comes from mutual sincerity and mutual understanding.

Through this story, we should reflect on society's prejudice against single mothers, and we should understand everyone's right to choose and lifestyle. It is hoped that our society will be more tolerant of diverse forms of marriage and family, and create a just and tolerant environment for everyone.

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