
Cool dramas can really make people's brains stupid

author:National Pavilion
Cool dramas can really make people's brains stupid
Cool dramas can really make people's brains stupid

Author: Kunik

Cool dramas can really make people's brains stupid
Cool dramas can really make people's brains stupid

Recently, there is a costume drama called "Ink Rain Clouds" that is very popular.

The fire is cool enough.

At first glance, in addition to the pleasing handsome men and women and well-dressed props, they are all standard configurations of traffic dramas, and there seems to be nothing unusual.

But after watching two episodes, you know why it's popular - the plot is crazy enough, exciting enough, cool enough and dense enough, and it makes people adrenaline rush and forget their thinking brains. The leading actor Wu Jinyan still took the path of "Yanxi Raiders".

The context of the overall story is closely related to the main body of traffic of the current online short drama - rebirth and revenge. The heroine escaped death after being framed by her relatives, and borrowed someone else's identity to return to the side of the wicked to avenge herself and the person she was replaced.

Cool dramas can really make people's brains stupid
Cool dramas can really make people's brains stupid
Cool dramas can really make people's brains stupid

Figure | "Between the Ink Rain Clouds". ©

Like all film and television dramas, the villains in it are evil enough.

In order not to let the heroine get ahead, the vicious stepmother can be said to have exhausted her scheming.

Knowing that the old grandmother in the family hates extravagance the most, he deliberately sent gorgeous clothes to the heroine, wanting to ruin her reputation in the heart of the old grandmother.

Everyone thought the heroine was dead. In order to prevent the heroine from competing for her daughter's resources and status in the family, the stepmother did everything possible to prevent the heroine from appearing at her daughter's ceremony. first poisoned the heroine, then lit ecstasy incense in her house, and finally locked the door.

In real life, the evil stepmother's plan is likely to succeed.

In other film and television dramas, the heroine must endure again and again, and retreat again and again. Until the time when they can no longer bear it, the wicked will finally have evil retribution.

But a cool drama is a cool drama.

The coolness of cool dramas lies in what can't be achieved in reality, and cool dramas can be realized.

What to repay with virtue, that does not exist!

What gentleman takes revenge, ten years is not too late, who has the patience?

It is even more impossible to say that taking a step back and opening up the sky is even more impossible.

In cool dramas, there is always a revenge on the spot, and it must be redoubled. Wait for the wicked to wait for the punishment of heaven and reap the consequences? Even if the retribution is really unpleasant, it is not as happy as doing it yourself.

What you want is to be hearty and refreshing!

Cool dramas can really make people's brains stupid

Figure | "Between the Ink Rain Clouds". ©

In cool dramas, the wicked are evil enough. But good people have the ability to block the water and cover the earth, as well as the physique that is invulnerable to all poisons, and they always have the luck to turn evil into good fortune. It's always enough for the protagonist aura.

In the face of the clothes sent by the stepmother, if you accept them, you will leave a very bad impression on your grandmother, and if you don't accept them, you will have a bad reputation for disrespecting your mother.

The dilemma is a dead end.

But the heroine has a third way.

Find an occasion where everyone is there, return the clothes, and coquettishly say that her mother never cares about herself, she doesn't even know her own size, and none of the clothes fit.

What a natural thing for a daughter to be spoiled by her mother! But in public, the stepmother is quite embarrassed.

Poisons, drugs, restrictions on freedom...... These means, the heroine is naturally expected to be in advance, and she has already taken precautions. In the end, the heroine was not only able to escape from the confinement and appear at the ceremony, but also to dominate the audience, making the protagonist of the ceremony, the stepmother's daughter, dim, and fainted directly on the stage in a fit of anger.

Cool dramas can really make people's brains stupid
Cool dramas can really make people's brains stupid

Figure | "Between the Ink Rain Clouds". ©

The organs are exhausted, and as a result, the heroine is in the limelight, and the evildoer himself is ugly.

All obstacles have made the ladder for the heroine to ascend.

Such a plot naturally looks cool. It's so cool that I forgot to care about whether the plot is reasonable.

Cool dramas can really make people's brains stupid

Figure | "Between the Ink Rain Clouds". ©

Before the release of "Yanxi Raiders", most film and television works still took the route of "abuse", and good people must swallow their anger and go through thousands of dangers and obstacles in order to finally achieve success. The retribution of the bad guys always comes long after they have become arrogant and complacent.

Justice will not be absent, but it will certainly be late.

"Yanxi Raiders" was a precedent and attracted much attention at the time. The leading actor Wu Jinyan also took advantage of the situation to emerge, and until now he has been awarded the title of "Queen of Cool Dramas" by netizens.

Cool dramas can really make people's brains stupid

Figure | "Yanxi Raiders". ©

Immediately, all kinds of cool dramas followed. But turning over and over again, it is nothing more than a son-in-law, rebirth, god of war, overlord, sweet pet, and crossing...... These themes are all fast-paced, strong, bizarre, and cool.

At the beginning, some people were a little skeptical of common sense and logic, but as the competition for traffic became more and more fierce, the focus of the pursuit of cool dramas became that they must be bizarre enough, even outrageous.

As for common sense and logic, there is nothing at all.

Nutrition and thoughts, let alone even think about it.

Of course, some people will say that it is cool to watch.

I'll just swipe my phone to pass the free time, what nutrition do I want, what thoughts do I want!

That's probably because a lot of people don't know what we're losing behind the scenes.

Cool dramas can really make people's brains stupid

图 | Los Muertos Crew ©

Cool dramas can really make people's brains stupid

More than 1,000 years ago, Kaifeng, the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, was the absolute largest city in the world at that time, with a million people living in it. At the same time, London had a population of less than 20,000.

Western historians have always had a question: the Chinese invented gunpowder, the compass, paper, and printing. These four inventions have played a crucial role in the promotion of modern human civilization. Why is it that in modern times, China has been reduced to a piece of fat on the chopping block of Western countries to be slaughtered?

Chinese historians are accustomed to blaming it on the corruption and incompetence of feudal society, as well as on the brutality, greed, and shamelessness of the Western colonial powers.

But if we ask the question in another way: in the modern world, why are the backward Western countries so strong, and why is China, an ancient civilization, so weak?

The answer to this question is probably not simply to blame feudal society and the Western powers.

There is a very concrete statement that may be for us to think about. That is, although we invented gunpowder, we used it to make fireworks, and when the European powers got gunpowder, they used it to make guns and cannons.

Cool dramas can really make people's brains stupid

图 | Neale LaSalle ©

This difference is not just gunpowder.

When European countries launched the Renaissance, what was written on the paper of the Chinese? In many cases, it is a hymn to merit and virtue, and it is self-contained, claiming to be the kingdom of heaven and the center of the universe; Sometimes it is a sinister and vicious literary hell, exhausting all scheming and wisdom to send all enemies that exist or do not exist into a hell from which they will never recover.

When European adventurers sailed the vast sea with a compass, rounded the Cape of Good Hope, reached India, and discovered the American continent, Chinese warlocks held compasses in their hands, chanted incantations, and were busy telling fortunes and reading feng shui.

Cool dramas can really make people's brains stupid

图 | Selpa okta prima tysmayer ©

Let's take a look at the mobile phone in our hands now, make a comparison, isn't it very similar?

Every time a new mobile phone is launched, we do everything possible, even saying that we want to sell our kidneys and buy a high-configuration mobile phone.

What are we doing with all this high-tech equipment? The whole people watch cool dramas and watch short videos.

Everyone is crazy, and many companies are also vying to stand on the tuyere, hoping to catch a pot of gold and fly in the wind.

As for the people and companies that use technology to do something to make themselves grow or benefit future generations, in fact, we can count them, and that's all.

So some people say that mobile phones have become the electronic opium of modern people.

In fact, it is more worrying than opium. The dangers of opium are well known to all. Non-nutritious cool dramas and short videos harm people's spirits and bodies, and we don't know it.

In the field of social psychology there is a concept called the pacifier effect. The baby is dependent on the pacifier, so in order to keep him from crying, put a fake pacifier in his mouth.

For many people, short videos are just that fake pacifier.

Mo Yan once said in an interview that he also watched short videos, but every time he came back to his senses and found that an hour or two hours had passed like that, he would be very angry with himself.

Mo Yan is so. Not to mention others.

With the swipe of the fingers, an hour passes, a day passes, and then a lifetime may pass like this.

If you just pass the free time like a fake pacifier, things won't be so bad. But it's far from that simple.

A lot of people are already addicted. Brush when you're fine, brush when you're eating, brush when you're driving, and stay up late without sleeping.

Time passes groggily in the swipe of the screen. When I came back to my senses, I didn't do anything, I didn't get anything, and my life was even more boring, so I had to go back and brush again.

And so a vicious circle.

Cool dramas can really make people's brains stupid

图 | cottonbro studio ©

Many people's bodies and spirits are becoming more and more decadent day by day in the sliding of the screen.

What's even more terrifying is that under the guidance of cool drama thinking, the thinking of our entire society is beginning to become mechanical, extreme, and even magical to the point of unreasonableness.

Cool dramas can really make people's brains stupid

Under modern big data, almost all of us are running naked.

Our behavioral habits and preferences are all pinched by various platforms, and then targeted pushes.

