
See you in Paris in a month!

author:Linzi Fusion Media

Paris Olympics|The Paris Olympics are imminent, and the Chinese army is fierce

There are still 30 days left before the opening of the Paris Olympic Games, and Chinese athletes are working hard, either continuing to participate in the competition to accumulate experience, or adjusting their state in closed training, and preparing for the final sprint.

Since the beginning of June, the Chinese army has reported frequent successes. On the 14th, the Hong Kong Coliseum was full of jubilation, and after defeating the German team in the World Women's Volleyball League, the much-anticipated Chinese women's volleyball team qualified for the Olympics; At the end of the Budapest leg of the Paris Olympic Qualifying Series on the 23rd, the Chinese team won 12 Olympic quotas in four emerging events: rock climbing, skateboarding, break dancing and BMX freestyle; On the 24th, the Chinese women's rugby team won the Olympic ticket in the final of the rugby event of the Paris Olympics......

In the final moments of the race to Olympic qualification, both the teams with their glorious traditions and histories and the young people in the emerging sports are giving their all. Gong Xiangyu, a member of the women's volleyball team, said that everyone was very excited to qualify for the Olympic Games and cherished this opportunity, "I am very happy to be able to step into the Olympic venue again." "This will be my first Olympics and I want to enjoy it and play my best," said climber Luo Zhilu. ”

See you in Paris in a month!

Players of the Chinese team celebrate after defeating Germany in the World Women's Volleyball League on June 14. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhu Wei

Looking forward to Paris, although the list of each project has not yet been determined, the sports management center of each project has successively announced the list of participants, and the Chinese Legion is pointing to Paris, looking forward to achieving good results at the same time, but also to fully demonstrate the spirit of Chinese athletes.

Diving, weightlifting, table tennis, shooting, gymnastics, and badminton will remain the basic events of the Chinese Army. In Tokyo, the Chinese team won 27 gold medals in these six dominant events alone. A month from now, they will still be tasked with winning gold in Paris.

The Chinese table tennis team, which is currently training in Chengdu, has been very lively recently. Zhang Yining, Deng Yaping and other champions have been invited to enter the base to communicate with the national table tennis soldiers at close range.

See you in Paris in a month!

On May 10, the Chinese pair Ma Long/Wang Chuqin won the men's doubles title of the WTT Saudi Arabia Grand Slam. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Haizhou

The national table tennis has announced the list of participants in May, and the veteran Ma Long is among them, and the official website of the International Olympic Committee has also issued a special article for this purpose. Liu Guoliang, chairman of the Chinese Table Tennis Association, said bluntly: "We can't take it for granted that these five gold medals are the Chinese team, and the five gold medals are all placed in Paris, which are reserved for the brave and wise, and the best talents deserve it." Being able to play and being able to win are two different things, and we have to be a team that can win big tournaments and win Olympics. ”

The Chinese diving team, known as the "Dream Team", will send a team of veterans and new ones, and their ultimate goal in Paris is to win all the gold medals. The 10 competitors include 5 Olympic champions, Cao Yuan will become the "veteran of the four dynasties" of the Olympic Games, and Quan Hongchan, Chen Yuxi, Wang Zongyuan and Xie Sicheng will all compete in the Olympic Games for the second time.

Due to the limited number of participants in the event of 6, it is impossible for the Chinese weightlifting team to repeat the glorious scene of winning 7 gold medals at the Tokyo Olympics. But the team led by four Olympic champions has only one goal. Tokyo Olympic champion Li Wenwen said: "My goal has never changed, to raise the national flag, play the national anthem, and strive to reach a higher level and touch my world record." ”

See you in Paris in a month!

On May 10, Li Wenwen, a player of the Chinese weightlifting team, was in training. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Hou Zhaokang

At the Tokyo Olympics, the Chinese shooting team and gymnastics team played a beautiful turnaround, and the Chinese badminton team also broke into all five individual finals when they were not very favored. Now, they are all looking forward to continuing to excel in Paris.

