
Should you peel apples before eating? When is it more nutritious to eat apples? An article informs the answer

author:Doctor nonsense

  At present, there are about hundreds of known fruits, in addition to the well-known bananas, apples, watermelons, peaches, pears, there are many nutritious, sweet fruits, if you eat fruits regularly, it will not only replenish a lot of nutrients for the body, but also make the skin moisturized and smooth.

  And there is even a saying in the market that "one apple a day, the disease stays away from me", but whether to peel apples or not makes many people very difficult.

Should you peel apples before eating? When is it more nutritious to eat apples? An article informs the answer

  What are the benefits of eating apples?

  Apples are a high-water, high-sugar, low-calorie fruit, and the nutrients in apples are particularly easily absorbed by the body compared to other fruits.

  In addition, because apples are rich in vitamins and trace elements, eating apples regularly can also make the skin smooth, moisturized, and delicate, and the complexion will be particularly good.

Should you peel apples before eating? When is it more nutritious to eat apples? An article informs the answer

  From a nutritional point of view, the vitamin C content in apples can be said to be several times that of other fruits, and the copper, iodine, manganese, zinc, potassium and other elements rich in apples can also play a role in resisting human skin aging.

  Moreover, the elderly can also prevent cardiovascular diseases by eating apples regularly, especially for men, if they can eat an apple every day, it can also play a role in preventing chronic prostatitis.

Should you peel apples before eating? When is it more nutritious to eat apples? An article informs the answer

  Do you need to peel an apple to eat it?

  Many people peel apples when they eat them, and think that only by peeling can bacteria be prevented from eating into their stomachs.

  However, some people believe that most of the nutrients in apples are in the apple skin, and if you peel apples often when eating them, then it is easy for a lot of nutrients to be wasted. In fact, apple peel also contains a lot of nutrients, such as polyphenols and proanthocyanidins with antioxidant properties.

Should you peel apples before eating? When is it more nutritious to eat apples? An article informs the answer

  Although there are many nutrients in apple peel that are not found in apple flesh, because the content of apple peel is very small, even if you do not peel apples when eating, then the nutrients that your body can obtain are very limited, so peeling apples when eating apples will not affect the nutritional content of apples.

  In addition, if you often do not peel apples when eating, it is easy to cause the residual pesticides on the peel to be eaten into the stomach, which will also be harmful to your health.

Should you peel apples before eating? When is it more nutritious to eat apples? An article informs the answer

  When is it good to eat apples?

  There is a folk saying that the time to eat apples is very important, as the so-called "golden apples in the morning, silver apples at noon, and poisonous apples in the evening", it is not difficult to see from this sentence that the best time to eat apples in the morning is the best time.

  The reason is that eating apples in the morning can effectively promote gastrointestinal motility, not only can it effectively promote digestion, but the nutrients in apples are also particularly easy to be absorbed by the body.

  But there is no basis for the statement that eating apples at night is a "poisonous apple", but because the digestive ability is weakened at night, it is easy to cause indigestion, but if your gastrointestinal tract and digestive system are better, the impact is minimal, and you can eat it according to personal preference.

Should you peel apples before eating? When is it more nutritious to eat apples? An article informs the answer

  In fact, eating apples without peeling them is just the idea of avoiding waste, so they will wash and eat apples directly when eating.

  For children and young people, it is common to eat apples and peel them, and this practice does not affect the nutritional value of apples, so whether to peel apples or not should be based on personal wishes.

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