
A meal is less than 8 yuan, with meat and rice, a super large bowl! Limited edition wool, quick picking.

author:under the kitchen
A meal is less than 8 yuan, with meat and rice, a super large bowl! Limited edition wool, quick picking.
A meal is less than 8 yuan, with meat and rice, a super large bowl! Limited edition wool, quick picking.
A meal is less than 8 yuan, with meat and rice, a super large bowl! Limited edition wool, quick picking.

There's a big wool again!

The baby who didn't catch up last time has been leaving a message in the background asking when there will be benefits again. This time we found a new one, and we can't wait to share it with you~

This time, it sells "Rice and Claypot Rice", which is especially suitable for lazy and office workers, and can be eaten in 10 minutes with the flavor of an authentic tea restaurant.

A meal is less than 8 yuan, with meat and rice, a super large bowl! Limited edition wool, quick picking.

The flavor has been tested for you, and it's very dripping!

As a qualified claypot rice, the raw materials are authentic silk miao rice, there are pots, no sticky pots, no sandwiching, and the handicap party is also 100% successful.

A meal is less than 8 yuan, with meat and rice, a super large bowl! Limited edition wool, quick picking.

Eating a pot of claypot rice outside costs thirty or forty yuan.

This time, we got a super super super low price, 8 boxes of super classic flavor claypot rice, only ¥59.9. There are also 10 boxes of combinations to choose from, and even one piece is less than 6 yuan.

A meal is less than 8 yuan, with meat and rice, a super large bowl! Limited edition wool, quick picking.

You must know that the original price of this claypot rice is 29.9 yuan a box.

The reason why it is so cheap is because the product has a short shelf life, and this time the clearance sale belongs to yes.

One of the flavors (chopped pepper whitebait) expires in August, and the others expire in November

A meal is less than 8 yuan, with meat and rice, a super large bowl! Limited edition wool, quick picking.

This time, the wool is limited to 200 copies per combination, so what are you waiting for!

10,000 acres of ecological paddy fields in China,

Directly supply authentic silk miao rice.

Let's start with the brand.

Headquartered in Guangzhou, Fanhu is a pioneering brand of quick-cooking rice in China, and its products have sold more than 30 million copies on the whole network, and many top anchors have recommended it.

A meal is less than 8 yuan, with meat and rice, a super large bowl! Limited edition wool, quick picking.
A meal is less than 8 yuan, with meat and rice, a super large bowl! Limited edition wool, quick picking.

Since its establishment, Fanhu has been focusing on producing high-quality, fast and convenient rice products, and is committed to growing good rice and making good rice, and has won industry awards such as Inspur Product Award and iSEE Global Food Innovation Award.

A meal is less than 8 yuan, with meat and rice, a super large bowl! Limited edition wool, quick picking.

Fanhu cooperates with 10,000 acres of ecological rice fields across the country, and strictly controls the quality of rice to ensure the taste of products from the source.

A meal is less than 8 yuan, with meat and rice, a super large bowl! Limited edition wool, quick picking.

There are many rice fast foods on the market, most of which use reconstituted rice, which tastes very fake and has no aroma and taste of rice at all.

* Reconstituted rice refers to rice that is re-blended, mainly made from rice and wheat, crushed, extruded, and processed into the shape of ordinary rice.

As the protagonist of claypot rice, the rice used in the rice is naturally not bad, and it is the soul partner of claypot rice - silk miao rice.

A meal is less than 8 yuan, with meat and rice, a super large bowl! Limited edition wool, quick picking.

The shape of the silk miao rice is slender, the rice body is translucent, slightly mercerized, the grains are distinct after cooking, and the Q bomb is chewy, especially suitable for making claypot rice.

A meal is less than 8 yuan, with meat and rice, a super large bowl! Limited edition wool, quick picking.

time-honored formula,

Restore the authentic flavor.

In addition to the good rice, the rice claypot rice is still a time-honored recipe, and the taste is also the ultimate.

Each box of claypot rice contains rice buns, oil buns, and ingredients (meat buns, sauces, chopped green onions, etc.), as well as a detailed tutorial.

A meal is less than 8 yuan, with meat and rice, a super large bowl! Limited edition wool, quick picking.

Follow the instructions, and in just 10 minutes, you can eat a hot and authentic claypot rice, and the taste is not inferior to the tea restaurant outside.

A meal is less than 8 yuan, with meat and rice, a super large bowl! Limited edition wool, quick picking.

There are no restrictions on cooking tools, casseroles, electric cookers, rice cookers, and microwave ovens can all be cooked. At home, in the office, in the dormitory, camping, you can eat as much as you want.

N flavors, not the same every day.

Lap-mei double claypot rice.

This is the most classic flavor of claypot rice, and it is a must-order item in almost every claypot restaurant.

Pour in the sauce before coming out of the pot, the slightly sweet wine-flavored sausage and bacon, Q-bomb rice, and salty sauce are integrated, and you can eat them all in one bite, which is so refreshing~

A meal is less than 8 yuan, with meat and rice, a super large bowl! Limited edition wool, quick picking.

Cantonese sausage claypot rice.

The classic taste returns, the meat is fragrant, the sauce is fragrant, the wine is sweet, and the original Cantonese sausage classic recipe restores the crystal clear salty and sweet fragrance in the memory.

A meal is less than 8 yuan, with meat and rice, a super large bowl! Limited edition wool, quick picking.

Claypot rice with chopped pepper whitebait.

The free-growing whitebait in the freshwater lake has a fresh and tender meat after being air-dried, and it is combined with the traditional cellar Laotan chopped pepper sauce, which is spicy and balanced, and has a rich strength.

A meal is less than 8 yuan, with meat and rice, a super large bowl! Limited edition wool, quick picking.

How can claypot rice not be served with soup?

Take a bowl of five-finger peach chicken soup, stew the original soup, and live a beautiful life.

A meal is less than 8 yuan, with meat and rice, a super large bowl! Limited edition wool, quick picking.


! Come on with some good taste!

Rice and claypot rice

(Limited to 200 copies per set)





Shelf life up to:

腊味双拼 (November 1, 2024)

广式腊肠(November 1, 2024)

Whitebait with chopped pepper (August 2024)

Five-fingered hair peach 鸡汤 (November 26, 2024)

Shelf life: 9 months for claypot rice; Chicken soup for 12 months

Storage: Store at room temperature and avoid light

Note: Note flavors are not supported

The vegetables and eggs in the product picture are for reference only, and the actual product shall prevail

A meal is less than 8 yuan, with meat and rice, a super large bowl! Limited edition wool, quick picking.


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Buyer: Ruo Xin

Curator: Xin Tong

We only recommend products that we would buy.

A meal is less than 8 yuan, with meat and rice, a super large bowl! Limited edition wool, quick picking.