
There is a high probability that it will overturn, how will the Ali number race end

author:Dragon City Anecdotes

Originally, I didn't want to talk about Jiang Ping's incident today, because what I always wanted to express was that a little girl, she didn't have such a big scheming, and she couldn't do such a big game, no matter how this incident ended in the end, it should be borne by those people behind it. If it's true, we bless it, and if it's a caring person, please be lenient with the little girl.

Until I saw someone comment, "I don't want my face anymore". This made me realize that maybe some of the ideas I expressed out of good intentions may also be the group of people who are fueling the trouble. Even though my intentions were good, it seems that the result is to start going in the direction I least want to see.

The official response of the county government

There is a high probability that it will overturn, how will the Ali number race end

This screenshot comes from the county people's government.

The key points here are:

1. The screenshot of the monthly test score of 83 points is true

2. The matter of the mathematics competition should be verified by the Alibaba DAMO Academy, and if there is any problem, please contact them

3. The computer used in the preliminaries is borrowed

4. It is not clear about the part that involves the privacy of the individual

This screenshot appeared, and I had a hunch that the "12th place in the preliminary round" was going to start to change and develop in a bad direction. Even CCTV News has sent messages and endorsed books.

There is a high probability that it will overturn, how will the Ali number race end

I also went to the government website and tried to find the letter in the screenshot above. But at this time, the government mailbox has been flooded with all kinds of verification complaints, and it is impossible to view them all.

There is a high probability that it will overturn, how will the Ali number race end

There are complaints that the Lianshui County Bureau of Culture and Tourism will overwhelmingly promote the so-called genius prodigy every time it finds out the situation, and recommend punishment

There is a high probability that it will overturn, how will the Ali number race end

One of the inquiries attracted me

There is a high probability that it will overturn, how will the Ali number race end

The text is too long, so let's talk about the main points

1. Openness of results: Whether the Education and Sports Bureau believes that the disclosure of Jiang Ping's results does not infringe on privacy, and requests the publication of the results and rankings of the high school entrance examination.

2. Reasons for writing errors: Distinguish whether Jiang Ping's mathematical symbol errors are due to unfamiliarity or personal learning style.

3. Questioning of mathematics scores: To explore whether Jiang Ping's poor mathematics performance is a learning problem or a late development of interest, and whether the low secondary school score is due to different standards or time allocation.

4. Strategies for Silence: Ask the Education and Sports Bureau about Jiang Ping's attitude towards silence and whether it intends to respond to external doubts.

5. Participation Policy: Ask the Education and Sports Bureau whether there will be any restrictions on participation in the Ali Mathematics Competition and its attitude towards the competition.

6. Suggestions for competition rules: It is recommended to improve the rules of Ali Mathematics Competition, because there is a certain room for cheating, so it is necessary to increase the difficulty of the questions, establish a question bank, and use AI to assign test questions to reduce cheating.

Analysis of the Doubts of the Jiang Ping Incident

The article "Analysis of the Doubts of the Jiang Ping Incident" was published by Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, on Zhihu at more than 3 am on the 27th. Professor Yuan Xinyi mentioned that on a case-by-case basis, don't go online, don't attack each other, and don't attack Jiang Ping or other parties.

Professor Yuan Xinyi wrote that Jiang Ping only needs to explain how she did the questions in the preliminary round live online and answer some relevant questions from netizens to prove her innocence. If she doesn't like to take this less serious approach, then she can find 3-4 well-known math professors and organize a formal math interview, which only takes half an hour to prove her strength. Most of the professors in the mathematics community (including himself) were happy to participate in this interview and helped Jiang Ping in her studies after confirming her knowledge. If Jiang Ping thinks the above proposals are not appropriate, he will personally invite Jiang Ping to visit Peking University and discuss mathematics or future career development with her, at his expense.

Professor Yuan's speech is quite objective, but as for how it will develop in the future, who will do this proof, there is no answer now.

Current doubts

1. Why did Jiang Ping score 12th, while Mr. Wang himself only scored 125th?

2. Did Ali Dharma Academy participate in the fraud in this incident?

The above two points are currently in everyone's mind. But now, neither Mr. Wang nor Alibaba DAMO Academy have made any statements

Ambivalent moods

Writing this, in fact, I have very conflicted feelings. One is that maybe my kindness will be retributed; Second, if it is really confirmed that it is a "god-maker" in the future, will the little girl's future be affected; The third is, who manipulated this whole incident, and until now, is still consuming everyone's goodwill behind it. We want someone to come out and clarify the whole thing, tell us the truth, and make the whole thing clear.

If you are wrong, you must admit it, and if you are beaten, you must stand upright. So in the end, I still have to say that I was most likely wrong, but I don't regret it. But in the future, when dealing with similar incidents, I will still have good thoughts in my heart, and I would rather be deceived than wronged good people.

(I still want to have a little luck, I hope the inspirational story of the little girl is not fake, but it may not have reached the point where Ali can win the 12th place in the preliminaries of the Ali Shu Competition.) )

Source: Just Beginning

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