The Chinese shooting team is even younger, with 10 of the 14 players being "post-00s". The 10m air rifle mixed team event will likely produce the first gold medal of the Paris Olympic Games, and the four players in this event, Huang Yuting, Han Jiayu, Sheng Lihao, and Du Linshu, are all "post-00s".

The "paper strength" of the Chinese badminton team has become stronger. In the latest world rankings released by the World Badminton Federation on the 25th, the national feather ranked first in four of the five Olympic sports, of which Shi Yuqi has occupied the men's singles top spot for three consecutive weeks, he said, the world No. 1 is a small milestone, and more importantly, the Paris Olympics, he has to overcome the influence of off-court factors, focus on on-court competitions, and sprint to the dream of Olympic champions.

On the whiteboard next to the training ground of the Chinese gymnastics team, there is a sentence written: treat every training day as a competition day! Everyone has to be a man of action! Bloody! Zou Jingyuan, the parallel bars champion at the Tokyo Olympics, said: "Athletes must get results on the field, not just words, this is the action faction; To be bloody is to be responsible for what you say and get back the championship that should be won. ”

See you in Paris in a month!

On May 8, the Chinese gymnastics team trained in the gymnastics hall of the Training Bureau of the General Administration of Sports of China. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Cao Can

Three years ago, the Chinese delegation performed well in basic sports such as swimming, water and track and field. Nowadays, the Chinese swimming team is shining with stars and newcomers, and they are actively adjusting their state to prepare for the competition, and they are expected to hit more good results. FINA President Hussein Al-Musalam believes that diving, swimming, and synchronized swimming are all China's dominant sports, and believes that the Chinese team can shine in the competition for water events at the Paris Olympics. Looking forward to Paris, the prospect of the Chinese track and field team winning gold is indeed challenging, but as long as they can fully show themselves and achieve more breakthroughs, they can also become shining stars on the field.

In recent years, the Chinese team has fallen into a slump in collective events. Many teams, including the Chinese men's basketball team and the Chinese women's football team, failed to qualify for the Paris Olympics. In the collective event, the main player of the Chinese team will be the "women's army" - women's volleyball, women's basketball, women's hockey, women's water polo, and women's rugby teams have qualified.

After qualifying for the Olympic Games, the Chinese women's volleyball team is training at the Zhangzhou base. Head coach Cai Bin said that the real test was at the Paris Olympics, "We continue to go all out, fight one game at a time, and play the spirit of the Chinese women's volleyball team." The Chinese women's basketball team, which is training in Europe, has run in the lineup by playing against many world teams. Head coach Zheng Wei said that every team in the Olympic Games should not be underestimated, and for the Chinese women's basketball team, if they want to reach the Olympic podium, in addition to the main players need to play steadily, they must also have the contribution of the bench "wonder soldiers".

In Paris, there are also quite a few teams that hope to become the "wonder soldiers" of the Chinese army. For example, the Chinese women's archery team, which defeated the mighty South Korea twice in the World Cup team competition in April and May, is aiming to achieve the 10th consecutive Olympic title of the women's team in Paris. Wang Haibin, chairman of the Chinese Fencing Association, said: "I hope that our young generation of athletes can better show their best competitive condition at this stage." "In the recent FIBA 3x3 basketball sub-tournament, the Chinese 3x3 men's and women's teams are in good shape. In emerging sports such as rock climbing, break dancing and skateboarding, as well as trampoline, taekwondo, cycling and other events, the Chinese team also has the strength to compete for gold and silver in many small events.

Let's cheer for Chinese athletes and look forward to them showing the world the style of Chinese sports at the Paris Olympics!

Source: Xinhua News Agency

Note-taker: Wang Hengzhi

Participating reporters: Yue Ranran, Dong Yixing, Wang Qinou, Lu Yuchen, Li Dian, Lu Xianting, Wang Jingyu, Wang Junbao, Xu Penghang, Yu Sihui, Cao Yibo, Tian Guangyu, Yao Youming, Lin Deren, Wang Chunyan, Ji Jiadong, Wang Zijiang, Zhou Xin