
Bragging marketing is overturning! Qjie M7 has frequent quality problems, and the intelligent driving technology is exaggerated

author:Ordinary citizens

With the advent of the era of intelligent networked vehicles, intelligent driving technology is accelerating iterative upgrading and has become one of the important considerations for consumers to choose new cars.

Bragging marketing is overturning! Qjie M7 has frequent quality problems, and the intelligent driving technology is exaggerated

Although Huawei has not directly invested in the manufacture of complete vehicles, its passenger technology has penetrated into the products of many car companies, and has cooperated with many car companies such as Changan and BAIC. Among them, the most typical case is Wenjie new energy vehicles.

As one of the first models to be equipped with Huawei's advanced driver assistance system, the M7 is favored by consumers for its stylish appearance and leading intelligent driving experience. The M7, which was launched this year, continues to lead the trend of intelligent driving, with sales exceeding 30,000 units within 20 days of its launch, which is evident from the degree of hot sales.

Bragging marketing is overturning! Qjie M7 has frequent quality problems, and the intelligent driving technology is exaggerated

However, just when the M7 is selling better and better, its product quality and service level are also frequently questioned. The recent occurrence of a number of accidents has exposed various problems with this model and aroused heated public opinion.

A rear-end collision and fire accident in Shanxi Province has once again pushed the effectiveness of automatic emergency braking technology to the forefront. The car involved in the incident was the entry-level version of the M7 and was not equipped with advanced driver assistance systems, and the two sides passed the buck to each other and it was difficult to distinguish the real from the fake.

Regardless of the outcome, the accident has undoubtedly raised doubts among consumers about the reliability of autonomous driving technology, and the loss of life is even more distressing.

Bragging marketing is overturning! Qjie M7 has frequent quality problems, and the intelligent driving technology is exaggerated

Some car owners reported that the M7 had serious failures in the intelligent driving mode, and problems such as sudden braking on the elevated highway and the system exiting and restarting for no reason were frequent, which directly threatened driving safety. With the existence of stutters and bugs, intelligent driving is not as "far ahead" as advertised.

Some car owners also complained that there were many problems in the after-sales service of Wenjie, such as non-standard delivery and slow response to accidents, which led to their disappointment with their previous favorite Wenjie. After all, buying a vehicle is a huge consumer expenditure, and users' expectations for product quality and service levels have increased accordingly.

Bragging marketing is overturning! Qjie M7 has frequent quality problems, and the intelligent driving technology is exaggerated

Huawei's executives have repeatedly exaggerated their own intelligent driving technology in public, claiming that the concept of active safety originated from Huawei, and other remarks have also been criticized by professionals. As a latecomer to the industry, Huawei should maintain a humble and rational attitude and avoid blind boasting.

Coincidentally, Tesla, as the leader of smart electric vehicles, has also been controversial due to frequent problems with autonomous driving technology. Technology iteration takes time to accumulate, and it is difficult for any enterprise to achieve it overnight. The question world should not be higher than the reality, bringing consumers a gap between the ideal and the reality.

Bragging marketing is overturning! Qjie M7 has frequent quality problems, and the intelligent driving technology is exaggerated

As the first model of a cutting-edge brand, the M7 has shown very bright market performance and technical strength. As long as Wenjie can assume more social responsibility, take the initiative to improve product quality, improve after-sales service, and focus on user experience, intelligent driving technology will also be steadily optimized.

For consumers, car purchase decisions also need to be rationally analyzed and should not be influenced by publicity. After all, a truly good product needs long-term validation, and driving safety is a top priority. I believe that with the continuous growth of Wenjie, it will be able to bring us a more reliable and intelligent travel experience.

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