The purpose of big data is not to lead us to a positive outcome. On the contrary, big data always maximizes our lowest level of desires, and then finds a way to sink us into it, unable to extricate ourselves.

According to Maslow's theory of hierarchical needs, if you have been addicted to cool dramas and non-nutritious short videos for a long time, there is a high probability that you will only be able to hover in the lowest level of desire.

If it is said that adults have borne the burden of work and family, and finally have some free time, they want to completely empty and degenerate, which is understandable.

But what about our children?

It has been proven that too much exposure to electronic screens can seriously affect children's brain development and hinder intelligence.

The development of the brain is a process of self-discovery, thinking and learning.

But watching TV is a process of indoctrination.

Watching short videos without nutrition for a long time will put children in a state of non-thinking for a long time.

In the long run, children will develop the habit of not having a brain.

How many people have discovered that today's children's vocabulary is very scarce, except for some so-called Internet memes, it is almost difficult to explain one thing clearly. There is no logic to sort out one thing, and it seems that there is always no right vocabulary.

Therefore, the World Health Organization has long advised that children should not be exposed to electronic screens too early. The UK has even tried to pass legislation that strictly regulates the amount of time children spend on all kinds of electronic screens.

Cool dramas can really make people's brains stupid


Not to mention some messy values in cool dramas and short videos, which are poisoning children's cognition all the time.

Can we imagine that if our children have been holding the dream of becoming an Internet celebrity, marrying into a wealthy family, and becoming rich overnight, will we have a happy and happy life in the future?

In fact, there is no need to discuss this much, the facts are right in front of you.

Now on the Internet, there are one-lined, extreme, surreal, and violent emotions everywhere, and they don't even talk about basic common sense, logic, and bottom lines. Unreasonable.

This is actually a simple cool drama thinking.

Under this kind of thinking, tragedy after tragedy is happening.

Cool dramas can really make people's brains stupid

图 | pexels-samson-katt ©

In the just-concluded college entrance examination room, a girl in Kaifeng couldn't pass the security check because of the metal on her shoes, and the police on duty at the scene helped her buy a pair of slippers. After the incident was reported, many netizens paid attention to her beautiful dress.

At first, some people suspected that she didn't put her mind on studying, and finally slandered and spread rumors out of nothing. The girl could not bear such pressure and eventually had to give up the college entrance examination.

Han Window studied hard for more than ten years, but in the end, because he wore a skirt, he was overwhelmed by cyberbullying.

For some netizens, it is just typing a few words on the screen, and for this girl, giving up is more than an exam.

Cool dramas can really make people's brains stupid

Jiang Ping, a 17-year-old secondary school student, participated in a mathematics competition organized by Alibaba and achieved good results.

Just because she is a girl and a secondary school student. Many people attacked her just by their own imagination.

On the one hand, without any evidence, questioned her for unwarranted grade fraud, and even slandered and spread rumors about her relationship with the teacher; On the other hand, for the sake of traffic, he shamelessly ran to her house to shoot videos and live broadcasts.

Now Jiang Ping and her family are so unbearable that they have to hide, but these people don't even let go of her chickens, and some people even kick open the kitchen door of her house like bandits and robbers.

Cool dramas can really make people's brains stupid

A little further back in time. A child was accidentally hit and killed by a teacher's car in kindergarten. Just because his mother was dressed appropriately when she arrived, and she didn't go crazy, he was attacked by many people on the Internet. attacked her for not loving her children, and said that the child's death had other hidden circumstances, and even slandered and spread rumors about her own private life.

The mother couldn't bear the pain of losing her son, nor could she bear the overwhelming cyberbullying, so she chose to jump down from the upstairs and follow her child.

After her death, these shameless people began to attack the father who had lost both his wife and children.

Cool dramas can really make people's brains stupid

Something like this happens almost every day.

How ridiculous, how unfortunate!

But we can't guarantee that the next time we are forced to give up the college entrance examination, it will not be our daughter; It is not our relatives who are framed by cyberbullying.

Because today, under the immersion of cool dramas and non-nutritious short videos, everyone has slowly lost the ability to think and judge, and also lost the habit of thinking more and judging calmly, and even lost some of the basic kindness and conscience of being a human being.

Just imagine, if the world of cool dramas is reflected in reality, if each of us feels that we are a mysterious boss who can dominate the world, a strong man who can counterattack and slap his face at any time, and a hand of God who can judge good and evil at will, and control life and death...... What kind of society will the society we live in become?

It sounds like an imaginary impossible joke, but it's slowly becoming a reality.

Don't you see that the world is getting more and more magical?

Cool dramas can really make people's brains stupid

图 | pexels-fotios-photos ©

Cool dramas can really make people's brains stupid