
"It's easy to raise two sons, just find an only daughter to eat the household" Bao's mother was angry and relieved

author:Pistachio mom nursery

"It's easy to raise two sons, just find an only daughter to eat the household" Bao's mother was angry and relieved

Hello everyone, I am the family education instructor Guo Ma~

Do you feel that raising two sons is stressful?

In the traditional concept, the pressure of raising two sons may be okay in the minor stage, or even less stressful than raising a daughter.

However, the stamina is sufficient, because when the sons are going to get married, they will have to get 2 copies of the car, the house, and the bride price.

Therefore, for many ordinary families, the pressure of raising two sons is quite great.

At this time, some mothers began to think of "finding another way": eating out of households.

"It's easy to raise two sons, just find an only daughter to eat the household" Bao's mother was angry and relieved

01 "It's easy to raise two sons, just find an only daughter to eat the household" Bao's mother was angry and relieved

A few days ago, I took pistachios downstairs to play, and met a few mothers chatting.

Talking about the question of whether the two sons will be under great pressure in the future, then one of the mothers, Xiaoyun, said: "Whether it is stressful to raise two sons depends on what you do in the future!" ”

The surrounding mothers are very curious, is there a way to make raising two sons not too stressful?

Xiaoyun said with a mysterious face: "Eat the house! ”

Next, her remarks made many mothers very angry: "Give birth to a son, anyway, you are not afraid of losses, and if you find a family with an only daughter in the future, not only do you not want a bride price, a garage, but even a backward post!" In the future, if we have a child, grandma will take it, then we just need to wait to enjoy the happiness, what is the pressure? ”

A mother couldn't help but say angrily: "The girl also grew up in the palm of her hand, why do you let it be so bad!" ”

Xiaoyun said confidently: "It's just a girl's film, it's all out of business, what else is worth violating!" ”

At this time, a mother said angrily: "Don't daydream, there is an only daughter in the family, where can you look at people like you, they are all smart, my family has a daughter, we are looking for a son-in-law, conditions and conduct, as well as the conduct of the in-laws, are indispensable, your kind of thinking, the son's three views are not much better, and most of them will be singles in the future!" ”

"It's easy to raise two sons, just find an only daughter to eat the household" Bao's mother was angry and relieved

Bao Ma's anger made other Bao Ma very relieved, and they verbally "crusaded" Xiaoyun:

People want face, trees want bark, and they just want to take shortcuts, so they may fall on their heels;

My two sons, I would rather be a little tired than rely on the woman's family and have his own confidence;

Such an idea to raise a son, I am afraid that the sons will be abolished, and it will harm society in the future......

In your words and my words, Xiaoyun pulled a face and left.

Later, I learned from other mothers that she was a foreigner, and her mother-in-law's family was very patriarchal, and she gave birth to two sons, and her tails were about to be cocked. I also learned that there are many only daughters on our side, so I chose us to work and settle here.

It's really scary to think about!

02 If you have a daughter at home, avoid teaching it to be a "love brain"

On the one hand, we can't have the idea of "eating out" and thinking that this is a shortcut.

On the other hand, we can't raise our children into a "love brain", this kind of "unconscious" thinking can easily make our daughters be targeted by families who want to "eat out of the house", and they will be targeted one by one.

"It's easy to raise two sons, just find an only daughter to eat the household" Bao's mother was angry and relieved

Guo Ma told an example from around her.

Xiaoling's parents are both in the system, and their grandparents are in business, and their family background can be said to be relatively wealthy and harmonious.

The love of the family also made Xiaoling never suffer anything.

Xiaoling was admitted to a prestigious university as her parents expected, and like many girls, she fell in love.

But the parents are against this relationship, the reason is that "the door is not the right household". The boy's hometown is a very remote and impoverished rural village.

Why did Xiaoling choose such a boy?

In Xiaoling's opinion, it is rare in the village to be admitted to such a good university with such poor conditions, and it is enough to see that the boy is capable.

Of course, what impressed Xiaoling the most was the boy's considerate care of her: buying breakfast, buying snacks, helping to occupy a place, peeling shrimp, etc.

Xiao Ling can't say how much she likes boys, but she is really used to the boy's care.

Parents had no choice, and after Xiaoling graduated from college, they arranged for her to join a good company.

I thought that it would be good to be behind, but I didn't expect that the boy would chase after him, and now Xiaoling was even more desperate for the boy.

In less than a year, the boy said that he wanted to go to Beijing to develop, Xiaoling was coaxed into quitting her job, and accompanied the boy to Beijing without a sound, found a job, and even became pregnant.

"It's easy to raise two sons, just find an only daughter to eat the household" Bao's mother was angry and relieved

Xiaoling's parents were angry, but they only had such a daughter, and in the end, they had no choice but to sell the 2 suites at home, keep one for their own retirement, and took out all their savings to buy a suite for their daughter in Beijing.

Her parents have not yet retired, so they can't come to Beijing with her, and when they want to come, they find that their in-laws and sister-in-law have already moved in.

I don't know how it will follow, but Xiaoling's parents rarely went to Beijing to see their daughter later, and their daughter never returned home.

Who would have thought that the family fortune that the family had worked hard for most of their lives would be given up for others, and even the delicate girl would be cheated away.

I want to cry without tears.

03 See more of the suffering in the world

If you want to struggle for a few years less, you will want to "climb high" and "eat the dead";

If you want to enjoy love, if you don't understand the suffering of the world, it is easy to become a "love brain";

Those who really have a positive outlook and are sober will know that "the right person" is the most ideal state.

For today's children, it means that the family background is the same, the three views are the same, and the education is the same, such a marriage is the most stable, the longest, and the parents are the most satisfied.

It's just that it's all ideal.

"It's easy to raise two sons, just find an only daughter to eat the household" Bao's mother was angry and relieved

For raising her daughter, Guo's mother feels that she still has to take her children to see the "suffering in the world".

First of all, the family environment should be harmonious.

There is no doubt about this, a girl's sense of security and happiness comes from a family to a large extent. Only when the child himself is happy, when looking for the other half, he will not find the missing part of the original family, so as to become a love brain.

Second, look at the "human suffering."

Just like Xiaoling, no matter how good the family environment is, it can't stop "pestering Lang".

Because the living conditions are too good, and she knows that her parents will take care of herself, she has no concept of money and hard life, and she is far from knowing how much her parents have paid for her to have a comfortable life.

We need to take our daughter to see the "suffering of the world" and know how others live under the unhappy family and the poor life.

In this way, children can be grateful to their parents and stay sober when they are in love.

People grow up not in a honeypot, but after seeing the world.

"It's easy to raise two sons, just find an only daughter to eat the household" Bao's mother was angry and relieved

Finally, it is necessary to cultivate children's independence and self-awareness.

Xiaoling can't talk about rebellion, but her life from childhood to adulthood was arranged by her parents. Later, she had a boyfriend, and it was all arranged by her boyfriend, and she was really used to such an "arranged" life.

Now too many girls are protected too well, all the way to grow up.

In this process, many girls are very lacking in independence and self-awareness.

Descartes: I think, therefore I am.

When a child does not have his own opinions and thinking, then he will be destined to cling to others and become a love brain.

Topic Discussion: How do you see the term "eater"?

PS: The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted!